View Full Version : My campaign and art thread

10-24-2015, 10:34 PM
Hello, everyone!

I'm going to use this thread to report details of my campaign, and hopefully get a lot of feedback, recommendations, and advice. One of the key things that I will be using to set my campaign apart from the average ones is that I will be using my knowledge of planetary science, biology, and lore to represent actual characteristics of the planets/settings that each game takes place in. For example, on a planet with little to no atmosphere, Tyranids would not be able to take any FMCs (and depending on the vehicle, other factions might be limited in what flyers they can take). However, Tyranids would be able to adapt to counter such an issue of course, and perhaps create new bioweapons or adapt existing organisms to compensate. I use the singular form of the word "campaign" because there is not going to be any "end" or "conclusion"... The narrative will continue indefinitely, with each series of battles that would be considered a campaign by some simply being a part of the overall narrative, spawning further conflicts and storylines that add new events to the storyline.

The first campaign I've written is pretty simple; it follows my custom Hive Fleet [Hive Fleet Laelaps] as it consumes its first planet, a biologically diverse world called Exsteron (as a first planet, I figured it would go for a planet that would give it the biggest yield), which happens to have an Imperium surveillance outpost. After Exsteron, Laelaps moves on to the Procyon system, where there are two occupied worlds. One of them is a tidally locked hothouse where the Imperium harvests metals/other materials to send off to Forge Worlds or whoever is in need of it; despite its extreme conditions there is a massive amount of biomass in the form of extremophilic microorganisms. The second settled planet in the system is analogous to Titan, where the rich supply of organics is used to manufacture promethium and/or other fuels.

After that, I've decided to "skip ahead" such that by the next battle in the campaign they have consumed at least a dozen worlds, as I don't want to have them playing the exact same scenarios over and over again. The planet they consume is the Homeworld of a Space Marine chapter, which I am currently working on creating. The idea is that the consumption of their homeworld (which is obviously very important to a chapter for a whole bunch of reasons) leads the chapter to, for reasons I haven't yet decided, swear to pursue Hive Fleet Laelaps and destroy it, devoting a significant portion of their chapter to the task. I like the idea of creating a deep connection to another force that I have created, simply because as I develop one, the other will develop along with it, and the struggle between them will be all the more compelling.

However, as I am exclusively a Tyranid player, I do not have any experience building fluffy Space Marine lists nor do I have a very intricate knowledge of their lore (although I do know a good amount). I could really use help in making sure that what I create maintains loyalty to the 40K lore while still having a somewhat unique feel. One thing is I'm not sure if I want them to be devoted to destroying Laelaps to be because they feel as if they failed in their duty to protect it and wish to redeem themselves, or if they are simply overcome with rage at their home's destruction. I've come up with a color scheme and some vague specifics, so feedback would be appreciated.

Lastly, my long term goal is to create a series of books akin to the Imperial Armour ones, complete with narrative, faction details, art, and scenario rules. If anyone is interested in helping me out with any of this in any way, from playtesting the scenarios to helping me build lists to making some art for the books, I'd really REALLY be grateful if you'd let me know! :)