View Full Version : Sick of 40k?

03-28-2010, 09:58 AM
I had an interesting discussion with a friend yesterday and we discussed several points which led to an inevitable conclusion:

1) Of the last 4 codexes released, 3 were imperial (not including the upcoming Blood Angels)
2) 5th Edition has given the greatest advantages to horde and mechanized armies, but preferentially to those who are both (see: Orks, Imperial Guard)
3) Regardless of the 'power level' or amount of 'codex creep', it is inevitable that there will be many differences between codexes when only 3 are updated annually (most noticeable between the Space Marine chapters)
4) There is preferential treatment for Marine armies (regardless of the reason)

The above four points are difficult to refute and they led us to the conclusion that we were starting to get bored of 40k. This isn't an anti-40k post, but my personal dissatisfaction with the most recent Tyranid codex really bred all of this. It isn't that I think the new book is underpowered by any means, but rather that I' m not excited to play a 40k game when the only armies I see on the table are power armored or imperial guard. Sure, Space Wolves are different from regular marines, and the new Blood Angels make my blood boil (death company with WS5, feel no pain, AND furious charge for 20 pts... really?), but really, it's just getting old. I will be the first to say that the problem isn't entirely GW's fault - they don't literally force people to play certain armies, but people like to have updated rules, and when most of those armies are imperial, it kinda makes things a bit stale. Sure, I could play a 'renegade guard' army, but really, that's not the problem, is it?

So what about anyone else? Anyone else feeling a bit tired of seeing the same things all of the time?

03-28-2010, 10:06 AM
This really sounds like another whiney "I'm not happy because my codex isn't the best post". Less whining more playing is my motto.

Inquisitor Hate Machine
03-28-2010, 10:39 AM

Come on john. Just because you are addicted doesn't mean there arent problems. you also play mech IG, so your opinion is invalid

Chris Copeland
03-28-2010, 10:50 AM
Whenever me and my compatriots feel that 40K is getting stale we switch over to Warmachine/Hordes... we play that for a while and then go back to having fun with 40k... the key is being hooked into a gaming group that plays several different games...

03-28-2010, 01:20 PM
I am personally totally addicted to 40k. I really enjoy games and get completely over excited. The models consistently exceed my expectations and standards are going up and up across the board - the quality of the scenery, the black library material particularly.
I've played some fantastic opponents recently too.

There are problems. We all know it but I think a few Xenos codex's will sort a large portion of them in short order. (Dark Eldar next!) I wish it wouldn't cost so much!

I guess I'm just a fanatic.

------------and I can't wait to play against the blood angels!

03-28-2010, 02:10 PM
well, im more into the hobby side, so whos dex is better isnt a problem for me. What grinds my gears is a large portion of the community whining about the latest dex(whether creepy or nerfed), tournaments, and GWs policy of sales. Having just read an article on the front page, all i saw in the comments was negative statements. i guess im less bored of 40k, and more bored of nerd-rage. but on the other hand, i love seeing paragons of delight in the community too. after all, whats a chat about marines without mellisia dropping a quip, or a chat about how to paint greenskins with sukigod? even a lot of the tourny guys(heres looking at you fly lords) have their moments(and there are many of these moments). I think that its up to the community to make the game fun and interesting, not the rules developers/modellers etc at GW.

03-28-2010, 03:04 PM
i guess im less bored of 40k, and more bored of nerd-rage.Amen, brother.

@Whitestar, yeah, sounds like you need to just back off for a bit. Play something else for a while, or don't play anything for a while. I've gone years without playing (I totally missed 3rd edition :D) but I've always come back. If you start getting bored or unsatisfied then stop. It's not a big deal, it's a game. Don't waste your time with it unless you're actually into it.

03-28-2010, 03:09 PM
Come on john. Just because you are addicted doesn't mean there arent problems. you also play mech IG, so your opinion is invalid

HA! I also play Space Wolves. If there were more dice rolling and less whining it would be more fun for everyone.

03-28-2010, 03:26 PM
I had an interesting discussion with a friend yesterday and we discussed This isn't an anti-40k post, but my personal dissatisfaction with the most recent Tyranid codex really bred all of this. It isn't that I think the new book is underpowered by any means, but rather that I' m not excited to play a 40k game when the only armies I see on the table are power armored or imperial guard.

If you stopped playing your Nids, you'd only be adding to the problem of "less Xenos" and more Imperials.
But if you're that unhappy, then you're unhappy. which sucks.

Sure, Space Wolves are different from regular marines, and the new Blood Angels make my blood boil (death company with WS5, feel no pain, AND furious charge for 20 pts... really?), but really, it's just getting old.
You can do the same thing with a Tervigon. Adrenal Glands + Toxin Sacs + Catalyst. And you can make more scoring units. 12 charging Termgants that have Furious Charge and Poison is mean.

I will be the first to say that the problem isn't entirely GW's fault - they don't literally force people to play certain armies, but people like to have updated rules, and when most of those armies are imperial, it kinda makes things a bit stale. Sure, I could play a 'renegade guard' army, but really, that's not the problem, is it?

So what about anyone else? Anyone else feeling a bit tired of seeing the same things all of the time?

I feel for you, i really do. It stinks to constantly face MEQ's or IG all the time. But if you want to change the local meta game then you need to work at it. You need to convince everyone that Xenos armies are awesome. Here's how:

1) Start an Escalation league that is Xenos ONLY - No MEQ's or Imperials allowed. Start at 500 pts, and go up from there. This lets you build armies slow, and try out different units. Talk to your local retailers, see if they wouldnt mind hosting or throwing some prizes your way. You never know till you try.

2) Start a linked campaign that's Xenos Only - Same idea as above. Try and work with a local retailer again. Maybe they will throw you a bone and some prize support. I know if some one wanted to have 10 people start new armies I'd throw them some prize support for the campaign or league.

3) Consistently win with Xenos - This is easier said than done. But, if you manage to become the guy everyone is gunning for with a non-Imperial army, people will imitate you.,start taking your army or builds like it, or gunning for your army in tourney settings. At the end of the day, in a tourney setting, people want to go home with plastic. And if you're constantly doing that, people will notice.

Taking a step away from 40k to play other games is also a good idea. it's a breath of fresh air and you regain your perspective. warmachine is fun, so is Flames of War. Whatever you decide to do, just keep gaming! good luck.

03-28-2010, 03:28 PM
HA! I also play Space Wolves. If there were more dice rolling and less whining it would be more fun for everyone.

Pfft, the hate ma-chine doesn't even play games :P

03-28-2010, 03:37 PM
I just play the same army over and over again, regardless of win/loss. I know it's a hard thing to do, and I DO get tired of Nerd Rage, but I just don't read the internet for a while if Nerd Rage is getting to me.

I run a nine-tank, mechanized guard list. I admit, it is a bit flavor-of-the-month,as it were, but I do it and have done it in the past because I like tanks.

You'll admit that none of the Xenos have tanks that are as "tank-like" as the Imperial Guard. I can't think of someone else with tracked heavy armor that shoots powerful, high-explosive shells, or has the option of different weapons systems which are all very tankish.

Some people play guard for good reasons. But one must admit, I'm tired of people running mech guard because they want to win. And that's why I like my local metagame. Lots of variation, and more than a few tyranids. :)

03-28-2010, 03:54 PM
Paul, your list isn't flavor of the month :P

You're running 9 leman-russ chassis tanks, no PSB, no valks, and barely any infanty (cause you love the tanks lol).

Props for not changing you list and sticking with it. I do like the new paint jobs.

03-28-2010, 04:36 PM
Please don't misunderstand, this was not meant as a "GW SUKZ!!11!!" post, nor was it meant as a "40K SUKZ!!!1!" rant, but rather I wanted to share 4 points that my friend and I discussed intelligently for about 2 hours. We've both been playing for 5-6 years and have heard our share of complaints regarding Games Workshop and are very loyal customers. Personally, I have models from 5 different armies, with 3 of those armies fully playable at this point. What I wish to hear is feedback regarding the feeling of the game at this point. When 5th edition was released, it was exciting! It breathed new life into every army all at once! Even with the inevitable first release of space marines and the re invigoration of the previously terrible Imperial Guard was welcome.

However, I feel like personally, the excitement has waned a bit. I don't know if it's just my own local store, and that is the purpose behind this post. Thanks to those of you who picked up on that! Some of your ideas will be helpful in my trying to revitalize the local metagame. On a separate note, I'm already trying new minis games such as Malifaux and I'm even getting back into Warmachine/Hordes, however, as someone already said, I keep coming back to 40k, and I'm never going to just give it up, I'm just a little sick of the metagame right now.

What sparked this thread was really just the post on the blog about there being 60+ leafblower lists at Adepticon. That really echoed my dissatisfaction with 40k at the moment and prompted me to see how everyone else is feeling.

03-28-2010, 04:39 PM
Taking breaks is always good. If I get sick of tabletop 40k I play Dawn of War, it seems to help. As t 40k geting stale, it is a bit, but I think that will change with a whole heap of new codices coming. GK, SoB, DE and a big boost to Eldar from FW and GW in the coming months, and later Slaanesh and Tzeentch should all help liven things up. Which brings me to another point, if normal 40k is what is becoming dull for you, look at Apocalypse, Planetstrike and the FW stuff foe extra fun, assuming you don't already.

03-28-2010, 05:28 PM
I get what you are saying whitestar333. I started playing Rogue Trader (that is first edition for those who are newer to the game), and played right up to the beginning of third edition. When 3rd hit... I bailed. 2nd edition had some major problems with it. IIRC that is where the terms 'Herohammer' and 'Mathhammer' came from. It wasn't fun anymore and I'm not sure what the biggest problem was, but I know that the group I was playing with AND the rules (namely the super dex of the week, and when they would change, not clarify, the rules in the WD every month) were contributing factors.

I found a group playing Fantasy and played for a long time. New people, new rules, new minis... Then life got in the way and I quit gaming for a very long time. Now I'm back in on 5th edition, and a lot of the problems I had with 40k are gone... not all but it's far more tolerable (don't know how much of that is what rules they have changes or how much I have), and the group I play with make a world of difference.

Games Workshop does have their favorite armys. I say that with no malice and contempt meant. Some of it is sales, some of it is who the favored armies are in the office.Look at what Forgeworld is doing with Orks. Why do marines have so many codex? Why is the Horus Heresy book series so big right now? When was the last time the Eldar had a novel? The Imperium of man IS the 40k story, always has been. If you don't want to play SM, IG, DH, or WH take pride in be playing one of the underdogs, and stomping the teacher's pet into the ground :)

My advice is the same I have already read in this thread : different game, maybe different group. I'd at least check out fantasy. It all boils down to one thing. It's a game, and meant to be fun. If it's not, don't do it.

*For any wondering... I play Guard & Blood Angels, and use to play marines, chaos, and Eldar*

Asymmetrical Xeno
03-28-2010, 05:40 PM
I tend to switch between 40k/epic and my own game (Primeval Abyssian), and balance the two so when I get bored of one I have the other to go to. Variety like that does help keep me interested.

i must admit i do get bored of the current 40k armies occasionally and wish they or preferably Forge world would bring out a new xeno race to get excited about, but then if its that sort of thing I want I go to PA.

03-28-2010, 06:22 PM
I actually feel like 5th still has all the momentum it started with still behind it. I can't really fault GW for keeping up with the Space Marine armies, I think someone once said before in this forum that Space Marines sales alone make up over 1/3 of GW's total sales figures? Plus it is much easier for GW to make add on molds to kit bash units together rather than making up whole new sculpts like they tend to do with Xenos lists when they release their new codexes. So its not like they don't love the Xenos, they just try to do it right when it comes out.

Personally I think GW is getting better with Space Marines, sure there are 5 Space Marines books out there, but its no longer Red Marines, Blue Marines, Green Marines, with different rules for very visually similar models. They have been buffed out with models, units, and rules that make people take different armies, like that BA lander and the Thunder Wolf Cav. The same thing goes for IG now with Valks and psykers and whatnot. Certainly there are certain builds that stick out because of the 40k community list-fu but I feel like 5th ed codexes are an evolution of the game whereas 4th was 3rd with new models.

Personally I wouldn't let power gamers get you down, its all about your group. You might try out a new store to get some different competition or start a new project either a different army, some painting / conversion, or a different game. Warmachine or Flames of War might be something to look into, compared to GW you can get rolling pretty cheap and that whole "something new" aspect might be just what you're looking for.

03-28-2010, 06:37 PM
When was the last time the Eldar had a novel? The Imperium of man IS the 40k story, always has been.

My main answer to that is that no one has written a decent eldar book yet. I think it's the cursed subject over at the BL. I had to force myself to finish "Eldar Prophecy" and by the end, I wanted to play more Warmachine just to block the memories.

My tongue-in-cheek answer would be that Dan Abnet hasn't written an Eldar book yet. ;)

As for the OP: Agree with everyone else who said switch games for awhile. I've also been playing 40k (and specifically Eldar) since RT times, and I've certainly needed a break now and then. It freshens things up.

As for the 60+ leafblower lists...chalk that up to people who only 1) Compose army lists based off of what they read online, and 2) Wanting to win at pretty much all costs.

That being said, it's a fairly easy list to defeat as long as you think about countering it. Aside from Darkwynn winning the Gladiator with his list (to be expected, since he won 'Ardboyz) I would be at least 50 of the 60+ players had no clue on how to actually play the army correctly. ;)

Commissar Lewis
03-28-2010, 07:08 PM
I admit I have gotten bored of 40k, though it's not entirely GW's fault; it's more of my gaming group. When me and a friend started out it was me and him and we were having a blast; not long after we got a couple more friends to join.

It was about a year after it that my friend became a "by the book" rules lawyer, which is fine but it killed the fun for me. I'm not saying I wanted to say "screw the rules" but I wanted to come up with custom rules and scenarios which didn't fly. Now we've expanded the group to about 8-10 people, but to be honest I'm sick of it. Most, if not all, of them follow my friend and I'm tired of playing the same three mission types. We haven't bought BM yet, and I don't want to spend the cash.

TBH, I'm just gonna go on a hiatus for a little while. Maybe when I come back to it I can find a new group.

03-28-2010, 07:25 PM
Pfft, the hate ma-chine doesn't even play games :P

He does like to use the rest room at the game store, though.......while reading his laptop.:D

03-28-2010, 07:44 PM
After a tourny this weekend I think I'm getting a little burnt out on 40k at the moment unfortunately. Spent a lot of time getting all amped up for it and get my Vostroyans looking nice and purdy but I think I'm ready for a short break. I have a BA army that I may start giving attention to again or I may dive into WHFB for a complete change.

MC Tic Tac
03-28-2010, 08:14 PM
My cure for 40k burnout is......

BLOODBOWL! - The Best game ever!

03-28-2010, 11:56 PM
I have been fighting it but I am thinking of shelving my nids until 6th comes out. I was excited about the new dex because I have always been a more horde oriented player but the new nid dex has so many rules issues and internal balance issues with wonky pricing and over packed elites that it is just not fun to play anymore. Facing mech IG and Mech marines over and over gets old also. Nids got some improvements against vehicles but the new dex was still lackluster overall and nids are still not that well equiped to take on heavy vehicle armies especially if they have any type of psychic defense.

03-29-2010, 12:26 AM
My cure for 40k burnout is......

BLOODBOWL! - The Best game ever!

love the bowl! got no-one to play with though :( my missus bought me one for winter solstice, and i dont fancy ruining it transporting it to the FLGS on the bus. guess ill have to bite the bullet ;)

Sister Rosette Soulknyt
03-29-2010, 02:01 AM
If your burnt out on 40K then why not take a break from playing it, tournaments can be a stressful time for anyone.
Why not concentrate on the painting part of the hobby for awhile, just relax and catch up on that painting your missing to do, or touch up all your army and see if you can make them look better than we are sure they already are?

I play the game, but i paint more than i play atm. With my freinds 10k Eldar army, anothers krrot squads, and yet another Mephiston to paint, i am always busy and painting all day. Leaves littel time for my own army of SoB, but its fun doing it....and i charge them for my painting lol

03-29-2010, 11:34 AM
I'm kinda sick of 40k. Or rather, I'm poor and my attention is drawn elsewhere. So I'm waiting for the next Sisters or Ork codex. I'll probably get interested again then.

Commissar Lewis
03-29-2010, 08:57 PM
I hear that, Melissia. Being into 40k and poor is quite a whirlwind of suck. So many new shiny model kits, and yet no cash... Luckily I have Borderlands to keep me entertained.

That or I could start mugging people to support my Guard army, but that would be a whole new realm of pathetic.

Sister Rosette Soulknyt
03-29-2010, 10:09 PM
As for someone who's job ended, i fully agree with you there. I cant afford any new minitures atm, jut painting the ones i have, for myself and freinds.
Its just lucky that they offer to pay me in miniatures sometimes for all the work i do for them. No time also to paint Eldar, Tau, BA let alone my own SoB army.

Broke and loving your hobby is such a drepressing thought lol

03-29-2010, 10:11 PM
Yeah it can get brutal. I was just looking to buy something like 4 vostroyan flamers, a squad box and a las cannon team and it was gonna run me close to $100. So redic. I got a ton of the buggers as it is already

03-29-2010, 10:13 PM
As for the 60+ leafblower lists...chalk that up to people who only 1) Compose army lists based off of what they read online, and 2) Wanting to win at pretty much all costs.

That being said, it's a fairly easy list to defeat as long as you think about countering it. Aside from Darkwynn winning the Gladiator with his list (to be expected, since he won 'Ardboyz) I would be at least 50 of the 60+ players had no clue on how to actually play the army correctly. ;)

I agree about the 60+ leaf blowers...

I play Imperial Guard & the only thing I looked at & said "oh... Mystic's? whats this?" lol.

it only helps when someone deep strikes...like my brother lol he loves drop pods.

My cure for 40k burnout is......

BLOODBOWL! - The Best game ever!


That game is awesome! :D

3) Consistently win with Xenos - This is easier said than done. But, if you manage to become the guy everyone is gunning for with a non-Imperial army, people will imitate you.,start taking your army or builds like it, or gunning for your army in tourney settings. At the end of the day, in a tourney setting, people want to go home with plastic. And if you're constantly doing that, people will notice.


like every tournament I go to 2 of the top 3 is a Eldar & a Ork player...

oh well time to make new lists. :D

03-29-2010, 11:05 PM
I get tired of it, and I take long breaks but I keep on coming back to it.

03-30-2010, 12:27 AM
I think I'm lucky with my gaming group. Very relaxed players, no rules lawyers or stupid disputes. We also have a huge variety of armies:

Blood Angels
Chaos Daemons
Imperial Gaurd

We all avoid tournaments like the plague, as playing a tournament with casual ruleset just doesn't make sense. We also don't play non stop, and play a lot of Planetstrike, battle missions and Apocalypse to break everything up.

03-30-2010, 12:34 PM
Just had a break from 40K, with a mix of X Box and Warhammer, lets just say like a lot of people the Bloodangels have bought me back.

Colonel Pryde
03-31-2010, 12:23 AM
Tired of the cost and trying to anticipate the next codex. GW likes to keep alot of things hush hush. And the cost of the units as they are, I have a hard time deciding when to buy. You could easily burn 200+ dollars in one sitting at the local hobby shop.

Oh yeah, tired of painting godforsaken amounts of guardsmen

03-31-2010, 05:32 AM
I think a large part of my frustration might just lie with the 'Nids codex. This codex has been a real rollercoaster for me and now that I'm at the end of the ride, I can see it really sucks. That's not to say there are some powerful things in the codex, but after the luster of a brand new codex fades, I can see that actually, there's really only two ways to play the nid codex, and that really sucks. It doesn't help that GW basically gave us all the middle finger when it came to carnifexes. I can understand that in 4th edition, carnifexes and monstrous creatures were tough, but now in 5th, there are so many weapons out there that can deal with them with ease, yet ours got MORE expensive and less survivable.

I don't want this to turn into a 'nid rant, but I'm just largely disappointed that I can't play the way I want and have it be effective. Similarly, it's not fun playing with models that need an FAQ so badly that merely putting it on the table causes players to start yelling and complaining. It's just not much fun.

03-31-2010, 06:16 AM
I don't want this to turn into a 'nid rant, but I'm just largely disappointed that I can't play the way I want and have it be effective.

No offense bro, but that's kind of like saying it's disappointing that Tau can't charge into close combat and be effective, because that's what you want to do with them.

The other guy
03-31-2010, 07:45 AM
I don't want this to turn into a 'nid rant, but I'm just largely disappointed that I can't play the way I want and have it be effective. Similarly, it's not fun playing with models that need an FAQ so badly that merely putting it on the table causes players to start yelling and complaining. It's just not much fun.

CRUDDACE!! (shakes fist)

I agree completely.

Only time i ever tried to play Doom of M, I spent 20mins disagreeing with the player about what it could and couldnt do (and we did this at the start of the battle because we wanted to be clear during the game). Doom did a fair amount (though my trygon prime did more overall) and i won the game. He then complained to me that it was unfair, and we had badly called his abilities at the start.

That wasnt fun. I want to win clearly by my own tactical abilities, rather than possibly bad rules. I didnt play Doom again till it gets a FAQ, and that guy wont play me again, claiming i cheated.

Give me a clear codex and i will be happy. I might even accept how bad they made carnifexes compared to their old versions.

03-31-2010, 08:22 AM
I think a large part of my frustration might just lie with the 'Nids codex. This codex has been a real rollercoaster for me and now that I'm at the end of the ride, I can see it really sucks. That's not to say there are some powerful things in the codex, but after the luster of a brand new codex fades, I can see that actually, there's really only two ways to play the nid codex, and that really sucks. It doesn't help that GW basically gave us all the middle finger when it came to carnifexes. I can understand that in 4th edition, carnifexes and monstrous creatures were tough, but now in 5th, there are so many weapons out there that can deal with them with ease, yet ours got MORE expensive and less survivable.

I don't want this to turn into a 'nid rant, but I'm just largely disappointed that I can't play the way I want and have it be effective. Similarly, it's not fun playing with models that need an FAQ so badly that merely putting it on the table causes players to start yelling and complaining. It's just not much fun.

After doing 2 touranments and a large amount of games at the local game store in between I am really getting into the same boat. I am just not finding this army fun for me to play at all anymore. Every time I look through the codex I just can't help but think of just how lazy the internal balance of this book is.

A good example is the hive tyrant. He has 3 special abilities, all ranging wildly in usefulness from "awesome" to "even when it was FREE like in the last two codexes I would never use it" (aka indescribable horror) and for some reason they all have the same flat rate of 25pts. You also have 4 psychic powers, 2 of which are great, and useful, the other two have no business being in the book. Don't get me wrong, Tyrants CAN be good and do have good abilities, it would of been nice if things were priced properlly (also look at the weapon options). The entire book is like this, more so then any other book I have ever read for 40k (by a long shot) and for me that is why I am just so frustrated playing this army.

Even though I am very frustrated with the new nid codex I am finding it isn't the codex that is sapping the fun out of this game for me, its some of the trends this edition has created.

1) Wound Allocation. I *hate* this rule more then I can possibly put into words. I hate the fact the ONLY reason it is in the game is to abuse it. I drives me crazy doing 4 rending wounds and 6 regular wounds on 5 marines only to have 2 marines die to rending, and the rest take the 6 regular armor saves. I really really miss just removing models for wounds you do, owner taking out his choice. Made the game go by so much faster and there was way less chance for abuse and units like Nob Bikers wouldn't be broken just because one of the core mechanics is.

2) The Power of Transports. This edition transports are just so cheap and so powerful for what you pay for. There really should be some consequences for being in a transport that blows up. Why is it the only way you take wounds is if you roll a "6" on the damage chart? And even then the unit inside will still be able to move freely when it is their turn (assuming they make their pinning check). Another thing that makes NO sense is if you block all the access points and you roll a 5 on the damage chart all the models inside are destroyed (see page 67 of the rulebook for Destroyed-Wrecked on a transport - "Any models that cannot disembark are destroyed"). But if you do the same thing and roll a 6 they are just placed where the vehicle used to be with no ill effects. How does that make any sense?

Because of the dominance of transports and vehicles super cookie cutter mech guard just seem to be popping up more and more at every game store and every tournament. In my mind this is easily the least fun army in the game to play against.

@ Gir - no, its not like that at all. It would be like being disapointed that the only way you were allowed to use the jet packs second jump on Crisis or Stealth Suits if you didnt fire any weapons from them that turn. It goes 100% against what the unit SHOULD be doing. This is what the nid codex does with soooo many units. Units that initially have a cool looking rule, only to have a line in there 100% devauling said rule (see lictors and the phermone trail for example)

03-31-2010, 09:00 AM
I dunno, I thought Mech Guard are kinda easy to crush, but perhaps I'm just not playing against GOOD Mech Guard players.

But then I don't expect much else, people pick up the army thinking it'll be powerful only to find out they can't use it worth a damn, heheh....

Gnoblar with Pointy Stick
03-31-2010, 09:00 AM
1) Wound Allocation. I *hate* this rule more then I can possibly put into words. I hate the fact the ONLY reason it is in the game is to abuse it. I drives me crazy doing 4 rending wounds and 6 regular wounds on 5 marines only to have 2 marines die to rending, and the rest take the 6 regular armor saves. I really really miss just removing models for wounds you do, owner taking out his choice. Made the game go by so much faster and there was way less chance for abuse and units like Nob Bikers wouldn't be broken just because one of the core mechanics is.

Honesty, my friends and I play without the stupid rule. I think I shot some command unit of IG fifty billion times, doing 18 or 19 wounds, and through subtle use of W.A., amour saves and a medic he lost 2 out of 5 models. That's when even he realized something smelled of bull**** and chips. So we changed things up a bit for casual play.

03-31-2010, 12:40 PM
I think I'm lucky with my gaming group. Very relaxed players, no rules lawyers or stupid disputes. We also have a huge variety of armies:

Blood Angels
Chaos Daemons
Imperial Gaurd

We all avoid tournaments like the plague, as playing a tournament with casual ruleset just doesn't make sense. We also don't play non stop, and play a lot of Planetstrike, battle missions and Apocalypse to break everything up.

I'm going to have chime in because well I'm in the same boat as Gir and he summed it up nicely already.

Our gaming group comprises of:
- Tyranids/Eldar
- Orks
- Chaos x 2
- Tau/Necrons
- Ultramarines/Chaos Deamons
- Blood Angles/Orks
- Dark Angles/Deamon Hunters
- Space Wolves (new player)

None of us are tournament players really (some of us sometimes poke our heads into a few local games but then come back to relaxed play), and we have the same sort of relaxed attitude of the game. We play the game to have fun. We mix our games a lot and play custom campaigns. Mission types run the full gambit of normal missions, city fight games, kill teams, apocalypse games, planet strike, and we thinking of doing some fun random things like rhino racing or something silly like that. We play Necromunda and we have a few interested in Battlefleet Gothic and trying to tie those into our campaigns.

So...I guess put me down for the side that isn't sick of 40k?

03-31-2010, 01:53 PM
Lol dark angles. Sounds like a geometry/physics problem.

03-31-2010, 02:00 PM
They Hunt the Fallen Parallelograms :D

For the Equivalent of X (of mankind)!

Wise Ol Bird
03-31-2010, 02:03 PM
Dark angles are very obtuse.
Not very acute at all.

03-31-2010, 10:13 PM
Haha! Nice catch folks. I think I'll just not edit the typo and let folks have a good laugh. :D