View Full Version : Chaplain Cassius: Your Thoughts?

03-26-2010, 09:33 PM
I was looking at the stat page for chaplain Cassius and wondering why you don't see him on the table too often. He's super cheap for what he has, to the point where I actually thnk they kind of undercosted him. 5 points less than a vanilla chaplain in terminator armor and you get T6, Feel No Pan, And a master crafted combi-flamer with hellfire rounds. He still has just the regular power armor on, but the feel no pain should make up for it.

What are your thoughts on Chaplain Cassius?

03-27-2010, 12:06 AM
He seems very "old edition" character to me. What I mean by that is that he's just a cool addition to an army without affecting anything else very much, which is what the current ed. rules for special dudes seem to be following. To me, he lacks anything that's really interesting.
Shrike bestows fleet? Awesome!
Calgar has a special called "God of War?" Makes him sound like a beast.

And Cassius? He's a very solid character and his fluff is kinda nifty. And he's a tough S.o.B. I'll give him that. But I can't shake the feeling that all he is is basically a chaplain ++. Not all that interesting.

03-27-2010, 02:28 AM
at first i thought T6 Fnp hes too powerful

now he seems normal compared to the BA :)

03-27-2010, 07:09 AM
I play an ultramarines 3rd company list, specifically to fight tyraninds, and i always have cassius right in the front!

Brosef Stalin
03-27-2010, 08:19 AM
He seems very "old edition" character to me. What I mean by that is that he's just a cool addition to an army without affecting anything else very much, which is what the current ed. rules for special dudes seem to be following. To me, he lacks anything that's really interesting.

Agreed. A lot of the appeal for the special HQ choices (for me) is the army altering effects. Without that, he just becomes a more generic HQ choice, but without the ability to customize. I'd prefer to have that customization over T6.

03-27-2010, 10:44 AM
Its a BT wannabe character. One that they couldn't do to much with or it would be a direct rip-off.

MC Tic Tac
03-27-2010, 01:08 PM
For 25pts more than a normal chappie you get:

Toughness 6,
Combi Flamer with hellfire rounds.

Bargain in my book.

03-27-2010, 01:47 PM
Agreed, Tic Tac. In a codex where I can't make my own super cool bada$$ character with a slew of options, it's nice to have someone to step in who doesn't immediately get eye-rolling looks of disbelief (I'm lookin' at you, Njal) when he's on the table. I have had great success with him.

person person
03-27-2010, 02:46 PM
I've never used Cassius but I agree with MC Tic Tac. Although just for a special character he's definately lacking.

03-28-2010, 08:25 AM
i have a count's as in my RG army...i like him. i thin the only draw back from the Termie version of a chap is that he doesn't get the 2+\4+ save and can't DS, but if i'm running a group in a raider, he's in.

03-28-2010, 02:03 PM
i have a count's as in my RG army...i like him. i thin the only draw back from the Termie version of a chap is that he doesn't get the 2+\4+ save and can't DS, but if i'm running a group in a raider, he's in.

Quoted for truth. I find that his high toughness helps make up for the lack of a 2+ save, and I have had him hold out alone against impossible odds and that single moment of success (although it hasn't been repeated since) was enough to endear him to me.