View Full Version : Age of Sigmar 2016 ?

10-19-2015, 08:14 AM
So we are well into playing our new game. Most gamers seem to have accepted the new gaming system...some haven't , and most mourn the passing of the warhammer world .

But where do games workshop go next with this new creation ?
It seems hugely unlikely that any of the old armies will start to get a rework. The empire and Bretonnia have gone and all the best human fighters have been turned into immortals so seems unlikely my human armies will be relevant anymore !
Skaven could get a look in as those pesky rats seem impossible to irradiate , but all we have seen so far are rebox efforts.
Elves and dwarfs...real dark areas if you ask me. Oh yes, and the lizards are all dead and are now ghosts...not overly inspiring.

So maybe the undead will be up next, rebadged as the hordes of nagash ?
Or will nurgle get the khorne treatment.
What do you guys and girls think ?

Mr Mystery
10-19-2015, 01:05 PM
There's hints in the various novels and short stories.

First up? 'Empire' and 'Bretonnia' are far from squatted.

The Stormcast Eternals are Sigmar's opening gambit. There are millions of mortals yet in Azyrheim. Once a Realmgate is seized, the mortal peeps come on through to fortify the position, freeing up the Stormcast Eternals to charge off after the next objective.

There are many survivors in the mortal realms. Whilst they're far from organised at present, their level of technological development can easily reach Empire standard in a very short period of time, especially with the aforementioned mortals of Azyrheim to lend a hand/knowledge.

Skaven remain Skaven.

Lizardmen/Seraphon are now Daemons in rules and behaviour. But that's it. Under The Black Thumb shows them with the same units they had in the Old World.

What's coming next? Well.....there's a number of ways they could progress things. Me, I'm in favour of a chronological leap once the Realmgates are secured. Say, a century or two. Show how Sigmar and his allies have begun to rebuild and renew having broken the back of the largest Chaos forces in the Realms.

Asymmetrical Xeno
10-19-2015, 02:03 PM
any new units for Sylvaneth mentioned? Always prefered them to the boring wood elves with their cool guillimero del toro art style. if they get expanded into a full army i will def get into them. Curious on the Fyreslayers too. Hope there will be more "new" armies as I find the old ones boring.

Mr Mystery
10-19-2015, 02:07 PM
None so far, no.

Notably, little mention of Treekin. Could be because there's a release coming up and they're going plastic. Which would be nice.

Also. Conjecture. Not rumour, capiche?


Asymmetrical Xeno
10-19-2015, 02:09 PM
Of course :) Just curious. Yes Tree-Kin and the branch wraith in plastic would help immensely (along with a few new units) - i want to see what NEW things exist in this new world :)

Mr Mystery
10-19-2015, 02:18 PM
There's a fun bit in I think the second main novel featuring Spites having a ruck with Nurglings?

10-24-2015, 12:16 PM
I don't know what you guys are finding but there really doesn't seem any great appetite for age of Sigmar yet. Certainly not amongst people I'm seeing. Has anyone got any AOS gaming clubs gang or playing any campaigns ? I certainly seems that GW events are on ice...or finished with for good.

10-25-2015, 03:25 PM
Clearly not ! Thread closed...as you were lads.

Oh, could the last one playing warhammer fantasy please turn the light out as you leave . Thanks

10-26-2015, 07:01 AM
Clearly not ! Thread closed...as you were lads.

Oh, could the last one playing warhammer fantasy please turn the light out as you leave . Thanks

Oh I think there'll be people player warhammer fantasy for many years to come, we certainly have no plans to stop, just not ZPG.