View Full Version : Rogue Trader Models and Conversions

03-26-2010, 07:54 PM
I would greatly appreciate any help or suggestions from the community on the subject of converting appropriate models for Rogue Trader RPG characters. I mostly work with GW bits and scale, but I have found thier product line to be very limited in this area. The only models they have that come close to "rogue trader-ish" are usually all one-piece medal models that do not lend themselves to even typical, simple conversions.

So, I'm hoping somebody out there has seen "this company", "that company", or "that dude that makes some stuff", that lends itself to this particular genre of modeling.

If you're familiar with the game, Im looking to model a Rogue Trader with powersword and plasma pistol, a Navigator whos mutated into having a worm body/legs (preferably sitting on a hover throne with lascannons on it [i know, its getting ridiculous]), and a huge literally 'hulking' (he got the hulking mutation) Arch Militant with a powerfist.

Thanks guys!

03-26-2010, 10:48 PM
Here are some starting points for minis...

Cadian Command Squad (for lots of Imperial standard issue bits)
Necromunda models (for base figures of rough characters)
Vostroyan Officers (for base figures for regal characters)

Urban Warfare by Urban Mammoth/iKore (New version of VOID 1.1) (for base figures with sci tech look in various forms) metal, but easy to work with, like Necromunda stuff.

New Chronoscope line from Reaper. Lots of future stuff, as well as accessory packs of weapons, modern and future.

In the Urban Warfare and old Void 1.1 line, there was a race of basically human sized, and just a bit larger, snake people that would provide a decen base for a hulking guy with a snake/worm body. They are called the Koralon. Check them out.

Hope this helps.

John M>

03-27-2010, 08:24 AM
In addition to l-o's list I'd add in Micro Art Studio as they have some Mechanicusy guys. Infinity have some good ones, though they are a little larger than GW and more lanky. Reaper's fantasy lines can provide some suitable figures, just swap a sword for a power sword and add a pistol and they often fit right in.
Hasslefree, Heresy and Privateer Press miniatures all have a number of models suitable for characters.

The Mighty Git
03-27-2010, 06:35 PM
Dark Age has a few good ones. Especially Saint John, carapace/power armored Inquisitor maybe.