View Full Version : Adeptus mechanicus BA???

03-26-2010, 11:05 AM
Well Despite Doing nids and only having one unit im the kind of hobyist always looking ahead, anyway with recent BA book, and an interest with marines (BT) in particular and hating the fluff behind the BA ive tried to think of a army to use the rules. Because they are quite awsome. and some of the new units in the mix. So what do you think of a adept mech army using the BA rules.
To me ad mech says more marine stats due to all that augimentation they can do, and who better to test the storm raven than Ad mech.

There are a few ways Ive thought of it. 1) Robot army, controlled from afar by the ad mech, so can use all the models etc and convert to look robotic.

or.... a army of mechanically augimented marines which are a personal chapter to the Ad mech, through previous events, I mean it isnt that hard to transfer and modify some rules. Like the red thirst becomes CPU corruption, the mechanical augiments gifted to the marines to maintain age and assist in battle have become damaged or corrupt. The unit has fallen prone to a fit of illiogical actions, losing fear and replacing the emotion with a massive blood lust or something like Relic rage. The unit has detected the presence of a long forgotten relic, and despite the orders from command has fallen to the mentality of capturing the objective or items from the enemey at the cost of their own lives for their adept mech allies.

Generally I think it feels like a good idea, it will also allow me to convert and do some nice army, But what do you guys think. And what can any of you suggest??

03-26-2010, 11:19 AM
Err, the AdMech does not like robots.

In fact robots with artificial intelligence are heresy except in few exceptions (notably the machine spirits of land raiders, baneblades, and titans).

03-26-2010, 11:21 AM
well gotta say I really didn't like the this idea at first glance but after reading it I gotta say you got a very cool idea here.

03-26-2010, 11:22 AM
I figured he meant servitors. Not robotic AI. Right?

03-26-2010, 11:42 AM
as i sed remote controlled, like servitors. Generally i assumed they would have the resources to produce suits of PA and lacking the ability to create a geneseed, they would find it hard to make a chapter,

03-26-2010, 11:45 AM
As far as I recall, the Legio Cybernetica is still "current" fluff, and they still exist under the control of the Adeptus Mechanicus.

Just like the Imperium does not like psykers (and they're generally "heretical"), the AdMech does not like robots. However, they each still make use of each in very specific roles, under very specific circumstances.

03-26-2010, 12:01 PM
kk, im still wandering if Im doing an actually ad mech army or a ad mech marine chapter *from old tec* that has moved away from the machine cult etc. Ill work it out, after all i have nids to do, but wanted to know if i could do a chapter/force using the BA rules :p I guess the best thing about a ad mech force is it could use just about any of the rules by changing what they mean for ur fluff :p

03-26-2010, 12:32 PM
But anyway, wat do people think is best, and how would i model it???

03-26-2010, 12:52 PM
It just sounds to me like your ideas for Admech BA would fit a skitarii legion pretty well, considering they're very augmented and tough, get really angry and are well armored enough to nearly match a marine for armor. And you wouldn't really have to change the color scheme either. For added benefit, make a special character with the same rules as the Flesh Tearers' Chapter Master (he's the guy that makes red thirst happen more often right?)
Just my two cents.

03-26-2010, 01:01 PM
ahh the skatarii seem to the be weaker than marines, am thinking more of a chapter dedicated to the Ad mech, or they are a ad mech chapter.

03-26-2010, 01:37 PM
Maybe, but remember that some members of the AdMech use power armor that's just as advanced as Astartes power armor, if not actually more advanced (because of all of the mechadendrites). This could be representative of a particularly elite force of Skitani.

03-26-2010, 04:19 PM
Hmmm that could work but gennerally I wanted a marine army that looked unique in the local meta. ATM I have something along the lines of storm angels a mysterious marine chapter known only to the inquisition and other chapter masters. Of course other marines have seen them but due to custom equipment and ferociusness of their assult no questions have been asked, and despite being a normal marine chapter none of their origins is known all that is known is that on occasion they have been seen claiming old relics for the admech and they bear both a chapter symbol and an admech symbol

03-26-2010, 11:59 PM
Well, if you wanted something to look unique, honestly, marines are probably a bad choice. If you have any general elements being similar, or using, any regular marine bits, then someone (or many people) would just look and say "hey, it's just *another* marine army." Not saying it's impossible, but just very difficult.....

none of their origins is known all that is known is that on occasion they have been seen claiming old relics for the admech and they bear both a chapter symbol and an admech symbol

......because it sounds like you want something much different than an army made up entirely of techmarines. :(

I again would mention the skitarii legion (elite as Melissia pointed out :) )
That's not an army you see every day, unless you play the aforementioned skitarii. It's unique and you can still use most of the backstory, though slightly modified for the respective dudes you've got.

Regardless, it's your army and your ideas, and you must create/play them how *you want to*. I'm of the opinion that it's very difficult to do much that's truly original with marines anymore; you'll just look like a very slightly (and no more interesting) flavor of marines than any other. You gotta take the steps to really make that army yours. Again, just my two cents.

03-27-2010, 03:05 AM
hmm well most skitarii models ive seen are just gaurd not elite. how would you base the skitarii power armour???

03-27-2010, 11:04 AM
Run a Daemonhunters army with the occasional Guardsman allies.

03-27-2010, 12:01 PM
found a suitible libby, the titan mech priest :p

03-28-2010, 09:35 AM
hmm so any models I should use as the base of the skitarii?

03-28-2010, 01:46 PM
lol im major stumped for base models, especially to make them look like PA and bolters and then have enough diff for sterngaurd death company and etc

03-29-2010, 03:28 AM
A) Double Posting makes the baby Jesus cry. That was a triple post. Watch it.

2) This fluff makes even less sense than Female Space Marines. And we all know where that thread went.

03-29-2010, 06:19 AM
2) This fluff makes even less sense than Female Space Marines.

:confused: Um, what? Which idea are you paying out? Not the marines deidcated to the ad mech one surely? Cos they just sound like iron hands, but different.

Anyway, normal skitarii are a like cybered up guard (ie a little better) so IG storm troopers/vets? Facemasks might work (something has them in mirrored masks). But then you have praetorians, who are superbad bionic men (although sometimes they are just servitors! depends on the author), so marines are a good fit. One book (the one about titans?) has hordes of praetorians fighting each other, so it's plausable to have an all praetorian army, but since it sounds like you're going for fluff you'll need to model lots of cyber arms and gun arms and stuff (and feather cloaks and other animistic stuff for the scaring of enemies if you follow that book - either way it wasn't too bad a read, and good if you need ad mech imagery).

If you're playing people who are cool with, it a mixed IG/Marine army would work. Since you're thinking BAs for you marines, you just need to add a good bit of mech and some valkyries (and maybe one or two of the new sky talons to fly in heavy hardware) and you have a fast response ad mech force.

03-29-2010, 06:26 AM
atm im thinking of using DA marines for the robes, Pig Iron heads to show differences with like the weapons but maybe under arm chain swords. And yes im thinking of using the stormravens. This will be hard to model but I guess I can use the smaller heads which make them look different.

03-29-2010, 08:50 AM
I wish they would make a Mars army, that would rock.

03-29-2010, 09:40 AM
btw wat is the best way to get ad mech shoulders?

04-04-2010, 05:51 AM
There was a mention in some fluff I read somewhere about a chapter called the Steel Confessors (I think one of the GW open days in europe somewhere had a full scale model of a Steel Confessor in power armour...?). From what I remember they were attached to the Adeptus Mechanicus as a support/security detachment. I think they had some sort of covert agreement between Chapter and Ad Mech (it was awhile ago I read it, recollections are a lil hazy) Their logo was an Ad Mech style cog with a lightening bolt through it. I was going to use a small star washer (a lock washer with little finger'y things around the outside ... kinda looks like a multi pointed star) glued on the shoulder pad with a lightening bolt painted over it.
Maybe using some of the Iron Hand minis as Steel Confessor Sgt/Vetrans?
If you're looking for modeling ideas ( I dont know how advanced your skills are) google "hortwerth micro art" and "adeptus mechanicus hoff".. These guys have done some great stuff.. Micro Art have some Hortwerth designed minis for sale on their site... but they aint GW (no torney outings :( )

04-04-2010, 06:17 AM
hmm well the ad mech has kinda sailed, sorry, but thanks, just i couldnt find the models to use as base. and suddenly fell back in love with the true marines BT to make those space clowns feel what its like to face real marines :p

04-04-2010, 02:29 PM