View Full Version : The Shrouding and Mixed Units

03-26-2010, 10:47 AM
Do units containing at least one Grey Knight benefit from the Shrouding? i.e. Grand Master attached to non-Grey Knight unit.

If so does it also encompass any vehicle a Grey Knight may be transported in?

03-26-2010, 12:38 PM
While I don't have the Daemonhunters codex in front of me, I have a feeling it doesn't. I checked the faq and while it doesn't say otherwise, remember that when you target a unit with the character in it (lets say the Grand Master in an Allied Tac Squad) since the target doesn't have the special rule, and the GM doesn't bestow it to the unit, it would not be in effect.
Same thing for the vehicle. Just because you've got some cool Grey Knights chilling in a transport, you're targeting the transport, not them. And, like before, the unit doesn't bestow Shrouding to the transport they ride in.
That's my take on it anyway.

03-26-2010, 12:47 PM
The answer is no in both cases.

If a GM joins a non-Grey Knight unit, the unit does not gain shrouding due to the rules governing independant characters joining units.

And the Shrouding only works when targeting the unit of Grey Knights themselves. When shooting at an embarked unit, you don't target the unit, you target the vehicle. And since no vehicles have the Shrouding, your opponent does not have to test for it.

03-26-2010, 07:01 PM
Thanks guys.