View Full Version : A Mystic Question.

03-25-2010, 11:41 PM
Greetings all,

I have a quick question...

We all know that a Inquisitor with 2 Mystics can make a unit take a free shot at any enemy deep striking within 4 D6".

but can you still use that free shot if you are in... lets just say a Land Raider?

if yes do you measure from the hull or...?

anyway thanks in advance.

03-26-2010, 08:39 AM
If the vehicle has a fire point then I would say yes and you measure from the firepoint (usually the top hatch in the case of rhinos and such) of said vehicle. So in the case of the Land Raider, no, since there is no fire points on a land raider.

03-26-2010, 12:50 PM
Without a fire point, it's impossible to fire out of a vehicle. The mystic only gives you an extra opportunity to shoot, just like you get an opportunity to shoot in every shooting phase. Just because you have the opportunity doesn't mean that you can't waste it.

Just get a second mystic and shoot with the LR.

03-26-2010, 05:42 PM
Without a fire point, it's impossible to fire out of a vehicle. The mystic only gives you an extra opportunity to shoot, just like you get an opportunity to shoot in every shooting phase. Just because you have the opportunity doesn't mean that you can't waste it.

Just get a second mystic and shoot with the LR.

....or nominate another unit to fire...like a Demolisher.

03-27-2010, 03:35 PM
I always take the measurement from the hull (I use a Rhino, not a LR). I am assuming that by using two mystics, you are nominating a unit within 12" of the Inquisitor to do the shooting. So, here's the problem: where is the Inquisitor inside the vehicle? Is he looking out the top or is he pressed against the wall closest to the Battle Tank you want to take the shot?

I do not know if there are any specific rules that cover this. However, in all cases I've read that covers someone doing something while in a vehicle, it always specifies to take the measurement from the hull.

Whenever I play with my DH units (usually attached to my IG), I go over questions like this with my opponent pregame and tell him how I interpret the rules and ask if he agrees. If he doesn't, I agree to roll off on it. The other question is Daemonhosts (if one is delayed due to a deep strike mishap, are they all delayed). I simply discuss it with my opponent beforehand and let him know of any rules issues.

Such is the curse of playing with an old codex!


03-27-2010, 10:31 PM
measure from the hull for abilities p. 66

03-27-2010, 10:39 PM
Are you're asking if the ability works in the Inquisitor is inside the transport?

the answer is in the ability rules. does the ability need LOS or not? I don't think it does but i don't have a codex in front of me.

but lets assume the ability does not require LOS. Then, if an enemy unit deepstrikes within 4d6 of the land raider, you nominate a unit within 12" of the Inquisitor. And since he's in the Land Raider you measure from the hull (in both cases). thats on pg 66 as Tynskel pointed out.