View Full Version : Where to next?

Kaptain Badrukk
10-13-2015, 06:46 AM
So i've just finished planning out my Goretide Warhorde.
My Stormcast are well underway.
The question is what army to do next?
The problem I'm having is two-fold, on the one hand I really want to do more AOS and it's taken off very strongly in my local area, on the other hand I'm struggling to plan a new army to collect without a structure to do it into.
I don't want to play comp, or anything like that, it's just that after all these years of army lists the planning of them has informed the way I build my collections.
I think that's why i found Stormcast and Bloodbound so easy to engage with, their books had something for me to aim towards in them, i could pick a structure, set a monetary budget, and then build a collection inside both.
With the un-updated armies i'm oddly rudderless for the first time in decades. Anyone else feeling this way? And how did you overcome it?

Mr Mystery
10-13-2015, 07:07 AM
Well, you could take a leaf out of the old Realm of Chaos expansion from the mid-late 90's.

You started army selection with a character, and you souped as you may. Following that, they had to have a retinue of at least equal value. Then rinse and repeat until you hit the agreed points value.

So whilst there are no points to worry about now, the above can be readily adapted to a narrative approach. Choose some characters (perhaps with a self impose limit), then give each of them a unit.

I'm hoping to do this with my next army. Each character will have some Elite or otherwise Heavy Infantry as their retinue, and I'll include some chaff to bulk it out. Luvverly!

10-13-2015, 07:13 AM
Have you considered the That looks awesome lets have a couple of those approach?

Kaptain Badrukk
10-13-2015, 07:17 AM
Both good ideas.
Perhaps some kind of realm of beasts army with orruks riding big beasties...

Mr Mystery
10-13-2015, 07:19 AM
Sounds pretty cool :)

You could kitbash Orcy Beast Riders from Ogre and Orc kits fairly easily. Given the Beast is the main piece, would be hard for all but the most intentionally obtuse of opponents to decry.