View Full Version : Crash course in music industry suckage (or, why everyone should support independant a

Asymmetrical Xeno
10-12-2015, 09:18 AM

As a disabled-musician I relate to all this greatly. f**k the industry. Please support the artists you like! :)

10-12-2015, 10:07 AM
This is something I've pondered and debated on for a while now. Not just for music, though, there's simply too much art too freely available to ever truly value it anymore. When you can access a slew of beautiful images at a few finger taps, how can you truly appreciate art when it only exists at an industrial scale?

I found this with drawn art and digital art as well as music when I wandered round various fanbases and had a look at stories, music and art made in the name of some show, book or other thing. Much of the execution of it was excellent, and I still have a lot of music made by musicians on Youtube that have since closed shop. Even when you can't get that music anymore, it's worthless, because there's so much more of it.

But at the same time, I feel that both the pop industry itself as well as the people are devaluing the pop industry. The industry itself keep pushing these X Factor shows, which don't go down to the roots of talent and nurture it to fruition as it deserves. They merely churn through massive numbers of hopefuls for a marketable story wrapped around a kernel of talent. They sell a narrative, not music. They buy the audience, hence why there's a crowd cheering on a singer with signs bearing his name despite that man having never performed on a televised show nor in front of an audience. The singers are bought, the fans are bought, and it all pays out by Christmas.

But at the same time as pop devalues itself, there seems to be a big movement that devalues it themselves. Then again, I suppose the counter-culture has always been there. You still get people going to see local bands play, or local acts. Every now and then something a bit different gets into the charts, but never number one, and when they do they're mimicked into irrelevance.

I dunno. Either way I simply find pop music tedious and formulaic. :/

10-12-2015, 10:56 AM

As a disabled-musician I relate to all this greatly. f**k the industry. Please support the artists you like! :)

Been watching this trend develop. Makes me glad I got an actual career. My cousin has tried making the music thing work since the early 90s, he even partied with Nicklback. He always told me its cut throat and its always been a "who you know" kind of thing.