View Full Version : New Tau and Marines in WD#90 10-17-2015

10-09-2015, 01:42 PM
via Iuchiban Warseer (http://www.warseer.com/forums/showthread.php?413252-Tau-in-september&p=7549560&viewfull=1#post7549560) 10-9-2015

WD Cover
Tau Breacher Team Rules 1
Tau Breacher Team Rules 2
New Raven Guard
Raven Guard Force
Tau Etheral
Tau Box
Tau Terrain!!!

via Iuchiban Warseer (http://www.warseer.com/forums/showthread.php?413252-Tau-in-september&p=7549598&viewfull=1#post7549598) 10-9-2015


via retailers 10-12-2-15

Multiple retailers are chiming in with these:

Fire Warriors Kit: £30

10 Fire Warriors

DS8 Turret

2 Drones

Strike Teams are armed with Pulse Rifles or Pulse Carbines

Breacher Teams are armed with Pulse Blasters

Tidewall Rampart £95

Tidewall Gunrig - section with twinlinked railgun turret

Tidewall Dronepoint - section with 4 detachable drones

Tidewall Shieldlines (x2) - section with defensive lasers

Components may be fielded individually, or combined to from the full Tidewall Rampart

Rules in the box

Tau Burning Dawn Boxed Set £65

19 Tau miniatures

32 page campaign book

New Ethereal
3 Stealth suits
10 Pathfinders
1 Piranha
3 Drones
1 Recon Drone

Space Marines Shadowforce Boxed Set £80

19 Tau miniatures

32 page campaign book

New Captain
5 Vanguard Veterans
5 Sterguard Veterans
1 Land Speeder

That Tidewall rampart seems really spicy! Its use as individual components will make it quite popular. We will have to wait and see if they offer the components in individual boxes down the road.

Mr Mystery
10-09-2015, 01:47 PM
Rumor Roundup Continued:

via Gamestrust.de (http://www.gamestrust.de/bilder,list1263,1,warhammer-40-000-sternenreich-tau.html) 10-13-2015

More images of the new Tau Fire Warriors and Terrain set:





Anyone want to do swapsies on the Ravenguard for the Tau?

10-09-2015, 02:17 PM
I have to admit as a hater of any and all things tau....

that aegis line is pretty freakin boss.

Damn you GW. Damn you for eternity.

Still ain't buyin none of it.

10-09-2015, 02:23 PM
Why does it sound like instead of 1 big box this is 2 smaller box sets? (also that Raven Guard set with a few bits becomes a Deathwatch task force in a box)

10-09-2015, 02:51 PM
loving the infantry and the new drones. assuming those two forces are the box contents then it doesn't actually grab me as it happens, I have enough pathfinders and stealth suits, don't want a piranha. the ethereal is nice though. definitely a couple of infantry boxes and some terrain though, awesome. so we have fire warriors with pulse blasters, in the background are some fire warriors with pulse carbines, that look like the old ones, so I assume the pulse rifles are probably the same as well.

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
10-09-2015, 03:07 PM


Anyone want to do swapsies on the Ravenguard for the Tau?

If I get the Tau in that deal then yes.

10-09-2015, 03:11 PM
so, heresy set is rumoured for the 7th of November with no preorder. Tomorrow is the Ghostkeel (10th) next week is the Fire Warriors (17th) so that leaves the 24th and 31st, crisis suits and then codex?

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
10-09-2015, 03:12 PM
I guess?

10-09-2015, 03:36 PM
****, I can use pretty much everything in the SM portion. Also, this dual set may end up making me finally pick a second army. And I really wanted that possible HH set later this year :cripes:.

10-09-2015, 07:37 PM
Anyone want to do swapsies on the Ravenguard for the Tau?
Looks like the two forces are sold separately this time, so no need for swapsies.

I still can't figure out what that Marine Cap'n is supposed to be doing. :p

10-09-2015, 11:56 PM
New Tau Crisis Suits & Commander

pics via reddit (https://www.reddit.com/r/Warhammer40k/) and warseer's aracerssx (http://www.warseer.com/forums/showthread.php?413252-Tau-in-september/page48) 10-10-2015


Mr Mystery
10-10-2015, 12:09 AM
Sod it.

I'm going to get with the Greater Good.

10-10-2015, 01:11 AM
Awesome crisis suits, making the 8 for Farsight, finally going to happen! I've been waiting for this release for so long!

10-10-2015, 03:14 AM


Mr Mystery
10-10-2015, 03:27 AM
Hold on, hold on.

This is the internet. Where is the paranoid drivel?

I'll handle this!


Ehrmagerd der noo Chrisus Soots arnt arrmed wiv Missul Purds. Missul Purds r Squattorzed!

There, that's redress the balance.

10-10-2015, 03:34 AM
that commander is massive. the resin one was big, this dude is huge. I love it

Mr Mystery
10-10-2015, 03:38 AM

And we're yet to see what makes the Enforcer Armour into Coldstar Armour instead....

Can't wait to get out of work, drive home and then hit GW. I've got around £100 (perhaps £150) with Tau's name on it, and it's going through the manager's till!

10-10-2015, 03:44 AM
I am building my stormsurge right now, ordered two ghostkeels for next week. should have enough money each week to get exactly what I want before I have to start being responsible again before christmas :p

Mr Mystery
10-10-2015, 04:00 AM

Though I do have to behave. Just because I've got lots of munneh this month, doesn't mean I can forget I need to pay the deposit on my new flat, and like, y'know. Buy some furniture.

10-10-2015, 04:19 AM
make furniture out of the cardboard you get from tau boxes

Mr Mystery
10-10-2015, 04:21 AM
I could make a Game of Thrones style, erm....throne, out of spare bits and sprues and that.....

But I really, really need a DVD storage solution. As current flat is Pixie like in it's dimensions, they're stacked up (neatly) on the floor. As new flat is much biggerer, I can get a proper storage thing.

Might wander into the British Heart Foundation. See if there's owt second hand that tickles my fancy.

10-10-2015, 07:04 AM
Love the new comander , will be a nice ad to my blood angels :D

10-10-2015, 07:51 AM
Just my quick thoughts on the Breachers;

Unlike the Stormsurge and Ghostkeel the Breachers are very reliant on the actual codex to determine just how good they are; if there is a formation or detachment bonus that doles out free Devilfishes, or Devilfishes get a significant price reduction, they can actually be a very legitimate close-ranged scoring unit. They are essentially a close-combat variation of Fire Warriors done in the Tau style of warfare. Strictly speaking you don't want to operate at such a close range for Fire Warriors and in that sense a Strike Team loaded with Pulse Carbines (if they still exist for Fire Warriors) will generally be better. However, there's nothing like going to your opponent "oh hi, my 90 point unit puts out 20 Strength 6 AP3 shots that can be buffed by Markerlights, how do you do?". Super shotguns for the win!

For raw damage output at close ranges these guys are pretty nasty, especially if you factor in possible Overwatch when they inevitably get charged. There aren't many units that out-damage them at 5" for 90 points for 10 models, and getting a 5+ invulnerable save for the unit for 22 points including an always useful Shas'ui option is nifty seeing as Fire Warriors usually get butchered by AP4 Ignores Cover weapons. Again, we will have to wait and see on this unit as unlike the more independently-operating Ghostkeel and Stormsurge this is more like your average Tau unit in that it is reliant on other units to function (namely the Devilfish).

I also played a game with two Stormsurges today, 1500 in an ITC format game (for the purposes of the match my opponent and I went off the FLG indication that they will be allowed in ITC, plus the assumption that they will be fieldable in units) against a swarm-based Tyranid list in a practice game for an oncoming tournament that my opponent will be attending next week - we were all curious to see what they could do! My Stormsurges never took a wound and accounted for something like 80 model kills out of a 120-130 model army, and that was without them ever benefiting from any Markerlights at all. They most definitely shred hordes and are good purely for the fact that you can split so many shots between so many units and never have to worry about "overkill" and wasting shots. I was running them both with Blastcannons, Shield Generators and Twin-Linked Airbursting Fragmentation Projectors; the firing twice thing was....brutal. My opponent had first turn and had two thirds of his army in my table half before I got a chance to shoot, in my turn even firing just once the Stormsurges deleted tremendous chunks of each unit and basically prevented my opponent from charging them. The Supporting Fire bubble that two Stormsurges present for a clustered Tau army is kind of silly. When they got to fire twice in the second turn....my opponent had about forty models in my deployment zone before my Stormsurges shot and zero after they shot. Again, all of this without Markerlights. The Cluster Fire Rockets were amusing for just sheer amounts of saves being forced; a highlight included both CFRs being fired at a Swooping Flying Hive Tyrant, even Snap Firing I still got more than enough to hits to drop its last two wounds.

I'll be playing a big game against an Eldar Wraith army tomorrow which will be a better test of their capabilities, even despite the first game being a favorable match-up for the Stormsurges the fact that they did so much work without Markerlights or any potential formation buffs from the new codex was really satisfying to me. They were simply untouchable. As Reecius, jy2, abusepuppy, TheDiceAbide, Frankie and a whole bunch of other major tournament players have echoed, this thing is at worst a decent unit and certainly I expect the cost of the Shield Generator upgrade (which we know they get) to be a big indicator of just how competitive they actually are.

- - - Updated - - -

loving the infantry and the new drones. assuming those two forces are the box contents then it doesn't actually grab me as it happens, I have enough pathfinders and stealth suits, don't want a piranha. the ethereal is nice though. definitely a couple of infantry boxes and some terrain though, awesome. so we have fire warriors with pulse blasters, in the background are some fire warriors with pulse carbines, that look like the old ones, so I assume the pulse rifles are probably the same as well.

Don't worry, the new Fire Warrior box makes either Breachers or Strike Teams (Pulse Rifle/Pulse Carbine equipped Fire Warriors) as we've confirmed from the description of the Fire Warriors box in that leaked image. Unless you mean the guns themselves are the same? I'm tired and not reading properly haha.

Have any of you guys noticed from the price list image that the Tau Aegis Line-thing is "a mobile Tau fortification complete with guns, drones and shields!"
A Tau Aegis Line.
And we know from the image that it has a turret-mounted railgun...........

The hilarious thing is that if it does function as a barricade/defence line as we assume it does and it really moves, this will actually give T'au players that prefer static gun-lines a reason to actually move forward due to the strong defensive bonuses and grab objectives without sacrificing their many defensive bonuses (i.e. Supporting Fire). Not to mention we know it has a freaking Railgun turret(s)! The "shields" part is interesting, perhaps it gives an invulnerable save to certain parts of the defence line, plus the Drones thing sounds interesting. Still....XENOS TERRAIN WOOO!!! I'm getting the terrain, at least two boxes of the new Fire Warriors, at least two-three Ghostkeels (I already have two Stormsurges), at least one new Enforcer/Coldstar and at least one-two of the new Crisis Teams. Purely from a model perspective this may be the most universally liked release in ages, certainly it is my favorite as the models are awesome and they have chosen to give a lot of love to an army that was still fairly limited for total kits and new sculpts.

Mr Mystery
10-10-2015, 07:53 AM
If they can take on of those Grav Impeder drone things (the one that came out with the Pathfinders), and then sit in cover, they become a thorny proposition for most people trying to charge them. Too long a range, and you may miss it. Too close, and if your fluff your dice, that's an awful lot of dakka coming your way.

10-10-2015, 08:06 AM
Oh definitely, a lot of the time people will still go off the theory that charging/getting close to Fire Warriors is the way to neuter/kill them and while that is still the case here the enemy will get obliterated at close ranges if they don't have Toughness 7+/2+ armor/AV12 or higher. These things wreck anything that doesn't have any of those three defensive stats even without Markerlight support at 5".

Just a note on the campaign box sets; for us Australians the individual sum of the units minus the exclusive Ethereal is $126, meaning we pay $59 for that exclusive Ethereal and the Tau campaign book, it's not super good value but I think people saying it is awful value are forgetting you get the army-specific campaign book as part of the box. On the Raven Guard side of things it is $185 for each unit individually meaning the exclusive Captain and campaign book work out to be $65. Again, not terrible but not really ideal for those looking for cost-savings like the Stormclaw or Deathstorm boxes.

10-10-2015, 08:07 AM
I was about to say mobile barricades sounds ridiculous and they probably mean they can be set up quickly, dropped from orca etc. but then yesterday I noticed that the walls don't appear to be on the ground, and was wondering why not...

10-10-2015, 08:10 AM
I was about to say mobile barricades sounds ridiculous and they probably mean they can be set up quickly, dropped from orca etc. but then yesterday I noticed that the walls don't appear to be on the ground, and was wondering why not...

If I'm not mistaken this will be the first fortification in the game that can move, right? That is if we assume "mobile" and its floating nature mean what we think they mean. Honestly from a fluff-perspective it makes complete sense in a way; Tau don't believe in static positions but aren't stupid enough to run head-long into a fight, so a moving barricade for them to constantly advance behind while firing is ridiculously smart. It also uniquely fits with the whole "Tau are super-advanced" thing as only Necrons and maybe Eldar could possibly replicate that kind of technology. The cost of it will be a deciding factor as I'm guessing all of the drones and turrets are optional, if it is priced similarly to an Aegis Line just for the moving barricades it will be a near must-take for Tau. It's also no surprise that a Stormsurge is sitting behind it as unless I'm mis-remembering model size doesn't matter for claiming cover from a barricade.

Gotta love being the first army in the game to have a plastic army-exclusive fortification with actual rules! The monetary price doesn't seem too steep either given how massive it appears to be.

Path Walker
10-10-2015, 08:12 AM
Those damn clunky boxes for Crisis suits were stopping me from starting a Tau army. Damn them for making them look much cooler. Damn them to hell.

10-10-2015, 08:15 AM
Those damn clunky boxes for Crisis suits were stopping me from starting a Tau army. Damn them for making them look much cooler. Damn them to hell.

Welcome to the Fire Caste, Gue'vesa :cool:

The new kit is everything we've ever wanted; an updated version of the current kit that isn't too visually dissimilar, but is seemingly fully pose-able. Honestly even if the rules for the codex aren't great - but from what we know so far we should be pretty happy especially as Necron and post-Necron codices tend to revolve around formations - I think as a model release this is one of the best in years.

10-10-2015, 08:17 AM
Gotta love being the first army in the game to have a plastic army-exclusive fortification with actual rules! The monetary price doesn't seem too steep either given how massive it appears to be.

where is the price? I missed that bit

Mr Mystery
10-10-2015, 08:20 AM
I'm now pondering how the Pulse Inductor drone thing might affect Breachers?

Either way, I'll be picking up probably a Broadside and two boxes of Pathfinders later on.

Assuming they're in stock.

10-10-2015, 08:26 AM
I am wondering if a Fireblade will add shots to the pulse blaster...

Mr Mystery
10-10-2015, 08:27 AM

No, never mind. Being thick.

10-10-2015, 08:28 AM
I'm now pondering how the Pulse Inductor drone thing might affect Breachers?

the pulse accelerator drone that increases range is pathfinder only currently, if that is the one you mean

Mr Mystery
10-10-2015, 08:29 AM
Yep, that's the one.

I'm really quite excite for this. Not quite as excite as I was for Mechanicum. But not far off.

10-10-2015, 08:30 AM
I am more excited than I have been for ages. my stormsurge is built, just got to do the base, then off for spray basing

Mr Mystery
10-10-2015, 08:35 AM
I've just had a clever....

Deploy the Breachers into terrain based choke points - anywhere it seems likely your opponent will drive past with transports. Given how simplistic it is for Tau in general to break open Transports, your opponent (if they're on their toes) will have to time it right in a chicken run - can the Transport make it far enough through the gap, without leaving any potentially emergency disembarking passengers worryingly close to the Breacher team....

And given the sorts of units that tend to be inside transports (small, elite...expensive that's a pretty controlling tactic right there.

10-10-2015, 08:36 AM
where is the price? I missed that bit

Here you go :)


$265 dollary-doos will hurt but it looks to be a very large terrain piece, I'm getting it no matter what the actual rules are. If it really does move though I can see it being extremely popular.

I'm now pondering how the Pulse Inductor drone thing might affect Breachers?

Either way, I'll be picking up probably a Broadside and two boxes of Pathfinders later on.

Assuming they're in stock.

Per the rules-as-written for the Breachers I actually have no idea how the range-bonus thing would work if the the Pulse Accelerator Drone became widely available, as the Breachers' guns specifically fire different profiles at specific ranges i.e. at 5" away from the target they use the S6 AP3, at 10" they use the S5 AP5. I'm guessing that Drone will stay Pathfinder exclusive to avoid rule conflicts like this.

- - - Updated - - -

I've just had a clever....

Deploy the Breachers into terrain based choke points - anywhere it seems likely your opponent will drive past with transports. Given how simplistic it is for Tau in general to break open Transports, your opponent (if they're on their toes) will have to time it right in a chicken run - can the Transport make it far enough through the gap, without leaving any potentially emergency disembarking passengers worryingly close to the Breacher team....

And given the sorts of units that tend to be inside transports (small, elite...expensive that's a pretty controlling tactic right there.

That's a great point and something I didn't think about, the Breachers are actually bloody ludicrous on city boards. I'm just glad they've given us a proper CQC Troops choice (Kroot in their current incarnation are a light ranged unit) that we can actually use to take objectives.

Mr Mystery
10-10-2015, 08:39 AM
From what I've seen so far, it looks like Tau, despite getting some really nice new toys, will still need to depend on synergistic (look, it's a word now. I'm British. We're allowed to do things like this) list writing to tie it altogether.

Which is nice.

10-10-2015, 08:45 AM
yeah, the breachers are a wonderful alternative to getting a close combat unit, I love them.

I really want to see what Forge World do with the stormsurge too. ideally change the cluster rockets for something anti vehicle, given that that is what it is supposed to be fore anyway. would also be the simplest conversion kit ever, you would only need new pod front plates.

Mr Mystery
10-10-2015, 08:46 AM
Hurricaine Bolters?

Silly Human.


10-10-2015, 08:46 AM
Here you go :)


awesome, not seen that. £95 is acceptable for me, seems like you wouldn't need any more pieces than that anyway, not like buying a whole lod of wall of martyr bits, bunkers, towers, pads etc. one box, all the gubbins, sorted. nice one off purchase.

10-10-2015, 08:48 AM
What interests me is that we now also know what at least four of the formations in the codex will be per the description of some (not all) of the web bundles released/up for pre-order;

One is three Hammerheads and one Skyray (the Armored Interdiction Cadre), a former Apocalypse formation that used to generate free Markerlight tokens before the formation fired.

Another is the existing Firebase Support Cadre consisting of six Broadsides and one Riptide, the only current Tau non-Apocalypse formation; everything gets Tank Hunters and some anti-Imperial rules.

Of the two going up for pre-order we have first up the Heavy Retribution Cadre consisting of two Stormsurges and three Ghostkeels.....I can only guess as to what these get. This formation has a minimum points cost of 1110 points (yikes!) so I'm guessing the benefits must be really big.

Lastly we have the Optimised Stealth Cadre, the prior mentioned near-guaranteed Stealth Suit/Ghostkeel formation that consists of six of the former and one of the latter. Who the hell knows what this does, it could very well be a formation-wide doubling of cover bonuses ala the Ghostkeel for an entire formation of 2+ cover in the open.

Very interesting stuff for sure.

10-10-2015, 08:49 AM
I have enough stealth suits to do that one too, sneaky sneaky fun times to be had. would be a cool story mission force too

Mr Mystery
10-10-2015, 08:53 AM
awesome, not seen that. £95 is acceptable for me, seems like you wouldn't need any more pieces than that anyway, not like buying a whole lod of wall of martyr bits, bunkers, towers, pads etc. one box, all the gubbins, sorted. nice one off purchase.

You mean you're only getting the one.

You know lying makes baby Aun'Shi cry?

10-10-2015, 08:57 AM
by the time I buy two or three of everything else, and a silly number of crisis suits, I will probably just be sensible with the terrain :p

...mainly because I wont have space for it...

Mr Mystery
10-10-2015, 09:00 AM
Then you'll just have to expand!

10-10-2015, 11:01 AM
The apparent mobility of the Tau terrain is definitely causing a stir at the moment and I can definitely understand, the idea of a moving fortification that is a defence line with turrets is.....scary. We won't know for sure for a few days I'm guessing as I would imagine the rules for the terrain are in the same White Dwarf as the Fire Warriors given that it is up for pre-order alongside them.

All the stuff we've seen so far has been strong or decent but not really over-powered so I'm hopeful they can get it right with the terrain, it's something that I can easily see being too powerful for its points just based purely on the fact that it is a moving cover save for a large amount of models specific to one of the most devastating ranged armies in the game.

Mr Mystery
10-10-2015, 11:53 AM
I've been shopping.....

Broadside, Stormsurge and Pathfinders....

10-10-2015, 02:10 PM
good choices. I love all the bits with Pathfinders, and they get loads of great options, but I lean towards bare bones units myself, four or five with markerlights and nothing else. much as I love the rail rifles, that isn't really what I need them for.

Mr Mystery
10-10-2015, 02:27 PM
I can see the wisdom there. Split up and share out the marker light tokens.

Didn't realise you can also make Marker, Gun and Shield Drones as well. That's well useful, that.

10-10-2015, 02:41 PM
yeah, you can take a big unit, give them all the special weapons, drones etc. but I think that ends up distracting from the job of marking enemies. if you want the special weapons, take another small unit of four, give them three rail rifles or ion rifles and have a little sniper squad.

Mr Mystery
10-10-2015, 02:43 PM

Given I'm intending on going suit heavy, reckon I'll field them for the marker lights.

10-10-2015, 02:44 PM
that is what I wanted them for too.

Mr Mystery
10-10-2015, 03:10 PM

I wonder.....

Buy the new Firewarriors, and equip as a Strike Team. Buy the cheaperer Pathfinders for the bodies, and kitbash into Breachers with the leftover bitz?

10-10-2015, 03:10 PM
could be doable

Mr Mystery
10-10-2015, 03:16 PM
Also want another two Stormsurge. Because all the best things involve three.

10-10-2015, 03:33 PM
I shall be happy with my one, unless forge world do a really awesome variant

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
10-11-2015, 03:22 AM
Not a single Stormsurge, Riptide, Broadside, Hammerhead, or Sky Ray shall be seen in my force.

My guys are super sneaky.

Mr Mystery
10-11-2015, 03:47 AM

Mr Mystery
10-11-2015, 04:50 AM
Pondering further....I'm not sure you even need to restrict their activities to holding identified choke points.

Classic tactics against Tau are of course to try to close the range. Whilst one can beat them in a firefight, best results are gained from beating them up in hand to hand, and transports, drop pods and deep strike are fairly decent ways to close the range whilst mitigating incoming firepower.

But these guys? Very little wants to wind up within their 5" range - and given they're assault weapons, that could be extended to a fairly respectable 11" 'nope' zone. Their mere presence will somewhat dissuade deep striking close to Tau lines, which can help to make the whole exercise pointless - as thanks to Jet Packs up the wazoo, Tau are an absolute sod to try and outflank and envelop.

Downside is a major vulnerability inherent to all Firewarriors. T3 and Sv4+ isn't exactly difficult to overcome. Whilst their potential Invulnerable save is nice (and helpful against Heavy Bolters and their equivalent), it may not come into play that often, as you certainly don't really need AP4 to deal with them - your bog standard Infanty dakka can deal with them fairly swiftly - and those are guns often wanting a decent target against Tau (Ghostkeel, Broadside, Stormsurge and Riptide all scoff at your weedy small arms - even Crisis Suits can afford to treat them will mild disdain)...

So to me, this means whilst they're likely to be a priority target for your opponent, they won't necessarily be taking the heat off other units in return. That's a tactically odd place to be, so as an owning player you'll need to be thoughtful in your deploy and subsequent support of them if you want to keep them active beyond the first couple of turns.


10-11-2015, 05:07 AM
I can definitely see them benefiting from a devilfish too

Mr Mystery
10-11-2015, 05:09 AM
Could be fun if they can Outflank in it. They could prove effective Devastator and other backfield unit eliminators - even if they don't make it home

10-11-2015, 05:11 AM
master the kauyon young shas'la, draw them in with stealth suits and pathfinders, then pounce with your own battle suits and breachers in fishes.

Mr Mystery
10-11-2015, 05:12 AM
But....that involves subtlety....

I'm more a 'say it with a brick to the face'

10-11-2015, 05:13 AM
you are going to need more stormsurges then...

Mr Mystery
10-11-2015, 05:28 AM
Gonna get another two in the coming months.

10-11-2015, 05:28 AM
that might do it...

Mr Mystery
10-11-2015, 05:31 AM
Yarp. Loadsa dakkapewpew!

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
10-11-2015, 11:01 AM
Got me a Ghostkeel on order.

10-11-2015, 11:44 AM
after painting broadsides all week and a stormsurge today, I really hate painting tiny white missile heads...

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
10-11-2015, 02:23 PM
Awwwwh! Tiny head! Got any pics?
I've started work on my Pathfinders

Mr Mystery
10-11-2015, 03:49 PM
I've....Erm....well.....I've built a Broadside and various drones?

Next week, I'm thinking three Ghostkeels and two Broadsides.

Because suits.

10-11-2015, 03:50 PM
might be pics tomorrow, don't know.

that is a lot of ghosts

Mr Mystery
10-11-2015, 03:58 PM
I'm hoping to put the willies up my opponent.

10-11-2015, 04:31 PM

White Tiger88
10-12-2015, 07:02 AM
*sigh* So no new Nids? Maybe this is why I can't sell mine :eek:

10-12-2015, 10:00 AM
Multiple retailers are chiming in with these:

Fire Warriors Kit: £30

10 Fire Warriors

DS8 Turret

2 Drones

Strike Teams are armed with Pulse Rifles or Pulse Carbines

Breacher Teams are armed with Pulse Blasters

Tidewall Rampart £95

Tidewall Gunrig - section with twinlinked railgun turret

Tidewall Dronepoint - section with 4 detachable drones

Tidewall Shieldlines (x2) - section with defensive lasers

Components may be fielded individually, or combined to from the full Tidewall Rampart

Rules in the box

Tau Burning Dawn Boxed Set £65

19 Tau miniatures

32 page campaign book

New Ethereal
3 Stealth suits
10 Pathfinders
1 Piranha
3 Drones
1 Recon Drone

Space Marines Shadowforce Boxed Set £80

19 Tau miniatures

32 page campaign book

New Captain
5 Vanguard Veterans
5 Sterguard Veterans
1 Land Speeder

That Tidewall rampart seems really spicy! Its use as individual components will make it quite popular. We will have to wait and see if they offer the components in individual boxes down the road.

Mr Mystery
10-12-2015, 10:03 AM
Reckon they will. Wall of Martyrs was first released as a big box, then components.

Either way, I'm having one!

Asymmetrical Xeno
10-12-2015, 12:00 PM
Now thats more like it, lots of cool stuff! Xenos terrain, I never thought I'd see the day! Well done GW. It looks neat too, hope this will start a trend as the imperiums has more than enough terrain too. firewarriors look new, glad they make an new unit. The Ravenguard box is unexpected, nice to see a less mainstream chapter get it's first plastic model.

10-13-2015, 04:48 PM
via Gamestrust.de (http://www.gamestrust.de/bilder,list1263,1,warhammer-40-000-sternenreich-tau.html) 10-13-2015

More images of the new Tau Fire Warriors and Terrain set:


10-14-2015, 03:51 AM
looking good

Mr Mystery
10-14-2015, 05:30 AM

Hope the new Codex has the Tau alphabet in it again. I want to put 'BRING ON THE WALL!!!!' on my defence line.

10-14-2015, 05:37 AM
you can find it easily online, I googled in on Monday


Master Avoghai
10-14-2015, 07:56 AM
Just a side note... Looking on GW website

Don't you think that some of those bundles looks clearly like future formations for the Tau?
(Specifically those named "cadre")


One is the Xmas advent formation which was obvious to be included in the dex, and the 3 others look like theme formations... I think we have 4 of the 8-10 formations that will appear in the future gladius-like Tau hunt Cadre

10-14-2015, 09:39 AM
Just a side note... Looking on GW website

Don't you think that some of those bundles looks clearly like future formations for the Tau?
(Specifically those named "cadre")


One is the Xmas advent formation which was obvious to be included in the dex, and the 3 others look like theme formations... I think we have 4 of the 8-10 formations that will appear in the future gladius-like Tau hunt Cadre

Wouldn't surprise me. It's not like they haven't done things like that since the previous Eldar codex came out.

The only question is if the Special Rules accompanying them are worth the price of admission. Probably will be, that has been the trend as well.

10-14-2015, 12:31 PM
I would say yes...


"This bundle will give you everything you need in order to field the Heavy Retribution Cadre, as found in Codex: Tau Empire. Three Ghostkeel Battlesuits lead the charge, spotting and advising, while two Stormsurges absorb their data, take aim, and annihilate. Five crushing examples of Tau tech! "

The US frontpage has cycling ads for the cadres

10-18-2015, 04:35 PM
via advancedtautactica's Val'Sitsor (http://www.advancedtautactica.com/viewtopic.php?f=1&t=19686&st=0&sk=t&sd=a&start=1260) 10-18-2015

Tau Tidewall Rampart Rules

10-19-2015, 02:02 AM
very nice

Mr Mystery
10-19-2015, 05:47 AM
Not bad at all.

Though one oddity.....if say, a Landraider Crusader shoots up some dudes on the wall, there's a chance it could glance itself to death with it's own Bolters.....

10-19-2015, 05:55 AM
that's the power of science.

Arkhan Land
10-19-2015, 07:19 AM
definetly will have to be careful on the approach to it, but in truth its only for units on the gun/port disc areas/right behind the line so normal units just behind the line (more than 1" away) wont get the rule. nothing my Wyvs or Whirlis or Radis cant turn into a waste of points. or heck just get off perfect timing. In fact yes, bunch your units up more please!

10-19-2015, 07:32 AM
Not bad at all.

Though one oddity.....if say, a Landraider Crusader shoots up some dudes on the wall, there's a chance it could glance itself to death with it's own Bolters.....

Yeah this is kind of silly in and of itself but the rest of the rules are great IMO. I'm glad that GW didn't decide to just phone it in and make this the "Aegis Defense Line - Tau Edition" but this is bringing back some terrible memories of those lychguard reflection shields. Ugh I hated those things.

Nothing worse than killing your own guys during your own shooting phase. I don't play Orks, that shouldn't happen.

Guess I'll need more barrage in my lists against Tau. Wouldn't be such a big deal honestly if it weren't for the fact that deep striking against Tau is usually a suicide pact.

Mr Mystery
10-19-2015, 07:41 AM
Yeah this is kind of silly in and of itself but the rest of the rules are great IMO. I'm glad that GW didn't decide to just phone it in and make this the "Aegis Defense Line - Tau Edition" but this is bringing back some terrible memories of those lychguard reflection shields. Ugh I hated those things.

Nothing worse than killing your own guys during your own shooting phase. I don't play Orks, that shouldn't happen.

Guess I'll need more barrage in my lists against Tau. Wouldn't be such a big deal honestly if it weren't for the fact that deep striking against Tau is usually a suicide pact.

Spesh as mine will be carting Breachers about....

Asymmetrical Xeno
10-19-2015, 12:22 PM
via Archibald_TK on Warseer
- Commander (apparently with a drone) - 40€, 30£, 50$
- Crisis Battelsuits (3 suits + 6 drones) - 60€, 45£, 75$
- Drones (2 drones) - 9€, 7.7£, 12$
- Warzone Damocles: Kauyon (campaign book) - 60€, 45£, 74$
- Codex Tau (128p) - 39€, 30£, 49.5$
- Tau cards, Raven Guard! cards, also White Scars cards!! for some reason - each 10.5€, 8£, 13.5$

- Commander is 85pts base. Coldstar has no particular rules compared to a Crisis so no +1T sorry. The high yield canon is crap (or should I say crap for that model), 18" S5 AP5 Assault6 TL.

- Crisis suits kit contain 4 of each weapon (except only 3 missiles). Iridium armor is still in the Codex, you can build one of such suits per kit (it the red one we saw in the pictures).

- Kauyon's pictures show two formations: the awesome Shadowstrike Kill Team (2-4 Scouts + 1-5 Vanguards, you chose to fail or succeed reserve rolls for the Vanguards, they don't scatter within 9" of the scouts, they can charge the turn they DS) and Pinion Battle Demi-Company (like a demi company but with scouts that help reserves by accompanying other units to allow them to do a flank attack and can give ignore cover to an unit with 9")

- Codex pictures show 80pts Devilfish and 44pts Pathfinders (minimum unit size of 4)

-Drone Kit Two drones, each can be built as Gun/Marker/Shield. Drones in the Crisis kit have the same options.

Drone kit is unexpected but I did notice drones were not available to buy last week. WOuld probably collect tau if an all-drone army was possible. Always liked the look of them (floaty/non-humanoid)

Mr Mystery
10-19-2015, 12:57 PM
News from the Warhammer App, and I'm sure many will find it pleasing.

The Tidewall will be available again as constituent kits as of 31st October. So a little under 2 weeks.

Asymmetrical Xeno
10-19-2015, 01:02 PM
News from the Warhammer App, and I'm sure many will find it pleasing.

The Tidewall will be available again as constituent kits as of 31st October. So a little under 2 weeks.

Very good news, it would of sucked if it was a limited edition thing like some of the other terrain kits have been in the past. Always hard to tell really!

Mr Mystery
10-19-2015, 01:08 PM

And being individual kits will allow peeps to collect bits and bobs as they go, rather than having to shell out £95 in a oner.

10-19-2015, 01:14 PM
I think I will just buy three railgun turrets and link them together :p

Mr Mystery
10-19-2015, 01:22 PM
That idea makes me......


10-19-2015, 01:44 PM

just dropped the ankle connector piece for the ghostkeel, spent twenty minutes looking for it, and had to dismantle the skirting heating panels. I found it though.

Mr Mystery
10-19-2015, 02:01 PM

Still need to build my second one.

10-23-2015, 07:19 AM
The master luchiban from Warseer got another early codex, this time for our favoured Tau and....holy crap at those points. The Destroyer Missiles on the Stormsurge can become DESTROYER weapons by using Markerlight tokens!? WOW! Now that's a Knight-killer and explains the markerting! The Optimized Stealth Cadre is really powerful even if just for the Ignores Cover/+1 Ballistic Skill/hitting vehicles on their rear armour all the time on the Ghostkeel. It definitely makes the Ghostkeel super-powerful and the Stealth Suits really worthwhile for a change.

Originally posted by luchiban

1. Yes. Hammerheads and Skyrays

2. Yes

3. Yes they can. And by the way, max unit size is 12 for strike teams, 10 for breachers.

4. No, he can't. He can buy two Support systems.

5. IMO this is one of the best formations in the book. Ghostkeels and any Stealth Battlesuit unit in the formation at 6" of the Ghostkeel ignore cover, add +1 to BS and hit vehicles in the rear!!!!!


Codex is soft cover (Don't know if this was known)

Markerlights (1 marker) can be used to increase the Destroyer Missiles from S8 to SD!!!!!

10-23-2015, 07:34 AM
More from our saviour on Warseer. The Hunter Contingent (Decurion detachment) is insanely strong. This means for example that if one unit has Tank Hunters, all units shooting at a target will have Tank Hunters, and other rules like Ignores Cover (which if you combine with the above Stealth formation is utterly ridiculous). Sharing Markerlights is ridiculous as it solves the whole "running out of tokens" problem. The Core formation is also really good, the minimum cost of it is around 400 points and it actually includes all of the heavy hitters in the codex unlike any of the other Core formations so far! Yikes! Being able to Run and Shoot for that entire formation is crazy, as is the Supporting Fire 12" bubble. It's looking fantastic for Tau so far!

Originally posted by luchiban
Yes there is, and looks powerful:

Hunter Contingent:

Consists of:
0-1 Command
1+ Basic
1-10 Auxiliaries

- 1 Commander or Shadowsun
- 0-1 Ethereal or Aun'va or Aun'shi
- 1-2 Crisis bodyguards

Basic (Hunder Cadre):
1 Commander
0-1 Fireblade
0-1 Crisis Bodyguards
3-6 Strike, Breacher or Kroot
1-3 Stealht, Ghostkeels, Riptides or Crisis.
1-3 Scouts, Piranhas, Vespid, Drones
1-3 Broadsides, Hammerhead, Stormsurge, Sniper

Rules for Hunter Cadre:
- Defensive fire at 12"
- Can run and the shoot. In this order.

Rules for Hunter Contigent:
- Reroll Warlord trait
- Units can combine their shooting attacks, and shoot as if they were a single unit. So they can get benefit from special rules and the same markerlight, for example. This is really, really powerful.

I have to say that there are not many (changes):

- Riptides unit size is now: 1-3 (Same as Hammerhead, and Sky Rays) and get Fire Team rule (+1 to BS if unit size is 3 when shooting)
- Crisis bodyguards are now Elite

(Regarding Cadre Fireblades)
No, they are an HQ option

1. (Iridium Armour still a Signature System) It is. Signature systems are pretty much the same.

2. (Cyclic Ion Blasters/Airbursting Fragmentation Projectors remaining "one-per-army") They are not. They can be purchased normally (like a Fusion Blaster for example)

3. (Ghostkeel/Stormsurge formation rules) If target is at 12" or less from the Ghostkeel, reroll to hit. It two units of the formation, shoot at the same target, target unit cannot run or move flat out next turn, and assault distance is halved (rounded down)

4. (Stealth Suits FoC slot) Elite

5. (Changes to Kroot) Not really.

Mr Mystery
10-23-2015, 07:40 AM

My collection! They've ruineds it! RUINEDS IT PRECIOUS!

10-23-2015, 07:44 AM
More from luchiban;

Originally posted by luchiban
(Who has the Fire Team special rule) No, only:

- Riptides
- Ghostkeels
- Hamerheads
- Skyrays

Ballistic Skill 5 Hammerheads/Skyrays? Ballistic Skill 4 Riptides/Ghostkeels? Yikes!

Mr Mystery
10-23-2015, 07:47 AM

10-23-2015, 08:00 AM
Early thoughts....this makes Tau an absolute top-tier army depending on how the whole "share special rules" pans out, and the immense buffs are enough to make the "trash" units semi-viable now. Very happy indeed as a Tau player as my two Stormsurges just became proper titan-hunters! :D

Mr Mystery
10-23-2015, 08:12 AM

Might need another box of Pathfinders. I get the sneaking suspicion they'll be priority targets in no time, provided of course the above rumours are 100% accurate (nothing personal, I'm just a natural sceptic)

10-23-2015, 08:15 AM
The formation rules now (for the Core formation, Ghostkeel/Stormsurge formation and Decurion-style detachment rules, look up);

Originally posted by luchiban

Let's go with the formations:

Hunter Cadre (see previous posts)

Retallion Cadre
- 1 Commander
- 3 units of Crisis
- 1 Broadside unit
- 1 Riptide unit
Rules: Relentless
+1 BS when Deep striking
May choose to enter from reserves in turn 2 via Deep Strike. This includes Broadsides.

Heavy Retribution Cradre (see previous posts)

Infiltration Cadre
- 3 Pathfinder units
- 2 Stealth battlesuit units
- 1 Piranha unit
Rules: If one unit of the formation is destroyed, rest of the formation enters from reserve next turn automatically.
If an enemy unit gets hit by 3 or more markerights from this formation, you get a free Seeker missile hit to this unit.

Optimised Stealth Cadre (See previous posts).

Firebase Support cadre
- 2 units of battlesuits
- 1 unit Riptides
Note that they do not have to be max size like before
Rules: They formation can combine their shooting attacks and shoot as a single unit. When doing so, they get Tank and monster hunter SR.

Armored Interdiction Cadre
- 3 Units of Hammerheads
- 1 Unit of Sky Rays
Rules: Choose a point in the battlefield. When shooting to a unit at 6" or less from this point, reroll to hit.

Air Support cadre:
- 1 Sun Shark Bomber
- 1 Razorshark Strike Fighter
Rules: Ignore shaken and stunned with 2+.
Beginning of the turn, roll a D6 for each lost hull point. If you roll a 6, recover 1 HP.

Allied Advanced Cadre
- 4 units of Kroot
- 2 units of Vespids
Rules: Vespids get Infiltration and Stealth (Forests)
Kroot at 12" from Vespid units, get Obscured (Forests) instead of Stealth (Forests), and get +1 BS
They all get supporting fire with other units of the formation.

My thoughts;

The Retaliation Cadre is....woah. Relentless only affects the Broadsides but my god it is such a huge buff for Broadsides. The +1 Ballistic Skill bonus when Deep Striking is insane for Crisis Teams...dual Fusion-Blaster teams just became godly, especially since they automatically arrive on Turn 2 if they Deep Strike. Wow!

Infiltration Cadre; the rules on this formation are weird. The idea seems to be to give Pathfinders Rail Rifles/Ion Rifles and the Stealth Teams Fusion Blasters to Outflank automatically without needing to roll by using the Pirahna as a sacrificial lamb. The very definition of Kauyon! The minimum cost of this formation isn't too high either, while the whole 3 Markerlights = free Seeker Missile is pretty darned powerful (it auto-hits, is S8 AP3 and I'm guessing has Ignores Cover if it follows the old rules).

Firebase Support Cadre; this got nerfed as expected, but it is still really strong. Gaining Tank Hunter like before is still really powerful for all of the units in the formation but being forced to shoot at one unit to get it limits it, though obviously you can just use Target Locks to get around it (lol!). The addition of Monster Hunter is really cool actually, though generally I still think this formation did get a bit weaker....not that it really matters when it was one of the best formations in the game already. Happy with the changes here.

Armored Interdiction Cadre; yikes! That is really darned nasty and so useful for Hammerheads in particular! Re-rolling to hit with Ion Cannon Large Blasts that can easily get Ignores Cover through the shared buffs of the detachment...holy moly.

Air Support Cadre; a nice little formation. Ignoring Shaken/Stunned on a 2+ is no joke for any flyer, though the regaining hull points thing is gimmicky.

Allied Advanced Cadre; now THIS is what I'm talking about! Infiltrating Vespids is actually really good as it solves their major issue of getting to a good spot to fire, while the detachment buffs are awesome for them. Kroot with Shrouded in Forests and +1 Ballistic Skill is pretty cool considering they too can Infiltrate. A wall of infiltrating Kroot/Vespid is actually really nice and will surely make the Auxillaries a lot more popular. The Supporting Fire thing seems weird seeing as both units already had it in 6th Edition, I'm assuming it means regardless of range they get it which is nasty if so.

All in all, the formations are pretty darned good. The juice of the army is undoubtedly in the detachment though, the shared bonuses are insane.