View Full Version : patzgcruz - Blood Angels Storm Raven Tutorial

03-25-2010, 10:00 AM
CRUX pattern Blood Angels Storm Raven

As requested by some members, I decided to replicate the Storm Raven conversion that I made last week and do a step by step process to help out people who want to create their own Storm Raven conversion using my idea. I mainly used the IG Valkyrie and Weapon bits of the Space Marine Whirlwind to create this Blood Angels unique transport.

My main goal was to create the Storm Raven with as little use of plastic card as possible, and to use a minimum amount of boxed kits to kit bash. With these two boxes, the whirlwind retailing for $40 and the IG Valkyrie retailing for $58, I was able to keep the starting cost below $100. An added bonus of using the parts of the Whirlwind is you get a complete Rhino kit to either add to your army or use as a trade tool with your friends.


Here are the tools that I used. First off, safety. Try to cut away from your fingers and if you are using a rotary tool use some safety glasses.


As I am limited by the 4 picture post policy of this site I will try to keep it short and sweet.

03-25-2010, 10:13 AM
Using a bone saw and cutting board, I sliced the Valkyrie crew compartment in half, try to do this neatly since we will be using the lower half of the housing as well later on


I also cut the other half of the cockpit since I won't be needing a secondary pilot. I assembled it using the
lower half of the seat for support, the glass cockpit, the front hull piece, which as you can see I also cut in
half, and the cockpit side supports.


Now to create the other half of the cockpit assembly I cut the wing assembly support of the
Valkyrie kit at this point.


These are the pieces that I will use to create the other half of the cockpit. Note the plastic
card piece that I will use later on for supporting this assembly.


03-25-2010, 10:26 AM
Ok, second part of tutorial. This is how the other half of the cockpit assembly should look like.
I would suggest using blue tack to temporarily mount the parts together.


A trial connection of the two parts should look like this.


Assemble the crew compartment of the Valkyrie. Now carefully place the back part of the cockpit assembly. Do a trial connection of the front and back part before doing this. I used the existing railing to help in supporting the pieces.


The cockpit assembly completed resting on the Valkyrie crew compartment.


03-25-2010, 11:56 AM
Ok, to continue on we use the wing brace assembly, the one from an earlier image and complete assembling it with it's lower half and...


We go ahead and mount it on the side of the hull.


We need to trim down the doors so that it can fit to the side, use a hobby saw and adjust
with a hobby knife when putting it on.


I will next tackle the grapple, magnet for the dreadnought. I use the hatch housing for the Whirlwind
and one of the multiple rocket front bit and a small round magnet (1/8" i think).


03-25-2010, 12:17 PM
Assemble the whirlwind turret/hatch as normal. I suggest gluing the arm down.


the lower piece is the MLR pod front half, it easily fits to the lower turret.


Assemble it to the rear of the cockpit, the lower half. Make adjustments as necessary.


I will go ahead and tackle the anti-tank missile which I procured from the Whirlwind. Note the
suggested cut point.


03-25-2010, 12:25 PM
With a hobby knife, shave away the skull marking off the missile pod cover.


I attached the missile pod to the side of the wing support.


Mount the small wing tips at the side of the cockpit. we will use this as support for the


glue on the assembled engine piece, adjust as necessary to create a even flushed look.


03-25-2010, 12:50 PM
Awesome job! I was wondering when these would start poping up...

03-25-2010, 01:11 PM
Now we go back and use the lower hull cockpit assembly that we cut out of the upper cockpit and
we will use this bit as engine covers.


Laying out the wing pieces that will be used. I had to cut out a strip of plastic card to support
the rear wings.


Attach the smaller wings to the lower front, near the assault ramp.


Mount the plastic card first, then mount the tail wing section.


03-25-2010, 01:17 PM
Here is the completed hull of the Storm Raven. I will take a break for now since I have to do some errands.
But you can see that this is a fairly easy and good looking conversion. I will go ahead and post more later on.

The large wings are not glued yet, I am still debating if I want to change the angle but at the current configuration it looks like it is moving and it can rest easily on the ground.


Kindly give input feedback. I think I will try to use the Assault cannon and heavy bolter configuration for this one.

Update 5/5/10

Been lucky enough that a lot of people like this design so I am posting some commission work that I've done, these are 2 sets of Blood Angels Death Company Storm ravens with magnetized weaponry.




03-25-2010, 01:22 PM
Awesome job! I was wondering when these would start poping up...

Thanks, I post more pics later today. Don't worry about removing feedback since the bulk of tutorial is done.

03-25-2010, 04:33 PM
what could be useful is a box (spare rhino) at the back for those whose dreads have banners or dont want to be carried! :P bu this is an excellent tutorial and thankyou for sharing your great ideas!!

OCdt Mephiston
03-25-2010, 05:59 PM
This is a fabulous conversion and a very comprehensive tutorial! Thank you so much for sharing your creativity, as soon as I can scavenge a few buck I'm going to build this!!!

03-29-2010, 02:02 PM
I don't mean to sound overly critical, as it's a beautiful conversion but.....

The one design flaw that I see that really annoys me is the fact that the wings are pitched DOWN. I'd somehow find a way to move the struts supporting them so that they're level.

It also needs canards up front for lift there too.

Now that I think a second or two more, the whole wing section should be moved towards the center as well.

I just looks off-balanced and most certainly not flight-worthy (yes, I know we're talking about giant daemons and 8' genetically engineered space marines, etc).

03-29-2010, 11:05 PM
I don't mean to sound overly critical, as it's a beautiful conversion but.....

The one design flaw that I see that really annoys me is the fact that the wings are pitched DOWN. I'd somehow find a way to move the struts supporting them so that they're level.

It also needs canards up front for lift there too.

Now that I think a second or two more, the whole wing section should be moved towards the center as well.

I just looks off-balanced and most certainly not flight-worthy (yes, I know we're talking about giant daemons and 8' genetically engineered space marines, etc).

No, You are critical and sarcastic to boot. Praising the guy for the 'beautiful' model but, you kick patzgcrux in between the legs by your criticism. Why don't you show us the proper way to convert with the proper aerodynamics and design, oh by the way you already answered the question by admitting that it is a 'make believe world' .

03-30-2010, 07:10 AM
I don't see Gauthic's comments as a kick in the anywhere, Bloodboy. Giving feedback about tweaks for the realisim of the model, given flatly and without unneccesary adjectives are always acceptable.

03-30-2010, 07:25 AM
weird, i thought canards were control and maneouvering surfaces not intented for lift generating purposes and that pitched down wings actually allowed for greater lift generated from a smaller wing surface?

guess i was wrong? oh well good job its the 41st millenium with genetically engineered super humans, daemons and ancient alien beasties were things like anti-grav motors and suspensor fields sort out all aerodynamic problems :D :D :D :D

03-30-2010, 09:36 AM
I agree with Gauthic - the conversion looks great but it does look front-heavy. A second set of small wings towards the front would go a long way toward making it easier to suspend disbelief that this thing could actually fly. Maybe something like the rear stabilizers from the valkyrie kit, or wings from a piranha, something like that.

03-30-2010, 10:17 AM
To Bloodboy:
I wasn't being sarcastic at all at the praise of the conversion, and I was attempting to give fairly positive feedback of the modeling work that was done, and perhaps aesthetic changes that could be made to help it look better. It's my opinion to be taken, like everyone else's opinion, with a grain of salt.
There was no insult written by me, nor was there one intended in my post.

To all:
Also, "annoy" was far too strong of a word and I apologize for the use of it. I was rushed when I posted, and I should have re-read and re-written the post in a more friendly format.

to harrybuttwhisker:
Canards (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Canard_%28aeronautics%29) may be used for either lifting or control (or both).
On realistic aircraft, wings (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wing) are meant to push air downward or create a vacuum to lift the wing up, otherwise the object will fall. This is done by the airfoil or the angle of a wing. Having a wing pitched downward while it's got forward momentum will push the wing downward unless there's something interesting going on in the airfoil (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Airfoil).

03-30-2010, 10:22 AM
It's all welcome comments, I can improve the design. My main goal was to create an easy conversion. Blood dude, thanks for defense but try to be more plesant to other members.

03-30-2010, 02:26 PM
This is an awesome conversion! I really hope that, until GW releases a plastic kit, this will become the wordwide standard for stromraven conversions! I especially love that it looks quite easy to replicate. But it`s the idea that counts, and you deserve big props for that!

Plus, the tutorial is really well written.

Also, I have to agree with Gauthic that the front looks a bit to heavy. I`m not sure whether moving the wings towards the front or adding a second set of smaller wings, as Lerra suggested, would fix this. Maybe you can dryfit both solutions and post pics?

04-05-2010, 12:04 AM
This is an awesome conversion! I really hope that, until GW releases a plastic kit, this will become the wordwide standard for stromraven conversions! I especially love that it looks quite easy to replicate. But it`s the idea that counts, and you deserve big props for that!

Plus, the tutorial is really well written.

Also, I have to agree with Gauthic that the front looks a bit to heavy. I`m not sure whether moving the wings towards the front or adding a second set of smaller wings, as Lerra suggested, would fix this. Maybe you can dryfit both solutions and post pics?

Thank you, I've been getting a lot of messages and praise for the tutorial and I am very happy to share this with the BOLS community.

I also want to share the completed Storm Raven and Dreadnought pics.





04-05-2010, 12:05 AM



I hope you find the tutorial helpful and I hope to see pictures of the Storm Raven that you guys build.


04-05-2010, 07:15 AM
Thanks for the Tutorial! You're the man!

Here have this: +2 Internets

04-06-2010, 04:32 AM
Thanks for the superb tutorial!

I've started my own using this tutorial, but I'll try to keep the sliding doors sliding :S

04-06-2010, 06:20 AM
Oh god, the dreadnought just looks so cute when its being carried by the Storm Raven. Like a cat carrying a kitten. Storm Cat with Dreadkitten.

Sanguinary Dan
04-07-2010, 07:02 AM
I've got to say that it's the best looking Stormraven out there right now. If I had the plastic skills God gave a monkey I might even try and build it. But lacking those I'll just sit back in awe and await pics of the Mk.II.:D

Aw heck, maybe I'll give it a go anyway. (looks surreptitiously over shoulder to see if wife is watching) It's only money after all. Off to E-bay to find a cheap Valkyrie and a Whirlwind sprue.:cool:

Commissar Lewis
04-07-2010, 03:40 PM
Oh god, the dreadnought just looks so cute when its being carried by the Storm Raven. Like a cat carrying a kitten. Storm Cat with Dreadkitten.

Indeed it does.

Actually that'd make an awesome in itself - Dreadkitten. With the DCCW modeled to look like cat claws.

person person
04-07-2010, 06:26 PM
Thanks for the tut man, didn't think that beast was something I can see myself making!

Hairy Piggy
04-08-2010, 02:09 AM
In addition to the excellent conversion, you've given it a nice paint job as well

MC Tic Tac
04-08-2010, 07:55 AM
Thats is a sweet conversion and the paint job is the good chocolate fudge icing on the top :P

04-11-2010, 02:51 PM
Apologies for not being a BOLS regular but since I used this tutorial and am thankful for it's existence I felt the least I could do was share a pic of what I made as requested:


More pics (http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/index.php?showtopic=192039&st=25&start=25)

04-11-2010, 11:57 PM
Man, I'm happy to see it. Thank you, makes the tutorial worth posting.

04-12-2010, 02:59 AM
indeed it does.

Actually that'd make an awesome in itself - dreadkitten. With the dccw modeled to look like cat claws.


Kind of a dreadkitten :P

04-13-2010, 11:21 AM
This is probably the best Storm Raven conversion I've seen so far, great work :cool:

04-16-2010, 09:22 PM
I love your model and the tutorial you posted is great! I'm going to use it for my Stormraven as well, but I think I'll stray from it slightly. I'm going to opt instead for the missiles to be stowed under the wings and try moving the wings up a little further on the model so they appear more supportive of it.
Never the less, awesome work man. Keep it up.

*** Finished mine, expect pics in the near future. ***

04-17-2010, 08:03 PM
I love your model and the tutorial you posted is great! I'm going to use it for my Stormraven as well, but I think I'll stray from it slightly. I'm going to opt instead for the missiles to be stowed under the wings and try moving the wings up a little further on the model so they appear more supportive of it.
Never the less, awesome work man. Keep it up.

*** Finished mine, expect pics in the near future. ***

Cool man, great suggestions. I would love to see your interpretation. Only reason I like the way the wings are on my version is that if you do not glue them on they can be taken out easily.

04-18-2010, 08:05 PM
Finished mine and got some pics up finally. :D


I'm sure if I added a third wing on top and painted it white it might look oddly familiar. ;)

04-23-2010, 03:44 AM
this is a great feature and i will be giving this a go, will post some pics to show what i end up with, kit bashing is so much fun, :)

04-23-2010, 04:44 AM
I should be having a second Valk arrive in the mail today. Can't wait to get to bashing it into another Stormraven. :D

04-29-2010, 04:27 PM
Just to let y'all know, there are cheap, scandalous individuals on eBay selling replica's made from this tutorial for prices breaking $150.00. Disgusting.

06-01-2010, 01:19 AM
I've finished mine, based on your fine example.

I decided to keep the doors sliding, and change the placement of the engines slightly

Thanks again!


06-05-2010, 08:55 PM
At first it actually got a 'meh' from me, then I looked closer and saw a clever conversion that is 1000% better than anything I could have dreamt up. The Death Company birds really got my attention, very nice. A few tips: Move the canards (front fins) up to the top of the body, and mount the weapons under those (look at a Thunderhawk and you'll see) and move the cockpit forwards a ways:

bloodangel 83
12-12-2010, 05:14 PM
Great work on the stromraven's. Couple questions, how did you create the front weapon mounts? Great work again and as soon as i can i will build me one but i will change a few items for myself. I liked the heavy bolters and missle launchers on the front. Are the weapons on the DC SR attached with magents and where did you get the twin plamsa cannons at? Thanks for any responce and great job again.

12-12-2010, 07:15 PM
not bad might think about looking into building it when i have more time.

Kieranator K82
12-12-2010, 08:39 PM
This beats the GW 'flying crate' for sure.
I don't play BA or GK but am tempted to build one regardless.
A thousand kudos, man!