View Full Version : Awaken Realms in Essen (8-11 October) - Ten Recent armies showcase [poll]

Awaken Realms
10-05-2015, 07:37 AM

In few days we’ll be visiting Essen Spiel – world’s biggest games fair with our game – The Edge (http://www.intotheedge.com) – but not only with that! Being a painting studio, we’ll have there our painting work here to showcase for you! If you’ll be there, feel free to stop at our stand – you’ll be able to talk with us, learn more about our studio and game, and of course, play The Edge and see some of our painting studio work in person! There will be some special showcases prepared specially for you, so if you’re going to Essen, be sure to visit us!

To get you prepared for what you may see in Essen, we’ve prepared ten recently done armies that we’re proud of. I’d like to show you all of them and share a word about each one, then leave the choice to you – which one do you like most? (take a note that in Essen you’ll be able to see things not showcased here – we’re not going to spoil your fun)

Click on each army to jump to each army’s section in our gallery to see more pictures in better quality.

1) Adeptus Mechanicus of Mars

https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/fb/ce/2a/fbce2a3b41071715a12ffb7dd1b26695.jpg (http://awakenrealms.com/galleries/adeptus-mechanicus-army-of-mars/)

Army done with heavy weathering, lots of magnetized options (as pictured) and great care to the squad and vehicle markings done in accordance to the codex. Moreover, this army is now for sell. (http://www.ebay.pl/itm/331670790219?ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1555.l2648)

2) Adeptus Mechanicus of Metalika

https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/2a/16/47/2a1647bf39f1a4d1b93bb71c05dc2f90.jpg (http://awakenrealms.com/galleries/adeptus-mechanicus-forge-world-metalika-army-2/)

Unusual white scheme with red accents worked surprisingly well for the Mechanicus force. There is every entry from the codex present – so look how the paintjob is looking like on each unit in detail by clicking the photo and taking a look at more of them!

3) Aquan Firestorm Armada Fleet

https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/6f/76/6f/6f766f1ac1b0f9ade4859402a4d51366.jpg (http://awakenrealms.com/galleries/firestorm-armada-aquan-fleet/)

This is an example hos simple techniques and vibrant colours are working on a models of bigger scale – on these spacecrafts it look realy well! And it’s always nice to see an space-oriented system.

4) Age of Sigmar

https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/23/5c/fd/235cfd8fba54b390b78b8569f902a40f.jpg (http://awakenrealms.com/galleries/age-of-sigmar-starter-2/)

While not technically an army, but a starter set consisting of two separate forces, this one may be interesting to those ones of you that like the successor of Warhammer Fantasy. The Stormcasts are painted in the scheme we’ve developed ourselves – perhaps you’ll like it as well?

5) Lord of the Rings Froces of Evil (plus extra)

https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/0e/d0/c6/0ed0c6c7ab3d5d04162b74933f2636c3.jpg (http://awakenrealms.com/galleries/lord-of-the-rings-miniatures/)

Done as the models for roleplaying session, this bunch of orcs, trolls, spiders and goblins are the good example of the forces of Evil in Lord of the Rings. And it’s nice to see these models in the time of the system’s declining. Also, take a look at the heroes of good – will they be safe among all of these monstrosities?

6) Legion of Everblight force

https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/df/0d/7f/df0d7f0d7bc2b7e10fc638260a5ead29.jpg (http://awakenrealms.com/galleries/hordes-legion-of-everblight/)

Hordes force consisting of monsters with a leathery, yet silky skin tones. It might be of your liking, as it was done in our best painting quality!

7) Finnish II World War Army

https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/70/fd/6f/70fd6f938d2bfa18d7c95ff780dabe10.jpg (http://awakenrealms.com/galleries/bolt-action-finnish-army/)

Amidst fantasy and SF forces, a historical one is always neat. Moreover, it’s a Finnish force – nice to see a minor participant of the Great War.

8) Tyranid Swarm

https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/2b/38/4f/2b384f85a63e4d2243a23beb8d17c1a9.jpg (http://awakenrealms.com/galleries/tyranid-swarm/)

This army is still not finished, as we’re working currently on big monsters (and on REALLY big ones as well). The first wave of the little bugs Is impressive as well. You may keep a track on the progress on the army in it’s own therad (http://www.lounge.belloflostsouls.net/showthread.php?58155-Tyranid-Swarm-by-Awaken-Realms)

9) Necron Army

https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/08/2e/2f/082e2f53b71d647c1ca0d0a906afce7a.jpg (http://awakenrealms.com/galleries/necron-army/)

A ceramic Necron army with vibrant, blue lighting based on an ancient looking terrain. And a pyramid in the background How to not like this?

10) Cadian Army

https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/80/b5/72/80b572445c4660993a9a1bca1a9ed5d4.jpg (http://awakenrealms.com/galleries/cadian-classic-metal-models-army/)

Out of production, metal Cadians are a nostalgic view. And a freehand banner being a centerpiece of the army is great touch. Pay attention to the cyber-dog as well – it’s a great model!

Choose your favourite one and let’s meet together in Essen!

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