View Full Version : Adepticon: 40k Missions

Mycroft Holmes
03-24-2010, 01:33 PM
The missions for Adepticon's 40K Tournament are online here (http://www.adepticon.org/wpfiles/2010/201040KChampPrimer.pdf).

Scenario 2's primary mission seems pretty odd...
"Primary (Seize Ground): Capture terrain elements, to claim a terrain element you must have a scoring unit completely within an uncontested terrain element. To contest a terrain element a player must have a scoring unit completely within the element. The player with the most terrain elements wins. "

This seems to swing this mission pretty heavily in favor of armies that, due to having strong troop units, take a ton of Troops. Having the only way to control AND contest a terrain piece be troop units seems to be a "gimmie" mission to Tervigon Tyranid armies.


GM Rex Nihilo
03-25-2010, 12:44 PM
Well if you have Tervigons spitting out gribbies they would have to work pretty hard to remove something out of cover as they'll go last with out frag equivalents.

But having read all the scenarios you are right they do favour Tervigons!

03-25-2010, 04:25 PM
The third mission is pretty friendly to armies with lots of scoring units as well.