View Full Version : Paypal Battle boards from Warzone40k.com

09-29-2015, 12:13 PM

What Warzone40k does? We draw, print and deliver mats for such wargames as Warhammer 40K, Warhammer Fantasy Battles, Chain of Command, De Bellis Antiquitatis, Lord of the Rings, Fogs of War, Bolt Action, Battlefleet Gothic, Dust Tactics, Warmachine&Hordes, Infinity, Rackham Confrontation, Malifaux, X-Wing Miniatures Game, X-Wing Armada, Mercs and a lot of other games.

Our mats are printed the same way as high resolution advertisement banners are. Huge plotter prints on PVC sheet, melting material with special acid to make inks set on PVC more solid. Than it is being cut up to an image, rolled and sent to you.

Material of mat is very solid, it can’t be damaged by placing terrain on it, by moving miniatures or by your feet. It even don’t hurts by hot dish (I use it like surface for dinner table). Also, you can wash it with water.

It is all right to keep mat rolled, this way it takes few place.

Cloth mats are made of polyester, a synthetic resin in which the polymer units are linked by ester groups, used chiefly to make synthetic textile fibers. It is light and mobile, but we prefer PVC for solid texture and bright print.

If you are making your gaming table for wargames or just trying to find a way to make your game more atmospheric – than you will find a solution on our site!


