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View Full Version : 3 years of my project of easy-cheap-mobile-beautiful battle board for 40k

09-29-2015, 11:58 AM
Hi! This thread is about is Warzone40k, first russian project with printed mats for table games.
How did we started? For several years I was fond of board games, constructed terrain and painting miniatures. One day I started my own big battle board project. I knew everything about building houses and ruins, rocks and trees, but main problem was to make good base for all of it. I decided to use modern technologies for this problem, becouse nobody in Russia could solve this problem.

What I need? Big 72”x48” base. How can I make it? To print! Large printers today can make up to 3 meters wide images. Moreover, it can be printed on high quality PVC. This material is so hard to damage that my first printed mat is still alive!

So, my first table for wargames was ready, it was more beautiful than I expected. One fellow from another board games club saw my battle board with printed mat and asked me to print another one for him. “No problem” – was my answer. That is how our project “Warzone 40k” started in Russia in October 2012. After 3 years of work, in 2015 we opened our worldwide website, where you can buy battle board for your wargame, look through our photos and watch video to know evething about our mats.

Working on this project is connection between design, terrain-making, printing, color adjustment and background of 40k. What it means?

When we start new battle board, first we think about concept. Is it for 40k or modern warfare? Or for fantasy/middle ages? Basing on it we take some details, that are OK for this setting (for example:stone pavement, broken sword, old shield, golden coin) than we combine them in perfect image with high resolution (21600 px on long edge). Our designers work for a week on each new mat. During this week we check if all looks like a really good battle board, think about new details or delete unwanted things. To be onest, it is not easy and takes time. But after days of work something is ready.

At first time we were working only for local club, not trying to sell something. But then we thought that this can be interesting for other people. Our russian social "VK" helped us to create our first audience. But now we stepped forward, created FB account (https://www.facebook.com/Warzone40k) and then even international site warzone40k.com (http://warzone40k.com/) . Ooh, how hard it was... but now it works all right for you.

One of our recent arrivals is "Concrete". It is city for modern warfare or sci-fi like 40k. Gray concrete, dust, roads. It seems to be cold and unfriendly like all in grimdark future. Radioactive hazard sign is laying right in center of mat, so you can count it as central point for measurements. This mat was created after lots of asks for really dark city, becouse our "Sector B-12" is not too dark. Ooh, i don't know, how "darkness" can be counted, but i think "Concrete" is what they wanted.


Now we our main problem is to find other wargamers all over the world, who will be interested in our pfoject. Also, we are looking for modern designers, who can work with us on new battle boards! Hope to hear from you soon!


