View Full Version : Flavouring 40K Armies

09-29-2015, 11:07 AM
Hi all,

I saw an article on here, where it was suggested that Orks have a few upgrades, including a Waagh! every turn after Turn 1 (which they can do in a Formation- which consists of 1 Warboss, 1 Mek, 1 Unit of Nobs/MegaNobs, 6 Units of Boys and a unit of Grots- anyway).

I have also noticed that it seems to be (in general) the "Horde" armies that get the more "weaker" Codexes (maybe due to the fact that a) there's more of them and b) its more in line with their 'fluff').

However, I feel that there is an answer for these "weaker" armies to be buffed slightly, keeping them inline with their "fluff" and the answer is in the Space Marines Codex, mainly their Chapter Traits.

If this type of "Chapter/ Clan Traits" were to be applied, would these "weaker armies" benefit from them?

Lets take Orks for example

Bad Moons - the richer, more showy off guys, they could have something like the Iron Hands 6+ Feel No Pain, for Boys and Nobs in Heavy Armour, and It Will Not Die for models in mega Armour or Vehicles.

Evil Sunz - the speed freaks of Orks - they could have something like Bikes, Truks and Battlewagons getting Red Paint Job for free, plus Deff Dredds and Kans could get Fleet or Crusader.

Deathskulls with their penchant for Blue (lucky colour in Ork society) could get Re-rolls in all To Hits (Shooting and Combat) and any models in armour could re-roll their saves.

Blood Axes being more Kunnin could have Ravenguard style Scout/Infiltrate for their Boys units.

Goffs being more practical could have an Ultramarine type 1 use re-roll To Hits in Shooting, 1 re-roll To Hit/Wound in combat, 1 use Fleet move.

Snakebites, maybe they could go with Rage/Counter Attack.

(I'd also give Ghazkull a few little extras for his points, maybe Adamantium Will, 5+ FNP and Armourbane for his Klaw). But Ghaz isn't a Klan/Tribe by himself.

Imperial Guard... sorry, Astra Militarum, I would give a few ideas for

Catachan Jungle Fighters - Stealth and Infiltrate.

Cadians - Re-roll To Hit with Lasguns.

Mordians - Vehicles and HQs "It Will Not Die" and the Guardsmen 6+ Feel No Pain.

Tallarns (I believe they have some rules, but I'm not sure of them) I would say Tank Hunter and Scout.

Valhallans Shred Flamers and Stubborn.

Vostroyans - Rage, Furious Charge and Hammer Of Wrath.

Ok, so these options may not be to everyone's individual taste, but trying to keep with the overall flavour of these armies and yet give a bit more individual tactical spices to throw in for games. Its also fair to remember that these armies will outnumber the more elite armies, so should have more gun shots or combat attacks (if at a worse BS, I or WS to the Elite guys).

What do you all think?

09-29-2015, 01:41 PM
I like the general idea, returning Doctrines to the IG and Clan rules to the Orks would be great for flavour, although I think some of your rules would be a bit too powerful, especially considering the precedent set by Codex: Space Marines.

I would also say that the rules for the AM regiments should be more general, so rather than having Cadian rules, you would have rules for Martial world regiments (Cadians, Mordians), who can re-roll all rolls to hit of 1's with lasguns, laspistols, lascannons and hotshot lasguns (full re-rolls would be too powerful). Veteran squads have a +1 modifier for Morale tests.
Light infantry regiments (Catachans, Tallarn), would gain Move through Cover, Stealth (Forest and Jungle terrain), and Veteran squads gain Infiltrate.
Desert world regiments (Tallarn) would get Hit and Run for all units within 6" of a command squad, and Veteran squads and Rough riders would gain Scout. Models shooting with a Sniper Rifle can re-roll all to hit rolls of a 1.
Ice world regiments (Valhallans, Vostroyans) gain Stubborn.
Mechanised regiments (Steel Legion) squads have the Preferred Enemy (Everything!) rule on any turn they exit a Chimera.
Drop regiments (Elysians, Harakoni) roll only one dice when deploying from Deep strike or by Grav chute Insertion, and any model deploying in either of these methods gains Preferred Enemy (Everything!) when shooting with an assault weapon on the turn they deploy by Deep strike or Grav chute Insertion.
Feral world regiments (Mainly for conversions, so I doubt GW would ever provide this one without models, even though it is easy to convert form fantasy plastics) gain Furious charge.

That allows other Regiments than just the ones GW provides models for to be used, so everyone can associate with the rules, even if they are not using Cadians or something.
The abilities are also not too powerful (I think?) in line with the abilities gained by the Space Marine Chapter tactics.

09-30-2015, 08:19 AM
How about Goffs get +1 to initiative on the charge, to include PKs. I would pay extra for that.
Evil Sunz get Bikes and Kopptas as troop choices, extra dakka
Blood Axes Kommandos as troops, assault on the turn they arrive from outflanking.
Bad Moons bonus to shooting, armor saves, FNP to Burnas and tank bustas
Snake bites extra attacks on the charge- Rage Counter attack.
Death Skulls- Big meks can take Deff Dreads and Kans as troops, Old boom gun. An all Mek squad formation.

09-30-2015, 11:55 AM
I like this, but I would simplify;

Brutal and Fighty Clans; Goffs/Snakebites-hate everyone until the unit is broken.
Cunning and Stealthy; Blood Axes- have move through cover, and on turn one, shrouded. In addition, commandos can be troops.
Fasta and fasta- evil sunz and speed freaks- free red paint jobs, fast vehicles and bikes turbo boost 18 in the shooting phase. Nob bikers also gain skilled rider.
Shiny and shooty- bad moons and defskulls- shooting weapons re roll to hit and gain shred for the first d3 turns of the game

The magic of it being that homebrew Ork tribes could be built to fit under one of these themes, and it suggests a wider universe than just six Ork clans. Similar for guard- 5 different doctrines based on their home worlds to pick from would fix them. And add flavour.

10-01-2015, 04:30 PM
Thanks for the input guys. I had the basic idea and thought I'd throw it around for discussion.