View Full Version : Witch hunters acts of faith in guard armies= bent

03-23-2010, 12:27 PM
1 cannoness-45 points
litanies of faith-25 points
Straken-95 points
50 guardsmen- 300 points
The look on your opponents face when he realizes that theyre going to be hitting with two attacks each at str 4 I 6 or str 6 I1... Priceless

Litanies of faith are one of the most OP things in the game.. for 25 points give a guardsmen a 5+ invul
The combinations with this thing are derikulous! its like pairing the callidus with marbo or the culexes with two psyker battle squads.. (Eversor charging with ogryns/rough riders will put the hurt on a lot of people)
Seriously, if a new codex is coming i want something just as good, if not better

Sir Biscuit
03-23-2010, 12:33 PM
Um, you can't do that, actually. Guardsmen cannot benefit from acts of faith, only Sister units can.

Re-red page 18 of the Witch Hunters codex.

03-23-2010, 12:37 PM
's why you put the cannoness in with them..

03-23-2010, 01:12 PM
only a unit with the adepta sororitas rule joined by a faithfull unit can benefit from acts of faith.

Commissar Lewis
03-23-2010, 02:13 PM
Yeah, as a WH/Guard ally player, I can safely say you are out of your mind here.

Only Sisters can use AoFs, not IST, Inquisitors, or any other units. The Canoness doesn't make a unit be able to use them when they normally can't.

03-23-2010, 02:36 PM
Strange.. my dex doesn't say anything about the adeptus soritas rule . . .

03-23-2010, 03:02 PM
That's a pretty big typo.

The rule is under the Sisters of Battle Special rules, page 18, under Acts of Faith.

03-23-2010, 03:10 PM
Acts of Faith do not affect Guardsmen, no matter who has joined the unit. In fact, a Canoness joined to a Guardsman unit cannot use an Act of Faith.

03-23-2010, 03:45 PM
Acts of Faith do not affect Guardsmen, no matter who has joined the unit. In fact, a Canoness joined to a Guardsman unit cannot use an Act of Faith.

And if Melissia says something about how Sisters work, you can pretty much take it to the bank.

Commissar Lewis
03-23-2010, 07:59 PM
What Jwolf said, Melissia is the phd of Sisters here. Makes sense, as Guardsman don't have faith powerful enough to alter the physical properties of things. Only Sisters have that.

03-23-2010, 08:00 PM
Yeah, as a WH/Guard ally player, I can safely say you are out of your mind here.

Only Sisters can use AoFs, not IST, Inquisitors, or any other units. The Canoness doesn't make a unit be able to use them when they normally can't.

In the Sisters of battle book you have to make sure to read all the little gray boxes off to the side....they are actually important!

03-24-2010, 08:22 AM
LE GASP! The information in the codex is vital to playing the army! And next you'll tell me that I should assemble and even... ohmygod... PAINT my models before going to a tournament! And that I need a driver's license in order to drive! And that eating mouthfuls of prescription level pills might be slightly dangerous!

*explodes from far too much sarcasm for this time in the morning*

... but anyway...

Yes... read everything rather carefully. The third edition Sisters of Battle codex (AKA C:WH) very, very clearly explains Acts of Faith from a rules standpoint. Exactly how they should be used, when they can and cannot be used, who can and can't use them, etc. Down to the individual phase of combat. Honestly Acts of Faith is one of the best written special rules in 40k. The special rules for the Sisters of Battle are some of the most unambiguously written rules in the entirety of 40k.

Commissar Lewis
03-24-2010, 10:35 AM
Exactly. I mean, as much as I'd love AP1 lasguns, using Acts of Faith on Guardsmen is blatant cheating.

And how honestly cheats in a game of what basically amounts to glorified toy soldiers? I can understand cheating in poker when cash is on the line, but in a tabletop miniatures game?

03-24-2010, 10:52 AM
Tournaments often have cash on the line.

Sister Rosette Soulknyt
03-24-2010, 07:08 PM
Its funny that this topic started, i once played against a opponent who tried just his very thing against me, a WH player, who has owned and collected there army since they first came out.

The player, a Sm using SoB tried to Faith me with DG in his Devestator squad that his Cannoness joined, firstly i asked him if he read the rules, and he said he had, then he couldnt understand even after showing him the rulings out of the WH Codex.
Wanted to argue the point to he was blue in the face.
In the end i just told him NO, not happening and its called "cheating". I even said whats next you got a Thunderhawk that wants to use Faith too??

He still refused to budge so i just packed up my miniatures in the middle of the room of 10 tables and called him a cheat and a sore loser for ever thinking he could try a crap tactic like that. Dont think he ever came back to that club after that. But i dont have any problems, i did try to be nice, sort it out and explain it to him, but he wanted to be an *** over it.
Whats even funnier, was he was losing too, second turn, i'd destroyed most of his HQ's, and characters, dreadnoughts and assault units.

03-25-2010, 08:33 AM
Heh. It VERY clearly states who can and cannot use Acts of Faith on page 18. It's extremely specific and honestly if you're literate in English you should be able to understand it...

You need to read the list of special rules for characters and units (you should be doing this anyway...). And note which ones have Adepta Sororitas and which ones have Faithful. I should point out that it actually shows the =][= symbol beside Faithful in the unit entry, making that rule very clearly stand out and easy to spot...

03-25-2010, 08:50 AM
Mel since when was reading important? that's a bunch of phooey. i thought i was just supposed to look at the pictures and make up whatever rules i want and play whatever cool new armies out and cry codex creep and not bath and be awkward? if i read then i'll start getting ideas, and be an independent free thinker, then i may actually accomplish something with my life and be somebody of value able to contribute to society and maybe even raise a family and leave a legacy of really ridiculously good looking and smart children....

03-25-2010, 09:18 AM
good looking and smart children....

And I thought you were being serious, until you posted this!


Sister Rosette Soulknyt
03-25-2010, 09:30 AM
When does reading the rules ever stop a cheater in the game, it could be black and white, size 20 font and they would still interpet the rules to suite them.

Cheaters obviously dont know how to read :P

03-25-2010, 10:44 AM
And if Melissia says something about how Sisters work, you can pretty much take it to the bank.

This is true right up until she starts claiming that the Sisters are any better than Marines.

Yeah, you thought you'd gotten rid of me.

03-25-2010, 11:10 AM
Exactly. I mean, as much as I'd love AP1 lasguns, using Acts of Faith on Guardsmen is blatant cheating.

And how honestly cheats in a game of what basically amounts to glorified toy soldiers? I can understand cheating in poker when cash is on the line, but in a tabletop miniatures game?

It's not just the cash. Part of it is 'must win at all costs because my self esteem is in it and if I lose I'll feel bad', and part is 'what can I get away with to prove I'm smarter than you are?'

Kind of sad when that's the most important thing in their life.

Commissar Lewis
03-25-2010, 07:55 PM
Yeah, no kidding. It's always baffled why some people cheat, and why others fight like a damned Honey Badger to be right.

Then again to some people being right is as important to them as breathing, regardless of whether they are actually right.

03-26-2010, 11:33 AM
LE GASP! The information in the codex is vital to playing the army! And next you'll tell me that I should assemble and even... ohmygod... PAINT my models
