View Full Version : Terminators in a drop pod

03-23-2010, 06:44 AM

I am trying to find out if you can put Terminators in a drop pod. I am using Vulkan and I want him with his terminators and I want to use the drop pod to get him in close. the rule book says they count as two and cannot use a Rhino and Razorback, it does not say they cannot use a drop pod.

Thank you for your help.

Lord Azaghul
03-23-2010, 06:46 AM
IF they can take one it would be listed as an option under their dedicated transports. Drop pods can not be bought as a FOC slot. Right now I think the SW are the only ones who can place termies in a DP (not sure on BA).

03-23-2010, 10:34 AM
Um BT as well matie. they have it under drop pod assult. The following units may have a drop pod "terminators, crusaders, command etc"

03-23-2010, 11:16 AM
Unless you are Black Templars or Space Wolves (and Blood Angels until April 3rd), the only way to get Tactical Dreadnought Armor onboard a Drop Pod is to attach a character wearing such armor to a squad that has a dedicated transport Drop Pod.

03-23-2010, 11:28 AM
A drop pod is a dedicated transport.

It can only be used by the unit/vehicle that bought it and any attached independent characters up to its transport capacity.

As far as I can recall SM terminators cannot buy a drop pod as a dedicated transport.

Following the above proviso's the terminators may not enter the battlefield via drop pod.

Does that help?

03-23-2010, 11:40 AM
that answers that question, thank you all for answering that for me. I guess I have to walk or take a landraider.:D

03-23-2010, 12:01 PM
you could Dpod Vulkan with a squad and a locater beacon on the pod, the DS the termies beside them...not really ideal but an option...

Lord Azaghul
03-23-2010, 12:11 PM
that answers that question, thank you all for answering that for me. I guess I have to walk or take a landraider.:D

Terminator armour itself allows you to deep strike.

03-23-2010, 12:18 PM
But vulkan himself cannot and he wants to keep the two together which limits his options to a LRR a LRC or wandering around on foot