View Full Version : 40K Daemons Base Designs

09-21-2015, 03:51 AM
I'm looking to start a Daemon army featuring mostly Nurgle with some Khorn aspects to it. I was looking at some resin bases but nothing really jumped at me and I can't quite think of what would be a great design for the bases. I just looking for ideas, concepts and inspirations of what would look good with this sort of army. I appreciate any ideas. Thank you.

09-21-2015, 07:24 AM
Hmm, I feel like traditional Khorne basing has some kind of lava, while Nurgle has stagnant swamp water.

Stagnant swamp lava?

Not sure if serious or not ...

09-21-2015, 07:39 AM
I'm looking to start a Daemon army featuring mostly Nurgle with some Khorn aspects to it. I was looking at some resin bases but nothing really jumped at me and I can't quite think of what would be a great design for the bases. I just looking for ideas, concepts and inspirations of what would look good with this sort of army. I appreciate any ideas. Thank you.

I've used Scibor's "Demonic" bases before for GKs in the past. They're super nice. MicroArts also makes a "Possessed" base but its a little to flat for my liking. I ended up just starting to cast my own bases with GW daemon bits on the plugs. Not the best quality but they're custom and reproducible.

Not a great pic but whatevs...
https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/eFtFe6wu_DcUCtoooh0WOS_9UfcpjSYWha173YcaCMHzwu6bQs aY_7UdeM5o05K5pbnFwdKAnEhtoK03ecrnzc8wErseA9ZbvIji VfVbhLS3HysEmR-dBvxeSjAe_WtkcVGB6ZiOSFIDHjI-zTN8576DGlo2J-Rxa7-gj4wfAm4nfjvAE_4_upLrhnonRSUbh4OKc9gGWrIoqzI1B1kpy Fruvk36746JuhtQcNr7yTZ7Yd_dNqGXOQPSBdhJYtr-bn7TP8dJ3qWVCBzSyyGEpUdLMtlrQNvmAg4c121MPMR1FxCiGu tTx-o85ukoXfb1-sCTgmhajajlR1IEeIdaig7mz-0WOzv4fC7cqp22zbFiapPZAPGfV_k8W4LnsNdlFCijlkuos2Og AgK3G1TpVX8W-ZHNacw47SrtV201te-yQvRJ9n4kOODSru-c5XWupYvSPz0mzMLFdLnHv0Cp2TpfyVBoGpF5n3Rbo9WKaTyFu SAItUyUau4VzOQpAsAjdnniEqLQEOZOUbXIvkVTSoSwX55UkWd Q7I7DQ_g=w2582-h1916-no

09-22-2015, 01:02 PM

I'm a big fan of Secret Weapon Miniatures (http://www.secretweaponminiatures.com/index.php?main_page=index) bases, the Bone Fields line are very daemonic.