View Full Version : Bjorn Drop Pod Madness

Sir Biscuit
03-22-2010, 01:05 PM
So, I have a question for you fine folks that I can't figure out:

I want to get Bjorn in a drop pod even though he can't normally buy one. So I hit upon the idea of buying a squad of Long Fangs, and having them buy the drop pod. I deploy the Long Fangs on the table, and put both Bjorn and the Drop Pod in reserve. Bjorn gets in pod and presto!

My question is, is this legal? I can't find a clear rules answer on this.

03-22-2010, 01:10 PM
Not legal because the Long Fangs can only buy a drop pod as a dedicated transport, and the only unit that can start a game in a dedicated transport is the unit it was purchased for. Thus, you can buy the Long Fangs, you can buy them a drop pod, you can deploy the Long Fangs normally, and you can put the drop pod in Reserve without them ... but you can't start Bjorn in the empty drop pod because it's a dedicated transport that wasn't bought for him.

03-22-2010, 02:21 PM
Not legal because the Long Fangs can only buy a drop pod as a dedicated transport, and the only unit that can start a game in a dedicated transport is the unit it was purchased for. Thus, you can buy the Long Fangs, you can buy them a drop pod, you can deploy the Long Fangs normally, and you can put the drop pod in Reserve without them ... but you can't start Bjorn in the empty drop pod because it's a dedicated transport that wasn't bought for him.

Right. No way to get Bjorn a pod.

03-22-2010, 02:25 PM
See if people at your local gaming people will allow you to stick him in a drop pod for the normal cost, or even for an exaggerated cost of say, 50 pts. Thats what I plan to do with my all drop-pod Wolves army, its plain ridculous that the coolest dread in the game is the only one that can't be podded.

Sir Biscuit
03-22-2010, 03:03 PM
I guess my confusion stems from the fact that dedicated transports operate as normal transports after the start of the game.

So to clarify, no one is allowed to get into transports in reserve unless they could have started the game in it?

03-22-2010, 05:23 PM
Think of it like this:

A drop-pod isa dedicated transport but must deep strike in. Therefore it can't deep-strike in an entirely different unit in the same way a razorback could be deployed alongside squad A but then be used by squad B.

03-22-2010, 05:53 PM
So to clarify, no one is allowed to get into transports in reserve unless they could have started the game in it?

03-22-2010, 07:23 PM
Right, the only unit that can deploy in a dedicated transport at the start of the game is the unit that purchased the transport. Reserves count as being at the start of the game, more or less.

03-22-2010, 09:00 PM
Do you really want him in a pod? Sure it would be cool to drop him first round in the enemy backfield....but when they blow him up? Do you really want to add an easily accessible objective for your enemy to take? I, for one, would swarm that sucker, even if it cost me the game. Then I would give you **** for the rest of your days about how I cost your army one of its greatest chapter symbols yada yada you get the picture lol. Personally...I would give you the drop pod for free heheh.

03-23-2010, 08:03 PM
Do you really want him in a pod? Sure it would be cool to drop him first round in the enemy backfield....but when they blow him up? Do you really want to add an easily accessible objective for your enemy to take? I, for one, would swarm that sucker, even if it cost me the game. Then I would give you **** for the rest of your days about how I cost your army one of its greatest chapter symbols yada yada you get the picture lol. Personally...I would give you the drop pod for free heheh.

I've used Bjorn in a Drop pod a couple of times in Apocalypse, well because anything goes in Apoc.

1 game he was a beast,deep in enemy territory pounding tanks to bits, but I also rolled 4 5+saves in a row

Next game he quickly took a D cannon shot to the face and I failed his invuln...no more Bjorn.