View Full Version : World Cup 2015

09-18-2015, 11:58 AM
Well, here it is. The world cup starting tonight. I am totes excited for it :)


First game England vs Fiji

09-18-2015, 06:18 PM
Damn that is a stupid pool. England Wales and Australia....who thought that was a good idea

09-19-2015, 04:45 AM
Someone who doesn't like the Welsh?

Though unless England sort out their scrums they will be destroyed by the Ozzies and Welsh.

England should be relieved to get the bonus point last night. It wasn't a great game and they made a lot of errors. All plaudits to Fiji, England were expecting to run them off the park and it didn't happen, their defence looked tasty and they made good decisions

09-19-2015, 07:01 AM
Georgia vs Tonga

Quite an exciting affair. Not the greatest of games though. The second half Tongan try brought the game alive. Georgia looked strong at set phases with Tonga strong in open play. The discipline and might Georgian scrum won the game though. Or rather the indscipline of the Tongans in at the final phase.

Next up...

Ireland vs Canada

09-19-2015, 03:33 PM
Ireland vs Canada

Was predictable one way traffic. Lovely breakaway try from the Canadians though. Also this guy:
http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2015/09/19/15/1442673710842_lc_galleryImage_Hubert_Buydens_of_Ca nada_.JPG
What a beard!
A couple of dissalowed tries on both sides, not that it hurt the Irish.

Sexton is looking on top form

Catch-up time Republic of South Africa vs Japan

09-20-2015, 01:26 AM
Republic of South Africa vs Japan

Wow. I wasn't expecting that. Great game, well maybe not great it was a solid game. Ill discipline didn't help giving the Japanese the initial lead. Fast forward to the end and 72 minutes in RSA had a 3 point lead that they thought was unassailable and sat back to defend. A loose kick for Japan to run back and run back they did and kept their shape and composion and just hammered and hammered away won a penalty then choosing the gutsy decision to go for a try rather than the safer three points.

South Africa will be looking at what went wrong, 1 win in 2015 it wasn't great.
Japan, 5 day turn around to face Scotland, which based on their performance could be eyeing that as a win and going to the quarter finals.

Next up

Catch-up time France vs Italy

09-20-2015, 04:38 PM
France vs Italy

It highlights the extensive use of the TMO. I am not sure if it is a good thing or a bad. Certainly, it is important to get things right, but it can be a little disjointed. It certainly highlights the differences to technology between rugby and football who still kinda roll with the "you're only in trouble if you get caught" mentality, but I wonder if the TMOs are making too many judgements which the linesmen could make. That being said, of all the games I think the ref had the worst game with some strange interprtations around the maul.

The game kinda fizzled out, but the french were solid though despite the scoreline it wasn't quite the all encompassing french performance.

Samoa vs USA will have to wait till tomorrow

09-21-2015, 05:12 PM
Samoa vs USA

A well balanced, if scrappy, affair with the eagles looking the more lively of the two sides but poor discipline hurt them and occassionally lacking direction, whereas the Samoan game plan was more direct. Both back lines were creative, Wyles try being a thing of beauty, with a wide selection of interesting kicks, thugh the eagles at time had difficulty getting out of their 22 not where you really want to be playing your rugby.

Last of the Pool B games, who would have thought Japan would be sitting at the top of the league.

Next up Wales vs Uruguay

09-22-2015, 01:24 PM
Wales vs Uruguay

This was only going to be one-way traffic. But fair play to the semi-professional Uruguayan squad who didn't stop playing for the whole game. Their held the defensive shape and casue problems (not least injury concerns) to the Welsh. It wasn't a pretty game or particually flowing game, the welsh just battered their way to the win.
The welsh injury problems might be very telling when the play England next as they have but 2 props for the entire game, no replacements but regulations require 2 replacements on the bench. You can only replace an injured player if they are ruled out of the tournament through injury so it might make selection headaches.

Next up last weekend match New Zealand vs Argentina

09-23-2015, 03:50 AM
New Zealand vs Argentia

Best game of the tournament so far. Brilliant display by the Pumas keeping shape and immaculate tackling, always chopping at the kness. Then to lead the world champions was very impressive. The all blacks frustrations were typified by two yellow cards in the first half.
The all backs coming back out in the second half continued to attack and the pumas continued with an impressive defence. Tiring the pumas eventually conceeded points, but no bonus points for the All blacks,

09-26-2015, 05:51 AM
Scotland vs Japan

Japan with their tails up slaying the giant that is South Africa Rugby came in to this match still as under dogs and playing their 2nd game in 4 days compared with Scotland who were playing their first. It was a good game and very close at half time. The second half saw the tiredness of the Japanese team, never giving up but errors creeping in and allowing the Scotland back line just to cut open the Japanese defence. For the Scots it was a well deserved win and getting the bonus point. I think the best thing for them was their organised defence, it was solid and tackled hard and kept it shape and possibly more importantly, despite sustained pressure didn't ship penalities.

Mr Mystery
09-26-2015, 05:52 AM
What is this bonus point stuff? I keep hearing about it, but never an explanation of how it works.

09-26-2015, 05:54 AM
I wondered that too

09-26-2015, 03:06 PM
very well played by Wales, but thrown away by England really. far too many unnecessary penalties given away.

Al Shut
09-27-2015, 03:24 AM
What is this bonus point stuff? I keep hearing about it, but never an explanation of how it works.

Four tries gives your team a bonus point?

Not sure because I was only listening to the commentary with half an ear.

09-27-2015, 06:02 AM
Someone who doesn't like the Welsh?

3 of the top 6 being in the same pool is just something that should NOT ever happen.

And its looking more like the Pomes are gonna get the short end of the pool at the moment

- - - Updated - - -

Four tries gives your team a bonus point?

Not sure because I was only listening to the commentary with half an ear.

that of losing by 7 or less

09-27-2015, 03:21 PM
Yup bonus points for 4 tries and being beaten by 7 points or less. The idea is to encourage teams to keep playing.

So South Africa lost to Japan 32-34 pts, they scored 4 tries and stayed within 7pts so got 2pts despite losing.

As for 3 of the top 6 teams in the same pool, it is kinda inevitable unfortunately. Well not 3 of the top 6, but with the top 10 being so far ahead of the next 10 you would end up with 2 pools with 3 and 2 with 2.

B&C with 2 top 10 and A&D with 3.

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Perhaps it was engineered to get some lower teams into the quarter finals?

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Australia vs Fiji

Another game with a clear favourite. That being said Fiji are starting to play more XV rugby, rather than 7s with 15 men as they had done. Perhaps Australia will feel bad for missing out on their bonus points, which may be essential in this "pool of death" having as dab says with Aus (2), Eng (4) and Wal (5). The the gold and green will be left with a little head scratching having lost a number of lineouts to the fijians.

Wales vs England

An entertaining affair. England had the advantage throughout the game with a better shape and the better of the attacking opportunities. It was a balanced affair with both teams staying within touching distance. The ultiamte Welsh win was probably slightly agaisnt the run of play. The English option to do a Japan (go for a try for the win rather than a penalty for a draw) was possibly the more correct choice given the angle of the kick. However, it didn't come out. Though the welsh won, there are yet more injury concerns on a team that was already thinned.

I think this image sums it up nicely


09-27-2015, 07:23 PM
we got our bonus point against uraguay.

matching the welsh at 9 pts currently.

in other news, glad to see scotland topping Pool B by a whopping 10 pts

09-28-2015, 03:36 PM
We need welsh injuries to mean they don't do massively well vs Fiji. Then we need some Aussie Diggers to smash the taffs, lose to us and Uruguay to be bonus point as well.

England snatched defeat from the jaws of victory but going for a try was the right thing to do - if your line outs weren't being utterly rubbish.

For me the loss was Lancaster's fault not Robshaw's. For messing around bringing on unnecessary subs.

09-28-2015, 03:58 PM
thats a lot of ifs den,

I think England is is some serious trouble

09-30-2015, 03:53 AM
France vs Romania

Unispiring slug fest. Romania were undone by ill discipline with France scoring 14 during the extra man period, though did put some nice phases together. When France went through the gears Romania had nothing.

New Zealand vs Nambia

Nambia scored a try! Otherwise the expected one way traffic, with the all blacks never really getting into their higher gears.

Argentina vs Georgia

This was quite a good match. Well until "Georgie the Georgian" was sin binned, Argentian had the upper hand but Georgia stayed very close. Then with a man down Argentina just had more in the tank and started running in tries, quite a flattering score line but ho hum.

Italy vs Canada

Another even matched game. Some lovely tries scored by the canadians, nice flowing game, though towards the middle of the second half it started to lose shape and direction.

Still 5 games behind argh!

- - - Updated - - -

thats a lot of ifs den,

I think England is is some serious trouble

Essentially, it comes down to England needing to be Australia, get the bonus point and stay 7 points clear. I don't see that happening.

The Wales Aussie game should be a good one to watch

09-30-2015, 03:55 AM
Essentially, it comes down to England needing to be Australia

Freudian slip wolf? Or very well played statement?

I certainly agree with it and wonder why you wouldnt want to be Australia

09-30-2015, 04:01 AM
Freudian slip wolf? Or very well played statement?

I certainly agree with it and wonder why you wouldnt want to be Australia

I'm not even going to bother to correct it

09-30-2015, 04:07 AM
I'm not even going to bother to correct it

Too true?

09-30-2015, 03:52 PM
Too true?


RSA vs SAM on at the moment.

Mr Mystery
10-03-2015, 04:27 PM

10-04-2015, 07:30 PM
I would like to thank england for taking one for the team and offering to ensure that they have plenty of time to prepare the post world cup celebrations. Top form guys :D

Mr Mystery
10-09-2015, 05:39 AM
And the prize for most unreasonably bad loser I've ever seen ever goes to this poster on the Daily Mail website...


10-09-2015, 05:46 AM
'I am taking my ball and going home'

none of that makes any sense, she goes from rugby suddenly to the Eurovision and X Factor, hmmm...

not sure why leaving the EU would stop foreign people from entering the X Factor. it is not as though it has a residency requirement.

Mr Mystery
10-09-2015, 05:48 AM
Israel are in it. Russia are in it. Australia competed last year.

It could be a troll post. But being the Daily Mail, it does strike me as likely genuine.

10-09-2015, 05:49 AM
Eurovision yes, but not the X Factor

10-19-2015, 10:38 AM
What an epic weekend of Rugby... there is no way anyone can match the All Blacks.

10-19-2015, 03:24 PM
What an epic weekend of Rugby... there is no way anyone can match the All Blacks.

Their game against France was scary. THey just slipped up in another gear and kept going and going and the gulf opened up.

Sco vs Aus best game of the tournament. Though absolutely heart breaking. "Interesting" interpretation of the rules by the ref. Though technically correct not to use TMO to review the knock on leading to the penality.

10-19-2015, 04:53 PM
Aye I actually felt sorry for the fighting jockanese. I would much rather them have gone through than Wales tbh. I couldn't watch their game as it coincided with my lad's swimming lesson but was watching the drama unfold on BBC live updates and couldn't believe how it went.

For me the Southern Hemisphere is a lesson - keep ball in hand, don't kick for territory and lose possession, score tries to win games.

10-19-2015, 05:32 PM
the thing is, france has a history of giving up and bowing under if you can convince them its unwinable. they dont fight very well, meaning that teams look really good against them when they would be having a tougher game if france kept at it.

Also, damn scary for a moment there for australia, and though it would have been nice to see scotland beat them, it would likely have meant the kiwis would win the word cup and i dont want to see that happen

Mr Mystery
10-20-2015, 03:49 AM
Whilst it appears Scotland may have got gypped by a dodgy decision, it's not as if the game was otherwise sewn up for them.

But some of the conspiracy theories cropping up are hilarious. Such as the Etonian and Twickenham Elite bribing the refs to keep Scotland down. Why? Because reasons, of course...

10-20-2015, 04:05 AM
It's not often us Scots get a sporting event to give us some national pride. Ah well, I didn't keep up with the game, but from what I heard the guys really gave it a good whack. The final penalty was controversial and lost us the game, and the World Rugby guys admitted it was the wrong decision (http://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/0/rugby-union/34576756). A shame, especially given how close to winning they were.

Ah well, the ref's decision is final, and most importantly, we did better than the English. :P

10-21-2015, 03:39 PM
The whole thing was bizarre.

World Rugby should have shown more support to their man. Regardless of the rightness or wrongness of the call, running of the pitch was not good and it seems like world rugby threw him under the bus.

They could have said something like, in hindsight and the benefit of multi angle slow motion re-plays we can see that the decision was not the correct one. Joubert's rapid exit from the stadium was in a response for his own personal safety given agitations in the crowd who felt the call was a wrong one.

Time will pass, it will become history. I am sure had the penalty missed we wouldn't even be talking about it.

Scotland have a lot of positives to come from, though the leakiness of their defence is still of concern.

Australia will take some positives from this, though I think that they will need to find a higher gear to get through the pumas, though it must be a game they see as very winable having won the last eno****er and 10 of the previous 11.

RSA look unliekly to trouble the all blacks,