View Full Version : Tyranid Shrike Conversion, Winged Warriors

Brass Scorpion
03-21-2010, 10:06 PM
Tyranid Shrikes converted with Gargoyle Wings, Ravener Scything Talons and original Tyranid Warrior Bonesword arms. Kneadatite ("Green Stuff") (http://polymericsystems.com/epoxies-adhesives/epoxy-putty-tapes/kneadatite-blue-yellow.htm) was used to blend the join of the wings to the carapace of the model.

http://images.dakkadakka.com/gallery/2010/3/22/91846_sm-Conversion%2C%20Shrike%2C%20Tyranids%2C%20Warhamme r%2040%2C000.jpg

http://images.dakkadakka.com/gallery/2010/3/22/91847_sm-Conversion%2C%20Shrike%2C%20Tyranids%2C%20Warhamme r%2040%2C000.jpg

For those interested in the color scheme shown above here are a few quick bits of info on the major elements. The red is Blood Red washed with Devlan Mud. The blue is Regal Blue shaded in the plate joins with Badab Black. Wing membranes are Dheneb Stone washed with very thin Gryphonne Sepia. Boneswords are Bleached Bone washed with thinned Warlock Purple, then wet blended on the blades with more Bleached Bone. Regal Blue is highlighted with Ultramarines Blue and then edged with a mix of Regal Blue and Skull White.

03-24-2010, 02:11 PM
correct me if im wrong but dont nids have 6 arms &legs & wings in total. but otherwise looks pretty cool

03-24-2010, 08:22 PM
I knew someone would mention the 6-Limbs thing, but how many does a Dragon have?

It's clearly a Tyranid Warrior with Wings (AKA, a Tyranid Shrike) so what's the problem?

The wings do look a tad small to lift a creature like that on THIS planet. But who's to say that Tyranids are not filled with a lighter-than-air gas or have extremely powerful wing muscles?

03-30-2010, 02:37 PM
If that shrike was to compensate the smallness of its wings with its extremely powerful wings muscles it would have to flap its wings REALLY REALLY fast, which would look kind of funny...

Anyway, I like the conversion. Could you try to build another one with three pairs of limbs, the upper one being the wings, under that the arms (with boneswords or whatever weapon you see fit), and replacing his legs with a pair of scything talons, maybe from a hormagaunt or a genestealer? I think that would fit in nicely with the gargoyles and would make the warrior look like an airborne creature that never touches the ground. Of course, you`d have to place it on a flying base then.