View Full Version : BA Lander Photoshop

03-20-2010, 01:01 PM
Just thought I'd post this (very) quick and dirty shop I did. Seems like this is what the Blood Angels lander would look like, though there are already a couple very good valkyrie conversion posted in this forum.
Knowing GW though It'll probably end up looking completely different. XP

Rift Knight
03-20-2010, 01:53 PM
If they would make a plastic like that basically looked like that I would buy it. I pray the GW gods are listening.

GM Rex Nihilo
03-20-2010, 06:16 PM
I think that this is a very realistic photoshopped depiction of what it may look like. I honestly think they wanted to use a Thunderhawk especially given the GK reference as they have been inserted by ThunderHawk forever but it being so complete oversized that is wasn't realistic to use that model so they created the Storm Raven (the BA version anyway) to pick up on the same tactical role in a size that is more inline with the onboard scale a la Vendetta/Valkyrie.

It will be interesting to see how close you are but think you may not be far off.

03-22-2010, 08:36 AM
wow that looks great.

03-22-2010, 08:39 AM
Check out this picture on GWs site (http://gwutil.com/newpictures/products/INC_Spearhead_550x350.jpg). I always assumed I was looking at a Thunderhawk in the background, but now I'm not so sure. After looking at your photocomp concept (which I think is very close to what I imagine the SR to look like) I went back and looked a bit closer. Though the scale of the picture is all over the place, that lander looks a bit small for a Thunderhawk and there is no barrel protruding over the top. Who knows?

03-22-2010, 09:05 AM
Check out this picture on GWs site (http://gwutil.com/newpictures/products/INC_Spearhead_550x350.jpg). I always assumed I was looking at a Thunderhawk in the background, but now I'm not so sure. After looking at your photocomp concept (which I think is very close to what I imagine the SR to look like) I went back and looked a bit closer. Though the scale of the picture is all over the place, that lander looks a bit small for a Thunderhawk and there is no barrel protruding over the top. Who knows?
I Thought the same initially, but apparantly that picture dates back like 6 years

MC Tic Tac
03-22-2010, 09:57 AM
I Thought the same initially, but apparantly that picture dates back like 6 years

It is old, it was the Artwork for this current version Plastic Land Raider back when they had Artwork rather than pics of the minis, and its a Thunderhawk anyway.