View Full Version : Dear people in the USA....

Mr Mystery
09-04-2015, 06:54 AM
I want Exploding Kittens NSFW edition.

But I don't want to pay scalper costs.

Don't suppose anyone would be sporting enough to procure a copy and post it to me with appropriate reimbursement?

Mud Duck
09-04-2015, 06:19 PM
Let me see if I can find it again at my LGS this weekend, then I'll get back to you.

09-04-2015, 07:58 PM
This one?


Mr Mystery
09-05-2015, 12:21 AM
That's the one.

Can PayPal money over. The prices are bloody stupid on the UK Amazon!

09-05-2015, 06:22 AM
Amazon wants $20 US, let me see if the local shop has it this weekend. I don't know what a good price would be or much about shipping costs to the UK though.

Mr Mystery
09-05-2015, 08:02 AM
We can work that out later :)

09-06-2015, 07:55 AM
I can't find it locally so Amazon US is the only option I have. I'm leaving on holiday in a few days so let me know if anyone else finds it so I have time to order it in and reship it out.

Mr Mystery
09-06-2015, 02:51 PM
Won't be able to cough up the money until the 23rd, which is my payday anyway. So no rush.

09-06-2015, 04:18 PM
No problem. I'll order it in and get it ready to go. :p

09-06-2015, 05:33 PM
What is it, anyway?

Mud Duck
09-06-2015, 06:36 PM
So you found it, there 40k gamer? I've a copy here that I can post out. Oh and I'd check the local Target, surprisingly they have copies of the the 'safe' and NSFW (at least up here) in store, even when the LGS is out. Go figger.

09-06-2015, 10:56 PM
Crazy! Best I could find was $20 USD Mud Duck... How'd you do? I didn't hit the order button just yet. :)

Mud Duck
09-06-2015, 11:12 PM
Yeppers! 20 bucks is what it costs. I don't think that a better price will be found, so I pick one up, and a copy for myself. The Nephews will enjoy this game, hopefully, and when they're a little older. Always thinking ahead I am :D

09-07-2015, 07:54 AM
I'm going to have to pick one up too! Trying to ease the lady of the house into the dark world of miniature games and this seems like a fun first step. :) Since I'm a little dense this morning do you have Mystery's copy covered?

Mud Duck
09-07-2015, 10:12 AM
Yes I do.

PM sent to Mr Mystery. Hopefully, blank a de blank computers......

Erik Setzer
09-09-2015, 10:01 AM
Exploding Kittens is ridiculously fun. Played it with a few mates after the game store closed one night, and it gets really tense toward the end, especially when you have people stealing cards, or using their defuse and trying to set up an explosion to hit someone else (who then plays an Attack on someone else, or skips their turn, throwing off your plan... even worse when you're down to just two people and you hit yourself with an explosion).

The "NSFW" isn't that bad. If you're sensitive, I suppose it is. But it seems pretty tame to me. Funny, but "tame."

Al Shut
09-09-2015, 10:54 AM
You shouldn't be playing card games at work anyway.