View Full Version : Tau marker-lights

03-19-2010, 07:56 AM
Afternoon all,

Played my first game with Tau yesterday and came upon a little problem.

Q: Upon shooting marker-lights can the opponent have a cover save? It would seem that as marker-lights roll to hit but not to wound that there would be no cover save as no wounds are caused, but it would be helpful if someone could clarify this.

E.g. is it the case that if 4 M-L hit, opponent takes cover save and negates 2, leaving 2 M-L counters to be used by other Tau units? Or are there no cover saves and all 4 M-L place counters?

Many thanks, and good gaming

03-19-2010, 08:28 AM
The Tau FAQ answers this question. You may find its guidance helpful in this regard.

03-19-2010, 08:44 AM
I ran into this same query a few weeks ago at a tournament. We came to the same conclusion that I could not take a cover save due to no wound being caused. No wound = No saves. Seems like the correct conclusion based on the BRB section for shooting. Not suprisingly, the GW Tau FAQ does not address this question.

03-19-2010, 10:26 AM
Sorry looked through the FAQ and can't see the answer in there. the only thing relating to M-L are their cumulative effects on cover saves caused by the shooting of other units.

I think I will use M-L with no cover saves allowed against the M-L hit, as it causes no wounds. At some point i'm sure someone will support or disprove me.

Thanks for the replies

03-19-2010, 11:25 AM
Standard practice is that you get no saves against markerlights. I've never seen it played otherwise.

03-19-2010, 11:42 AM
No cover saves is the correct way to do it. As others and you yourself have said, cover saves don't affect hits, only wounds. That sequence is actually semi-important, as if cover saves affected hits, Rending weapons would be reduced in effectiveness.

03-19-2010, 03:46 PM
If someone insists upon being permitted cover Saves against Markerlights, then they should be required to follow all of the Save rules. Specifically, for each failed Save, the unit suffers a wound. This may persuade them to go with the no wound = no Save rule.

03-19-2010, 08:13 PM
It seems rediculous now. I can't understand how you take a save that you don't involve taking a wound from. Since we are talking about saves, can we take a cover save or save against psychic hoods to then?

03-20-2010, 06:55 AM
They CAN take a save if they want, it just won't do anything.

Read the chaos FAQ about Lash; a unit can go to ground to get a save/pin themselves; but it won't do anything, as saves stop wounds, they DO NOT prevent effects (and marker-lights cause different kinds of effects).