View Full Version : New to Warhammer AOS need some advice

09-01-2015, 04:27 PM
Hi, first post here just looking for a bit of advice. I am a long time 40k player and with the recent release of AOS my gaming circle decided to give it a go. I have picked up some Ogres because from what little reading into fantasy I did, they seem like a solid army, that requires a lower model count (less to buy and paint), also they seem to have a simple tactic of just going straight into the fight as fast as possible and clobbering stuff. In 40k I play Guard so Ogres seems like a nice change of gameplay for me.

Onto what Ogres I have..

6 Ogres
6 Ironguts
4 Leadbelchers
2 Mournfang cavalry

I thought this would be an OK starting force, I just need a leader (The games so far I've just been using one of the Ironguts as a Tyrant) I've had a look at the warscrolls and I was thinking either Golgfag Maneater or Bragg the Gutsman. Also I want to get a Giant and I also like the look of the Ironblaster.

Any veteran Ogre players out there have any tips, tactics or strategies that I could try? Or any suggestions of effective units to get?

One thing I really want to get is something very long ranged and powerful, best for sniping off enemy heroes. Sometime similar to the Vindicare assassin of 40k, but whatever the AOS equivalent is. Anyone help me out with what AOS unit or hero might fit that role? Doesn't matter to me if its Ogre or any other army. I've been looking at some options and the Dwarf bolt thrower and grudge thrower seem good choices, but I'm not sure and there is probably a load of stuff I've not seen yet.

Finally I'll need something for horde control. One of my regular opponents likes to use/summon lots and lots of skeletons and zombies.

Any advice etc greatly appreciated, thanks :)

Anthrax ion pusscabe
09-01-2015, 06:23 PM
Ok while I haven't played ogres I have read literally every warscroles, so one thing you can do to snip enemy heroes is a goblin spearchucka if you want to stick to units from the grand alliance of destruction (ogres + orcs + goblins) so you can still have key word benefits from things like command abilitys and magic, and for the leader one option you can use in the mean time is making it one of your units champions (does make the hero surprisingly tanky when they have 5 other ogres with them) because a army leader can be literally any model not just a model with the hero keyword, and with hordes I can definitely give advice on remember that summoned units don't count towards the army's starting size, however they count towards the casualty percentage, so if they start with 20 skeletons and a necromancer and they summon 1 unit of ten skeletons a turn and you can kill those ten skeletons they can take casualty rates of over 100% meaning as long as you still have board presence by turn 6 you can win

Anthrax ion pusscabe
09-01-2015, 06:37 PM
And models resurrected with banners also count as additional casualties after their first death

09-04-2015, 02:17 AM
Things to take into account when playing age of sigmar

Number 1 and the most important Synergy in age of sigmar there are a number of units that will gain more bonuses when in range of another unit this is key to making that unit a bit more stronger. This is also key when building a army because anyone can just throw any number of units together and calling it a day but if the person your playing for instance does a castle formation using resistant units up front and ranged behind them and you cant get to them your good as dead if you cant deal with that.

Number 2 unit type read the ability's of each of your unit there are some units designed with ability's that deal with hero/monster units these are special unit killers you also get ones that role is designed for monsters they are monster killers do not deploy these if a enemy does not deploy a monster they tend to be weak overall without monsters to tackle and wasting 1 model count.

Number 3 remove the aspect that there is a core unit that beats everything gone are the days of 8th edition where there was a jack of all trades unit now because there is no point cost the balance comes to placement and deployment learn to counter your enemy's weakness if its there turn to place a unit that for instance is weak to numbers use your horde unit usually comes with a ability rule that makes them stronger if they have 20+ in a unit every army has this sort of unit even yours.

Number 4 take into account you might go second two turns in a row the reason for this is because of the nature of the turns each turn you role off to see who go's first learn to manipulate this aspect the formation example I will give.

At the start of the game form a wall of resistance units in front of your squishy units if you get first turn you can move this resistant unit out of the way from your more higher damaging unit to get first charge if he go's first they have to brake your defensive line so put that resistance unit then a 3" gap between them because if a enemy gets into combat with the resistant unit if the unit its defending ends up within 3" of combat there forced into combat with them so you don't want that to happen :D

My 5th and final advice DONT THROW ALL UNITS INTO COMBAT !!! the reason I say this keep the number of combats Odd number in your favour if you get 3 units into combat that means you get the advantage the players go get first turn to attack that means you get to weaken 2 out of 3 of his units when they attack back also on top of that always attack a unit that has not activated yet because this will weaken there overall strength when the other play go's to strike back the same if has striking you try to keep attacking units he has not activated yet.

Sorry if this feels like a lot to take in but I hope it helps.

Mr Mystery
09-04-2015, 02:28 AM
Xaric's capitalised advice is good advice.

As a fellow Ogre player, do be very wary of getting outnumbered in combat.

We can absolutely dish it out, and we can take more than most - but at the penalty of a distinctly middling Courage value. This means when we take a kicking (and it's ultimately inevitable!) our units can melt away alarmingly quickly, and with each model goes a not insignificant part of our prowess.

As for extra models - do check out the Thundertusk. I swear by my two!

AoS Noob
09-20-2015, 02:18 AM
In battle reports I've watched the grudge thrower looks OP (overpowered) when it has the rune of reloading on it. That thing fires twice per turn and heroes go down in one turn (first turn) from just the grudge thrower sometimes...

But, I'm with Anthrax: it makes more sense with your army to use a spearchucka (or do they still have doom divers?), or at least one of the orc or goblin army war machines to keep your army within the Destruction Alliance :P