View Full Version : Greetings y'all

Shotgun Justice
03-18-2010, 10:39 AM
Hello to one and all
Like many gamers I drift in and out of the hobby as time, money, work and whimsy suit. I've been an Ultramarines player for 17 years and pre-date Codex Ultramarines! I also have a Genestealer Cult army and Arbites army both of which are being slowly resurrected.
Most of my playing time was in 2nd Ed when I also played Orks, IG and Chaos. As a result I have an absolute love for the fluff and models of RT and 2nd Ed. Intending to play my 1st 5th Ed game this week. I also play Lizardmen in fantasy and occasionally Esher in Necromunda.

I discovered BoLS in '06/'07 and love the attitude behind the Fly Lords approach to gaming, engaging with and having fun with the hobby and dare I say it their hard nosed attitude to winning (when appropriate) and as such since discovering the new site build and the size of its following I'm impressed and pleased for all of those behind it.

No more lurking...

03-18-2010, 10:45 AM
Hello and welcome Shotgun Justice, Courage and Honour.

person person
03-18-2010, 12:08 PM
Welccome to the lounge Shotgun Justice! Sounds like your quite the veteran.

03-18-2010, 02:20 PM
Welcome to BoLS!

Glad to see you decided to join the party after lurking for so long. You must have an awesome collection of models from across several generations of GW lines, you should definitely post some pics in the gallery!