View Full Version : Exploring 30k

Rusty Dice
03-18-2010, 09:57 AM
Greetings lost soul., I thought I'd test the waters here with some of my ramblings and hobby work. I recently put out an article on Bols about creating pre-Heresy marines (http://www.belloflostsouls.net/2010/01/40k-tutorial-pre-heresy-mki-armor.html). I am well and truly hooked on this era and it has consumed my time for the past 2 years. Fortunately they have been an enlightening 2 years and I set up a site to share some of my discoveries through creating tutorials.

That aside, I love to tear into a vast selection of sprues and build all sorts of custom models. It is at least half the hobby for me, but I sometimes escape to actually play with my models.

I try my hardest to build an army, or stick to a single project, but alas, new models and ideas draw me away. Instead I commit myself to campaigns and events that require completed forces - the pressure helps motivate me better!

So, juggling upcoming events and my website, I am working on a Dark Mechanicum army and dabbling in all 18 Astartes legions.

I am very appreciative of feedback and ideas. Hopefully some of you like my work, but I'd rather you get creative with me and help turn the cogs!

Rusty Dice
03-18-2010, 09:59 AM
My first milestone target is a 1,000 point invasion force. For those of you know Tempus Fugitives, it's for the Age of the Emperor: Siege of Terra campaign. I'll be at Warhammer world this weekend with this lot for some test games.

8 Plaguebearers
These are being used to represent Feral servitors which feature in Mechanicum. Since my suggestion to add such a unit to the Codex was overlooked, this is the best way to represent them. They are an Elite choice and suitably tough!


Hypaspist maniple
2 melta guns
Melta bomb

Hypaspist maniple
2 melta guns
Melta bomb

2 Cataphract Chimeras
Dozer blades

Two units of 12 hypaspists, both sitting in a Chimera each.

An assassin.

Myrmidon Assault Engine
I interpreted these as proto-defilers.
Note: the Reaper cannons will be dropped in lieu of a MM.

Nova Cannon, Conversion Beamer
Representing my StuG!

[ edit and images to follow ]

bad moon on afull moon
03-18-2010, 03:01 PM
very nice models, especially the nova cannon chimera, got a link to your site sounds interesting?

Rusty Dice
03-18-2010, 04:44 PM
The StuG is more of a Neutron Laser Projector but I can't use Ordnance in this mission so it's pretending to be something else.

My site is www.mywargame.com - I can't see to setup a signature.

Here's how the Skitarii are looking so far:


bad moon on afull moon
03-19-2010, 02:16 AM
very nice skitarii, just spotted that beutifully painted alpha legionairre in the background too.
also, i love the site sooooo useful, especially the Tsons.

Rusty Dice
03-19-2010, 04:14 AM
Thanks Moon. Feel free to vote on the poll once a month as I tend to put whatever gets voted on the top of my to do list :)

This was the state of the list before last night's painting. I've since given the Assassin and Myrmidon a good dose of acrylic.



bad moon on afull moon
03-19-2010, 09:57 AM
looking very cool together, after looking through tempus fugitives im guessing that assassins going to be athena.

person person
03-19-2010, 12:45 PM
Wow, all of this is so awesome, esp. the Skitarii, I'm just not sure about that battlecannon are on the Defiler.

Rusty Dice
03-19-2010, 05:25 PM
Bad Moon: Yes indeed!

person person: It's not a Defiler, I just based it on the model. This variant actually has a Shockwave cannon, hence the dish-like appearance.

bad moon on afull moon
03-19-2010, 05:35 PM
are u including any sagitarii, iv been thinking about making som but cant think of how, ur good with ur admech conversions, any ideas?

Rusty Dice
03-19-2010, 06:37 PM
I built some based on those zombie centaurs from PP but not sre what to do about the absence of a head.

bad moon on afull moon
03-20-2010, 02:46 PM
sounds like a plan, why not try mechanical bits to make a sensor type bit or battle suit heads

Rusty Dice
04-19-2010, 02:54 AM
Hail Lost Souls,

It's always good to come back after a few posted grimey pics with a decent update!

I have undertaken a challenge of painting a model every day until the Siege of Terra. So far the model count has been kept, though my daily posts are a bit scattered.

Every model is towards my Dark Mechanicum force:



person person
04-19-2010, 07:18 PM
Pontius looks amazing, very clever use of Necron bits. Painting's great too.

Rusty Dice
04-20-2010, 03:33 AM
Thanks person person.

The Necron box serves well for all sorts of bionic conversions. I can't say I'd ever use them for the proper deal.


04-20-2010, 04:18 AM
Holy crap that is awesome.

bad moon on afull moon
04-20-2010, 09:04 AM
i really like the techno demons but i think they could maybe look a bit less necrony