View Full Version : How often do you play?

08-27-2015, 01:47 PM
How often do you get to play? Myself, I try to get in a game once a week, but I get a few more games in when my FLGS has a tournament or league.

Mr Mystery
08-27-2015, 03:08 PM
Short answer? Not as often as I'd like.

Usually a couple of times a month.

Sadly I work during the week, and am doing overtime on Saturdays for extra money. Dedication to career building (including home study for qualifications) eats into my spare time, as does the 4 hours of commuting every day.

But, looking to get a bigger flat this year, with enough room for a gaming table and space to store scenery, so hopefully I'll be more active in the months to come.

08-27-2015, 03:12 PM
Id love to play everyday, but these things called "life" and "work" get in the gotdamn way! Just wanna yell pew pew and play space barbies errday

08-27-2015, 04:19 PM
Just to be sure, is this how often do you play 40k specifically (it being in the 40k forum) or how often do you play wargames generally?

08-27-2015, 04:22 PM
I wish I could play more often, but friends spawning put paid to that.

08-27-2015, 07:29 PM
space barbies

This is my new favourite name for wargaming.

Mike X
08-28-2015, 01:04 AM
Short answer? Not as often as I'd like.

Same here. I only get to play one game every 2-3 months, really. Both of my local game stores are so obsessed with MtG, X-Wing, and Warmachine/Hordes that I can rarely ever find a person to play on my schedule (Tuesdays + Wednesdays).

08-28-2015, 07:53 AM
Just to be sure, is this how often do you play 40k specifically (it being in the 40k forum) or how often do you play wargames generally?

I was thinking 40k specifically. I play a few other mini and board games on a regular basis but I'd say that 40k gets the bulk of my attention these days.

08-28-2015, 08:03 AM
This is my new favourite name for wargaming.

"Imagine being the type of person that gets so mad about fantasy space barbies that they write all that nonsense."

That's Path Walker, BOLS stylemaker,


Da Gargoyle
09-02-2015, 11:01 PM
With the folding of my last club I have not played in a long while, when I did that was on the board at the GW shop which was a bit cramped for space. The only up side to this is the fact that I have been building the kits that I got last Christmas, Wraithguard, Wraith Lords and Jet Bikes for Guardians and Warlocks (Though I snagged fantasy Eldar for Jet-Locks cause the 40k version had not arrived then). I am 85% of the way through a squad of Wraith Blades at the moment and am at the crunch decision of axes or swords. I just finished a Wraithseer and have another Wraith Lord that needs painting. Then its 20k up the road to a new gaming group.

Deacon Ix
09-04-2015, 06:21 AM
Mine tends to be seasonal, I haven't played much over teh summer, but hopefully with the nights drawing in some weekends will be freed up.

09-04-2015, 06:58 AM
I haven't played 40k in probably 9 months or more (theses will do that too a gaming group) but i've been playing infinity weekly for the last 6 months and gettin 2-3 games a week, ou group has exploded with us regularly filling 4 tables (with people waiting) and were building a 5th as well (using the navajo terrian packs) as splitting the gaming days just so that we can fit everybody in each week.