View Full Version : Good Airbrush for a Beginner

Opus Krokus
08-24-2015, 09:03 PM
I saw the new line of GW paints and that got me to thinking about jumping in. When I searched the lounge, the info looked like it might have been a little stale. Is there a good brush for starting out? I don't know if they make them this way, but I was thinking about something that I could upgrade as I get better (assuming I keep at it long enough to improve). Thanks!

08-25-2015, 01:09 AM
Best airbrushes are iwata for miniatures. Grex's airbrushes are actually made by them with less of a price. They are great airbrushes, and easier to clean and use. Grex's line is a good starting point for beginners and even as you progress. Best to use a gravity fed one (one with a funnel on top or side) you can mix colors in as needed. The compressors are also great and their customer service is efficient.

08-25-2015, 11:58 AM
Yes, gravity fed brushes seem the best in my experience. Also, you want a dual action brush, which gives you better control over the brush and paint flow.

Iwata brushes are good, and seem to be popular. I have a badger Krome and absolutely love it. I haven't used an Iwata brush, but I have used 3 other generic brushes. They did alright, but a quality airbrush shows when you have gotten some practice in.

08-26-2015, 07:01 AM
I just recently jumped in myself, and I was fortunate enough to have a great painter at my LGS who gave me some great advise that I will relate onto you. First, don't even think about Grex or Badger for now, go to Amazon, and pick up a Masters bundle with the Tank and two cheap brushes. It will run you 100$, but most of that is for the good compressor. The brushes that come with it are entry level, gravity fed, double action brushes with a size 3 needle. These(all) guns are fickle, and fragile, learn to use and take care of the cheap ones before buying a nice expensive gun.

Buy airbrush primer, air brush cleaner, and a cleaning jar. Watch all the youtubes on airbrushing, and good luck!

Opus Krokus
09-11-2015, 09:10 AM
I apologize for taking so long to get back and reply. Things have been hectic at work (an understatement), and when I get home late, my kiddo still wants her time. I really appreciate the replies and you have given me a lot to work off of. I do have one more question. How important is it to have a tank on the compressor? I have read that it makes the flow more even, but I am not sure how much difference it makes on models the size of most 40k miniatures. My guess is that it does not make too much difference for standard models, but it may be a bigger deal for larger models (some vehicles and knights and such). But that is just a guess, and I may be very wrong. One compressor that I am looking at that is available with or without a tank - with a price difference of course.

Again, I appreciate you taking the time to answer. It has really helped out!

09-14-2015, 01:48 PM
The tank is pretty important if you are wanting to ever do more than just base coat minis. If you ever want to do finer work than that, then I would definitely get the compressor with a tank.

09-14-2015, 08:38 PM
In fact, the tank is about the only real consideration for the compressor. You pretty much need a tank, because the tank evens out the air pressure. Without the tank, the compressor pulses, which will ruin the airbrush effect.

But as long as you have a tank, not much else matters. Most name-brand compressors just have a logo slapped on and sold for a markup. A $200 compressor might be a little more reliable in the long run, maybe, but an $80 will work just as well and can last years.