View Full Version : Female stormtroopers, help required!

03-17-2010, 08:07 AM
Hello there, hear's the plan, as stated in the title I'm looking at putting together some Female stormtroopers, to go with my Sisters of Battle army. As you can immagine this is purley for aesetic reasons so i can continue with the female theme.

So can anyone give any pointers into what I need to do/use in order to get them looking the part?


03-17-2010, 08:53 AM
Boobs and long hair =P

03-17-2010, 09:08 AM
Honestly I don't think there'd be much visible difference between a male and female stormtrooper while in their carapace armor. Maybe, if you want, have some hair hanging out the back of the helmets or something? Perhaps a very slight bulge in the chest plate, but don't overdo it or it'll look stupid.

03-17-2010, 09:29 AM
Not sure if you're looking for female trooper-type figs or looking for conversion ideas, but here's some things:

Shadowforge Miniatures is a company out of Australia (I think) and they make lots of female figs. True, some are hilarious and other risque, but I'd go for the 'Politburo Worker Battalion' entries for building an infantry force. You can get them via TheWarStore.com, too.

03-17-2010, 10:23 AM
I don't know if you ever get over to Bolter and Chainsword, but if you do, try PMing a guy that goes by the name of Doc Thunder. His group commissioned female IG troopers that turned out quite nice. They proportioned correctly, i.e. you can tell that they are female, but not absurdly so. The project did several torsos, legs, and heads.

I think he can also be located on the Works In Progress forum.


03-17-2010, 10:40 AM

03-17-2010, 10:47 AM
Which goes to show there's really an untapped market for high quality female minis, and GW isn't likely to tap it any time soon.

03-17-2010, 11:08 AM
you can search the great google for female sci fi mini's and lots of sites out there have a bunch, just shuffle through the pages and find something that works then maybe GS carapace armor if need be...

03-17-2010, 11:14 AM
Sure, but close to none of them are GW models. Which makes a difference in some places, and in tournies.

03-17-2010, 08:52 PM
Do they still produce those, I know they did a second run late 2008 or early 2009, but I had thought that was it for IGirls.

I don't know if you ever get over to Bolter and Chainsword, but if you do, try PMing a guy that goes by the name of Doc Thunder. His group commissioned female IG troopers that turned out quite nice. They proportioned correctly, i.e. you can tell that they are female, but not absurdly so. The project did several torsos, legs, and heads.

I think he can also be located on the Works In Progress forum.


03-17-2010, 10:19 PM
@ eldargal - I had to comment on your tagline. Very funny!!

03-17-2010, 10:33 PM
@ Sombrebrotherhood - thanks for the Shadowforge Miniatures link. That Politburo Worker Battalion figure range is quite varied and even comes with heavy weapons that are quite suitable for 40K.

03-17-2010, 11:10 PM
I do wish GW would create some female Cadian models. They would increase the modeling range and fit the fluff.

03-17-2010, 11:40 PM

@ eldargal - I had to comment on your tagline. Very funny!!

The Shadowforge miniatures are nice, but I think if I were going to use them I would keep them for characters. Whole squads would just stand out too much for my taste. A good excuse for my matriarchal world IG where the officer corp is restricted to women.:rolleyes: I think their marine range would make excellent Catachans too.

Absolutely, Cadianettes are fluffy and really should be available, even if it was just 2-3 sculpts in a blister.

I do wish GW would create some female Cadian models. They would increase the modeling range and fit the fluff.

03-18-2010, 03:04 AM
I'm pretty sure this problem can be solved with GW parts, or at least, with some creative personal fluff.

My sisters also boss some inquisitorial storm troopers around. If i were going to make them girls, and in the service of the Battle Sisters I would make double-sure they weren't just ladies, but obviously ladies. We have to keep the administratum from having a cow, after all. So how?

I think that the female guardians out of the eldar plastic kits are a great place to start. At least the torsos. I'd stick with guardsmen legs even though the proportions end up being all off. This means shaving about 1/16 of an inch off the bottom of the female guardian torso. Then you'll need to mount those hotshot backpacks on, and then get to work on making the guardsmen arms fit and feel right attached to the Guardian torso.

I'm seeing green stuff on everything except the Femi-plates. (the CUPS, ya know?)

But here's where things go wrong: The head. You just aren't going to get away with burly B J Blaskowitz heads on these tough ladies, so where are you going to get heads from? Guardians come with maybe two sorta girly heads, complete with unsightly (and obviously xeno) pointy ears. I'm afraid I don't have a GW answer to this yet. I'm thinking maybe the amazon Blood Bowl team? They have helmets! There's also some lovely heads on Vampire Counts, but they have stupid fangs. There's maidens in Bretonnia. Err. Maiden. Wearing an embarrassing hat. Witch Elves? Stupid hair, rediculous eyes. And let's be honest, poorly sculpted. Did I forget anything?

Anyway, an alternate method could be found in the House Escher special weapon girls. Both are great, absolutely GREAT models. The machine gun girl is particularly un-mess-withable. I use the Plasma Gun girl as a part of my Inquisitorial Retinue. She's a real eye-turner. I suppose without much extra work one could create entire squads of Escher ladies complete with hotshot guns and packs. But where are you going to get Hot Shot guns? I'm looking at my stormtroopers and it seems their guns are moulded right to the chest.

I guess in the end you'll be relegating yourself to hand-made guns at least. Lots of careful cutting to keep from gouging the dainty heads of Blood Bowl Amazons, or even ending up with a whole bunch of ladies who're wearing obviously over-sized fatuiges. Which doesn't seem in keeping with the sort of clout the Ordos has. Unless you give them snazzy, fash suspenders. I suppose you could even focus, and get a slick Sturmguver look with german-style military suspenders. Straps for the Hot Shot pack, even?

In the end, and 100% a result of the overly masculine nature of Warhammer 40,000, I went with normal, unmodified Stormtroopers until the plastics come out in 20never0, and maybe some as-yet-un-invisioned female plastic kit is released with detachable heads and chest pieces. (Plastic Sisters? Before I have to trade in my real teeth for dentures? Please?)

My fluff logic is this: If my sisters of battle encounter truly uncompromisingly badass ladies in thier crusades they don't beat around the bush tossing them to the ranks of the Stormtroopers. Perish the thought! Trunk-necked boys are apparently the status quo in the grim, far future. But a woman who packs the same punch needs a suit of power armor and a large injection of Faith. IMMEDIATELY.

So they're more than happy to point at something dangerous and let the testosterone cultureboys die for the Emperor. They prefer walking on carpets of inadequate dead men anyway, since there's only one Man for them. It's why they call the stormtroopers 'Expendable' and call the Emperor 'Daddy'.

Scryer in the Darkness
03-18-2010, 05:57 AM
Posting female Storm Trooper content in a female Storm Trooper thread.

As others have mentioned, female body proportions will largely be concealed by the bulky armour, and sourcing the correct scale heads will be difficult. MaxMini (I think it is) has recently released a set of female heads that might do the trick on Kasrkin bodies. They tend to do a lot of heroic scale bitz conversion packs for GW models so they should be what you are after. No guarantees though as I haven't seen them in the flesh or in any comparison shots yet.

03-18-2010, 10:44 AM
Wow, thanks for all the replies, looks like I'm gonna have to stick my hand in my pocket.

In any case i will let you know how i get on