View Full Version : Return to 40k

03-17-2010, 04:45 AM
I gave up Playing proper 40k around the turn of 3rd/4th ed.

I kept up playing necromunda and reading the black library so I'm up to date with the fluff- I was just wondering is how much the game has changed since then?

Iknow you can run now and it seems to be about capturing objectives now.

03-17-2010, 07:39 AM
The game has become quite a bit more stratigic and balanced I would say.

Yes objectives have come into play quite a bit. This coupled with the reserves rule being standard is a big ballancing bit because the ability to kill your oponent to death is no longer the end all be all.

Assault has become more ballanced with shooting because you can no longer consoladate into a new assault. Which means that one solo assault unit can't hide in fights and run your gun line. (though it will normaly eat at least one unit or so before getting shot to bits)

The codex's have become more ballanced internaly as well with most forces being able to do at least passingly well against others. Though the very old codexes to have some issues when played on the high end.

Also most everything has gone down in points so larger battles are the norm. 1500 seems to be this edition's 2000.

True line of sight makes hiding units almost impossible but also makes denying coversaves amazingly difficult as well. So over all casualties to fire may have gone down a bit with 50% of all shots deflecting off bushes.

It really is the best edition I've played.