08-21-2015, 05:46 AM
The BBC has given Warlord the licence to make a Dr Who miniatures game, the announcement's here: http://us1.campaign-archive2.com/?u=71ca505c950f8867eb0fa9748&id=a41dcd5c64&e=422e2b9956
I feel a bit sorry for Crooked Dice, as their free PDFs are really good (and I've always assumed the BBC had either licenced them or was deliberately turning a blind eye), but this new game could be very good. Somewhere I still have the plastic Dalek set that GW produced.
Or I could just use my Necrons as proxies, I've always assumed that Necron Warriors were capable of saying 'exterminate' :)
I feel a bit sorry for Crooked Dice, as their free PDFs are really good (and I've always assumed the BBC had either licenced them or was deliberately turning a blind eye), but this new game could be very good. Somewhere I still have the plastic Dalek set that GW produced.
Or I could just use my Necrons as proxies, I've always assumed that Necron Warriors were capable of saying 'exterminate' :)