View Full Version : Picking the right blood thirster. A 40k/AoS question.

08-20-2015, 01:32 PM
One of the coolest things about AoS is that you now have 2 armies when looking at Daemons or Khorne(Daemonkin).

The blood thirster is going to be the center piece for my AoS army, and while I really love how powerful the wrath one is in AoS he is only marginally as effective in 40k while the Rage one is less effective in AoS and the powerhouse in 40k and costs less there. My question to you all, is which has the better potential of being used for both systems?

Disclaimer: I'm rubbish with magnets, otherwise this wouldn't be an issue.
Thanks in advance!

Erik Setzer
08-20-2015, 01:38 PM
Wrath is nice in AoS, but Rage is also pretty solid in AoS (and might get downright nasty if you roll a few 6's), and Rage is an absolute beast in 40K. I've torn down a Knight (that had a combat sword) in combat, I've shredded a lot of tanks, it's been so nasty that people groan at the sight of it (though a Wraithknight still puts it to shame). For a BT you can point at the enemy and crush things right up until it dies, the Rage BT is a good bet, IMO.