View Full Version : Sanguiary Guard vs. Death Company

Akimbo Lizard
03-16-2010, 04:59 PM
So both kits have 5 figures with loads of extras but rule wise which is better and which roles do they serve and how will YOU personally use them

I plan on a Astro/Guard unit that hides behind rhinos to get to the battle lines with a Perdition Pistol


03-16-2010, 06:26 PM
Considering I already own 35 Death Company, I'm probably going to be fielding a large unit in the first couple of games until I can get time to build a unit of SG. My DC are the type that WYSIWYG rules in the new dex will make very point heavy. I modeled them in 3rd ed before they removed the improvements and added rending, so it will be a challenge to get back to bashing with the different weapons.

Akimbo Lizard
03-16-2010, 07:05 PM
Considering I already own 35 Death Company, I'm probably going to be fielding a large unit in the first couple of games until I can get time to build a unit of SG. My DC are the type that WYSIWYG rules in the new dex will make very point heavy. I modeled them in 3rd ed before they removed the improvements and added rending, so it will be a challenge to get back to bashing with the different weapons.

Ouch at the WYSIWYG, I play in a group that hasn't obsessed over the metagame and is pretty laid-back, but I mean, how many guys out of 35 have power weapons?

Also imagine this, 10 man squad of DC disembark from a Rhino with Bolters, shoot 20 rounds and assault with 30 attacks, now thats gruesome

03-16-2010, 08:18 PM
I'm the most particular in teh group about WYSIWYG, the others don't bother on all of it. I just prefer that if something is supposed to be there, it had best be there (it makes it easier for me actually when firing weapons n the table top... if I see a guy with a flamer, I'm going to use the flame template when he shoots, not think it's a plasma gun...I hate one of our players who bought his army on ebay and hasn't bothered converting a single nid to match his army list...)

I've got power weapons, power fists, plasmas and the like. I had them so in case I lost a few from a squad, I could pull the sgt rather than a heavy weapon adn still keep his upgrades. I took to modding more during 4th to represent the Rending, adn I'm glad they've added options for DC when building the unit.

John M>

The West Coast Knight
03-16-2010, 09:53 PM
I built and painted up 5 of the new ones last week for my local GW
Only problem when I put them together with my 5 orginals and add up all the points for Jump packs, thunder hammer, power fist, Inferno pistol and power weapon then add Lemartes the unit is almost 600 points.
It better do a whole lot for that muany points

03-16-2010, 10:07 PM
I hate one of our players who bought his army on ebay and hasn't bothered converting a single nid to match his army list...)

You actually bothered memorizing what biomorph model represents which gameplay biomorph? Heh, what a nerd:p?

Seriously, though, I can't tell the difference between any of them anyways, so I could care less about WYSIWYG on 'nidz.

03-17-2010, 11:28 AM
Biomorphs aint that a deal, its more weapons

03-17-2010, 12:01 PM
Still can't tell the difference between most of them:rolleyes:.

Anyways, between Death Company and Sanguary Guard, DC will probably be cheaper without upgrades. They'll probably be a little more common, but I think a lot of people will use SGs just for the models.

Akimbo Lizard
03-17-2010, 04:06 PM
Because a job for me is not in the question I bought SG just because DC need more than 5 models to be effective and upgrades really bring the pain, also I plan to MAYBE field them with Astroath The Grim, it's like the Grim Reaper with Angel Bodyguards

03-18-2010, 11:03 PM
I didn't get to look at the codex as much as I wanted to, so I have a question. If there any way to control the Black Rage on the Death Company?

Other than a transport that is . . .

03-19-2010, 05:02 AM
I'm guessing Sanguinary Guard will be about as competitive as Honor Guard are in the vanilla dex. Which is to say, "not very, due to price."

03-19-2010, 07:06 AM
I intend to get box of Sanuinary guard, then im gonna play around with the fancy bit and see what i can make outa them, it's gonna be expensive but ive got my eye some corinthian helmets to add to them.

It should be a nice centerpeice unit, and may possibly result in a full army done in that style. Hope the missus doesn't mind:o

Akimbo Lizard
03-20-2010, 11:52 AM
I've actually changed my mind, I'm going with a 5 man DC squad with PW and PF with a Chaplan in a TLAC RazorBack

03-20-2010, 12:22 PM
Neither seem that good to me, Played against with nids today and beat a 8 man DC with a warrior unit of 4. hmmm

Akimbo Lizard
03-20-2010, 05:30 PM
Neither seem that good to me, Played against with nids today and beat a 8 man DC with a warrior unit of 4. hmmm

What were they equipped with?

03-20-2010, 10:20 PM
Right, as good as DC can be, it's all useless if the warriors hit first with a bunch of power weapons and kill them before they can do anything.

The bane of expensive models in power armor is high initiative power weapons.

03-21-2010, 03:19 AM
High initiative. :P his I1 takes care of me needing that, seriously tho, DC and that seem really good to my friends till they calculate 10 at 400+ points :p

03-28-2010, 09:43 AM
im going to be fielding 3 squads of sanguinary guard each with a sanguinary priest and dante and the sanguinor on top, it may not be the most versatile or subtle force, but it will be one of the coolest (and hopefully prettiest:))

03-28-2010, 01:32 PM
I didn't get to look at the codex as much as I wanted to, so I have a question. If there any way to control the Black Rage on the Death Company?

Other than a transport that is . . .

Doesn't the unit still have to follow the rule for BR even while embarked? (thus the transport has to move the required bit? )

We've always played that it does, and so I would have a Rhino/Razorback rush the opponent.

John M.

Duke Rich
04-04-2010, 04:49 AM
A couple of weeks ago someone had a little test game with the new Blood Angels Codex, had a unit of Sanguinary guard and easily killed their points worth, not sure about Death Company though, haven't seen 'em used in a while.

One thing that will easily take out a unit of SG are power weapons, unit of Howling Banshee's charged 'em, kick their *****.

04-04-2010, 05:25 AM
sanguinary guards...

are basically terminators which trade their power fist for power weapons and their invul save for jet-packs.

i'm planing of useing dante with a squad with 5 meltapistols and 1 fist as well as two squads with all plasma pistols and 1 fist each. expensive but very deadly (dante makes him and his squad not scatter and the others only scatter 1d6).

not sure on the rest of the army but rather more "conventional" with not much toys and many bodies to make up for the golden angels. maybe 2 5 man assoults in a razorback/rhino and one 10 man assoult in a pod or something like that.

04-10-2010, 02:13 PM
sanguinary guards...

are basically terminators which trade their power fist for power weapons and their invul save for jet-packs.

i'm planing of useing dante with a squad with 5 meltapistols and 1 fist as well as two squads with all plasma pistols and 1 fist each. expensive but very deadly (dante makes him and his squad not scatter and the others only scatter 1d6).

not sure on the rest of the army but rather more "conventional" with not much toys and many bodies to make up for the golden angels. maybe 2 5 man assoults in a razorback/rhino and one 10 man assoult in a pod or something like that.

You should take 3 Furiosos with Blood Talons in Drop Pods. They are inexpensive, and will give your opponent something else that is just as worrisome as the Sanguinary Guard. Plus, most Tanks will be scared of a Meltagun + 4 Str 6 attack on back armor.

That'll put your list ~1500. Considering you are taking 3 Sanguinary Guard squads, I am gunna assume you are playing 1850-2000 points. This leaves you 350-500 points to work with: A 10 Marine Assault Squad (with Power Weapon and 2 Flamers) Baal with Hv Bolters, and a Mortis Dreadnought with Autocannons in a Drop Pod will round the force out to 2000 points on the button.

HQ 225
225 Commander Dante
Bad mo' fo'!

160 Furioso
Dreadnought, Blood Talons
Dedicated Transport: Drop Pod
160 Furioso
Dreadnought, Blood Talons
Dedicated Transport: Drop Pod
160 Furioso
Dreadnought, Blood Talons
Dedicated Transport: Drop Pod

155 Mortis Dreadnought
Dread, 2 Twin-Linked Autocannons
Dedicated Transport: Drop Pod

145 Baal Predator
Tank, Hv Bolter Sponsons

260 Dante's Escort
5 Sanguinary Guard, 5 Infernus Pistols, Powerfist
260 Sanguinary Guard
5 Marines, 5 Plasma Pistols, Powerfist
260 Sanguinary Guard
5 Marines, 5 Plasma Pistols, Powerfist
215 Assault Marine Squad
10 Marines, Power Weapon, 2 Flamers

Damnnnnnnnnn! I think this is a scary list!

Another option is to take a Regular Pred with Hv Bolters, upgrade the Storm Bolters on the Furiosos to Hv Flamers, and upgrade give the Assault Sgt a Hand Flamer and Melta Bombs. w00t!

Eusebius Rex
04-29-2010, 12:29 PM
SG vs DC

OK, I think this sounds right. Just comparing the cost w/ the same capabilities between the two.

5x Sanguinary guard with base loadout + JP basic Sang Priest = 275

6x DC w/ JP + 5x PW = 285

They are pretty comparable. Utilizing either in a differnt fashion (like putting DC in a Rhino or LR and using the SG in a Stormraven) changes the cost comparison up a bit with unequal options, so I won't go there. Besides, I like running everything with a JP, so this comparison suits me.

Anyways, they both have fearless, FnP, Furious charge, DoA and 5x power weapons. I am think that the EGs (master crafted) with Angelus bolters balance out the loss of the +1A that DC have with WS5 Boltpistol/ Power Weapon combo. I dunno, I don't wield a mathhammer. SG also don't have to worry about Black Rage and get the 2+ armor before thier FnP, but lose thier Furious charge and FnP if the Sanguinary Priest dies.

So considering that you can add an infernus pistol (which will pretty much cause a wound precharge) in exchange for 1 Angelus on the SG and be at 285 just like the DC, I think there is a good advantage in using SG for jumpers over DC.