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View Full Version : New Core Set spotted/leaked - NO PICS.

Mr Mystery
08-18-2015, 12:59 AM

Bit of a brouhaha about this, as it seems to have been spotted through unofficial channels. To save BoLs a wrist slap or worse from The Power That Be, I shan't copy any of the pics I've found (though Dakka has them, and Dakka isn't my favourite place. Won't link either, because paranoia).

In short?

New X-Wing, two new TIE Fighters.

From the very little you can see from them.....the new X-Wing has a Boost action added, BB-8 is available as an upgrade droid, and it looks like there's a new category of upgrade card.

New Asteroid shapes as well.

Seriously folks - respect the BoLS and refrain from posting pics, lest we land our glorious site owners in the Rancor Pit.

08-18-2015, 03:50 AM
My Hoax-sense is tiggling...

There are some things that don't make sense with this "leak" (from the source to the design of the "product" shown) - the only thing that speaks for this "leak" is the timing (FFG's must be recieving prototypes now if they want/have to make the movie tie-in release window)

That there are unassigned catalogue numbers in the current FFG X-Wing lineup is undisputed, same goes for the comments at GenCon that FFG has something lined-up for the movie ... but I am sceptical that this is it

For the record, I would be thrilled about a new starter

Mr Mystery
08-18-2015, 04:10 AM
Pics very much suggest not a hoax.

Still not happy to share them on here though! They can currently be viewed on Dakkadakka - I'm sorry for any mental scarring in advance.

08-18-2015, 04:13 AM
Looks legit to me :)

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
08-18-2015, 04:24 AM
Same, looks totally legit.

Mr Mystery
08-18-2015, 06:17 AM
Pic is incredibly blurry, but I think the X-Wing has 3 Hull and 3 Shields, making it quite the beast......but it is very, very blurry so I may be wrong.

Erik Setzer
08-18-2015, 07:54 AM
Looks pretty legit, and it makes perfect sense. Might not be a complete replacement for the original, could just be an alternate starter, but it would make zero sense not to make a starter that's tied into the new movies.

08-18-2015, 11:53 PM
Apparently September 4th is the date licensees can start to unveil thier Episode VII products. So look for a bunch of Hasbro, LEGO, and maybe even FFG stuff to drop then.

I bet that starter set drops officially in about 2 weeks.

Mr Mystery
08-19-2015, 12:58 AM
There was a countdown clock in Toys'r'Us the other day when I was there for research purposes and not buying toys. Definitely research purposes. To research porpoises. Because we must know the purpose of the porpoise. And not buying toys. Not me. Oh no. Porpoise research purposes only.......

I think they bought it....

Mr Mystery
08-24-2015, 12:31 PM
Not sure the Poe Dameron one is quite right - because that's what Focus does for you anyways?

08-24-2015, 01:21 PM
As written, I don't think Poe burns the focus token he has to use his ability. So basically he gets double focus.

Mr Mystery
08-24-2015, 02:13 PM
I guess.

I can see Epsilon Leader being a popular one, especially for TIW Swarms.

08-24-2015, 03:56 PM
I think Blue Ace's 1-turn boost actions will be quite popular. He's going to be really squirrelly to nail down.

08-25-2015, 09:57 PM
Wow so much for the no pictures...

Erik Setzer
08-26-2015, 08:44 AM
Well, at least we know it's definitely not a hoax now. No one's going to put that much effort in, and make it look that perfect.

There's a little bit of new to see there, but not much that we didn't already suspect. Hey, at least it's not like the one picture of Luke that was stripped off most of the Internet within hours of posting (because it was a potential movie spoiler).

Mr Mystery
08-27-2015, 04:23 AM
Tallon Roll.

Sounds like a Chinese Delicacy, is in fact a really saucy manoeuvre. Really hope it's generally a 'red' manoeuvre though, as otherwise it's pretty much just a better move than a K-Turn.

08-27-2015, 10:42 PM
Well I guess I should watch Disneys Rebels now. Watched the first episode, was not impressed at their portrayal of Wookies...

Erik Setzer
08-28-2015, 08:41 AM
Well I guess I should watch Disneys Rebels now. Watched the first episode, was not impressed at their portrayal of Wookies...

Eh, the Wookies were a bit off, but the show does actually get to be pretty good. They do kill a surprising number of Stormtroopers for a "family-friendly" show.

The Inquisitor's a pretty fun character. Slightly "over the top," but in a fun way.

08-28-2015, 10:13 PM
I had a couple friends, both of which saw original Star Wars in Theaters both thought Clone Wars was the dumbest looking show ever. Until Ventress ran a trooper through with her lightsabre
"Oh my god, isn't this a kids show?"
Yes and so was He-Man and She-Ra and Thundercats and we turned out fine. Not everything needs to be dumbed down to the point of rectangle pants or teaching children just enough Spanish to speak to their maid.

Yes for me it was the Wookies, or more so the Wookie Mama. We have tons of Bears up here and rule number one: Don't mess with them!!! So when the troopers were like "go along peaceful or we will hurt your baby" the wookie did exactly like a mama bear would do when you threaten it's cub and complied begrudginly.

Oh no wait... The Bear WOULD HAVE TORN HIS F*ING ARMS OFF!!!!

Filthy Casual
08-29-2015, 01:13 AM
I loved that part, because it showed that a Wookie isn't a bear. She's so worried about anyone harming her child she complies even though she knows she could tear through those troopers in a mad Wookie rage! She reacted how a lot of parents would in that situation, the possibility of a child being harmed was enough to pacify her, I think that was the best bit of Wookie characterisation we've seen in ages, better than the raging giant warrior thing anyway.

Mr Mystery
08-29-2015, 01:31 AM

Though re-watching Season 5 of Clone Wars. Man that gets brutal.

08-29-2015, 04:24 AM
I had a couple friends, both of which saw original Star Wars in Theaters both thought Clone Wars was the dumbest looking show ever. Until Ventress ran a trooper through with her lightsabre
"Oh my god, isn't this a kids show?"

There is a deleted scene that is even better:


08-29-2015, 09:46 PM
Oh wow, that's BRUTAL!

Erik Setzer
09-09-2015, 09:36 AM
(Late back to the discussion because I took some time off from work and the Internet.)

A normal mama bear also isn't smart enough to realize her actions would likely get her and her child murdered, and possibly a lot more of her people. Wookies aren't animals. They're pretty smart.

It was funny when I reminded my friend that we know by the time of the movies all the Jedi except Kenobi and Yoda are dead, so that means we know Kanan and Ezra will die at some point. And Ezra's so young that it's almost certain he'll die before he becomes an adult. The only way around that is to suggest more Jedi could have escaped the slaughter (possibly by doing like Obi-Wan did and becoming as much of a non-Jedi as possible).