View Full Version : Social Entrenpeneur Crowd Fundy stuff.

Mr Mystery
08-17-2015, 08:43 AM
So on the staff bulletin board, I read something about Kiva.


In short, it's a microfinance initiative, designed to lend money to people in developing countries who otherwise have no real access to credit.

As a Feminist, it's heartening to see some 80.6% of their loans go to women to help them start their own businesses.

As someone who cares for animals, I'm more than a little concerned any money loaned by myself through such a channel could be used to support Male Chicken Fighting (stupid filters).... Whilst I find it distasteful, the chap who runs it does make a good point that imposing Western cultural norms isn't really the point, so much as helping others out of poverty.

Was wondering if anyone knows of any other such initiatives, and might perhaps be able to recommend one. I'm not in the least bit bothered about the potential returns on any investment (and I might even so far as to say anyone who is, is probably in this for entirely the wrong reasons).