View Full Version : Sanguinary Guard / Dante Bases

03-15-2010, 10:19 PM
So I just wanted some opinions on what I should do for my bases for my Sanguinary Guard and Dante. I really want to play up the artisan aspect of the Blood Angels, so I wanted the bases to be pretty and renaissance-y.

I'm going to go with one of these unless you guys have other opinions!

Option A

Option B
http://www.shop.microartstudio.com/images/thumbnails/10_Temple%20Bases%20Round%2025mm.jpg.thumb_240x180 .jpg

Thoughts? Other Options?!

03-15-2010, 10:55 PM
The models are very ornate, so I'd choose a somewhat basic/neutral looking base. You don't want to draw attention away from the awesome new models.

Of those two, I like option B best. The tan color will look good with blood angels colors, too.

Drew da Destroya
03-15-2010, 11:51 PM
I think B is a good option... I mean, what are the odds that at least 5 statues had their faces ripped off and thrown on the floor within 2" of each other? It would look a little incongruous.

03-16-2010, 07:35 AM
Yeah I'd cast my vote for option B. I think that en masse option A would distract from the models. However for the odd character or HQ base they would look great.

03-16-2010, 08:10 AM
I know Option A is from Scibor miniatures, but where is Option B from?

I saw the Option A one and thought it would be good for one squad/ character models, but not more than that for essentially the reasons everyone else provided.


03-16-2010, 08:16 AM
B is Micro Art Studio. I've had great luck with shipping on both of them, so I can't complain either way. I think I may just get the bitz pack and put only Dante on the statue head, and the rest on the temple bases.

FWIW, the Micro Art Studio bases are available through thewarstore.net.

Scryer in the Darkness
03-18-2010, 06:05 AM
Option A is just so over the top, I'd love to see it! Or at least have one of them on a head and the rest on more unrecognisable pieces.

the drake
03-18-2010, 10:34 AM
I agree with your last post, Option A for Dante, as a head from a temple statue would be believable (really...believable in 40k?) anyways, it would be a nice change, but not such a big change that it wouldn't go with the temple bases. But as its been stated, I think the faces would be too much for the entire squad.

03-18-2010, 05:06 PM
Damn it. With all these people doing scenic bases I'm starting to feel inadequate about my command squads!

So long as you're using the parts version of the faces, I'd say A. B (and the ruins version of A) look a little Aztec and elvish respectively, and I always see BA as a little more Greco-Roman. Maybe even using a big face for Dante, then breaking up a face (or faces) into smaller bits for the squad, so it's not so imposing.