View Full Version : Thoughts on Outflanking CSM Flamer Bikers?

Arkhan Land
08-15-2015, 08:41 AM
Most of it is in the title but also throw in the use of Huron's master of deception rule. Is it worth the 90/180 points to put in a sqaud or two of fully flamer-ed/combi-flamer-ed CSM Bikers to pop on over and fry a horde/open topped jam/aegis line/etc? or is this a more psychologically gratifying idea than a practical one? this is going to be paired with Khorne Daemonkin allies slaughtercult so my only real faster units in this army are currently spawn. Im kind looking for a nowhere to run nowhere to hide kind of insanity for an 1850 point game.

08-15-2015, 09:25 AM
add a gorepack instead, scouting HoR hounds are awesome... and you can put flamers on the bikes if you need to, personally I prefer meltaguns myself - the hounds etc. can deal with light infantry/hordes in combat (as they are beasts with scout they will get there fast), also spawn are awesome, i regulary send mine around the side and attach that lone whirlwind camping in ruins etc. in combat - often it has not moved - so hits automatically and glancing rear armour 10 on 5+ with D6 + 2 attachs on the charge! (also if they are shot to pieces = blood tithe).

another thing you can do is give the slaughtercult units (khorne marines, posessed) a rhino - gets them up there faster and they also generate blood tithe points when they die.

to cap it off you can also add a Khorne's bloodstorm formation - raptors/warp talons/heldrakes with +1 S for HoR and Vector Strikes, also the warp talons benefit exactly like the posessed in that they have both the Mark and Daemon of khorne - so super bonuses for charging (also the banners of blood on the bloodletters allows them to deep strike without scatter as well...

so to sum up personally i would not be looking outside Khorne Daemonkin for more fast units, as they have plenty themselves, the only things i would go for is add firepower via the CSM codex (obliterators, havocs, and noise marines) or psykers via the Chaos Daemons codex - as they have acess to divination/Daemonology/telepathy and also the grimoire of true names as well (invisible D-Thirster with 2++ invulnerable save anyone!)

08-18-2015, 06:51 AM
master of deception rule.. im pretty sure can only be used on infantry. bikes are not infantry.

08-18-2015, 12:34 PM
Yep. It is inferior to the WL Trait from the BRB.

Arkhan Land
08-18-2015, 12:36 PM
good eyes BT! I spaced thinking on that one, too much slaaneshi following the night before, I still think G is right and sometime next month ill spring for another set of bikes to try this gorepack