View Full Version : Playing in Germany

Duke Vorian
08-15-2015, 04:37 AM
Figuring this is the largest audience to ask I recently moved to Bavaria, Germany. I am curious if anyone here lives in the area and/or know of some way to get in touch with other Warhammer/X-Wing players. Stores seem to simply just carry the items and so far does not seem to be FLGS in the sense I know back in the States. Thanks in advance!

08-16-2015, 02:51 AM
The hobby culture is certainly very different, so you might not find a FLGS you are used to. The stores usually work tighter margins as the hobby is more niche and often double as Comic Book-stores and similar; add to that with less money to spend many don't have the space for tables.

If you are comfortably fulent in german, I'd recommend a stop at this (http://www.moseisleyraumhafen.com/f53-spielersuche-usermap) sub-forum at "Mos Eisley Raumhafen", one of the biggest german X-Wing communities (forum language is german, but there are bound to be enough people around with passable english-skills) and its one of nicer communites to be around. You are bound to find some players there.

As for WH40k I have no such recommendation because I confess I don't actually feel that comfortable in most german-speaking online communites (even if it is my native language).