View Full Version : Inquistor Retinue and Warrior Henchmen

03-15-2010, 04:45 AM
I have an inquisitor retinue, and having taken 3 warrior henchmen. By default they come with Targeters, the inquisitor however, does not. Does this matter?

Herald of Nurgle
03-15-2010, 04:54 AM
Not really. I think it's only guess range weaponry - aka 'now barrage' - that it matters on.

03-15-2010, 06:58 AM
Targeters let you pre-measure before shooting, Herald, which is useful on all attacks (though not hugely so). However, Shyft, the targeter would allow you to pre-measure for the entire unit's shooting so long as one warrior with a targeter is alive.

03-15-2010, 01:32 PM
awesome, thank you Nabterayl, my inquisitor fire support squad will be more useful now.

03-15-2010, 02:39 PM
Technically, you can only premeasure the models with a targeter, but that's not really a big deal. You'll be able to tell if the inquisitor's in range when you measure for the other models anyways.