View Full Version : Dark Eldar Lhamean from Dark Elf Supreme Sorceress

Lost Vyper
08-11-2015, 04:56 AM

Got some down time, so i decided to make a Lhamean for my cheap HQ (in case of using DE as allies...). Got the Dark Elf Supreme Sorceress and some extra pieces and liquid green stuff. It came out okay, letīs see how she fares on the battle field! :eek:


- Lost Vyper

08-12-2015, 08:17 AM
Not bad. I'd throw a wash on her, but guessing since she's unbased that you're still working on her. How's the liquid greenstuff for blending in parts like helmets? I've only ever used the normal stuff for that sort of thing.

Lost Vyper
08-13-2015, 01:08 AM
It was the first time i used it. It went okay, it "shrinks" a bit after it dries, so i had to apply it more to the head area. I like it, will use it in future projects.