View Full Version : 2000pt Ranked League - Ultramarines Drop Pod Assault List

08-03-2015, 02:28 PM
Ultramarines Combined Arms Detachment

Librarian : 65pts
- Warlord

Tactical Squad : 105pts
- Drop Pod

Tactical Squad : 105pts
- Drop Pod

Ironclad Dreadnought : 180pts
- Seismic Hammer & Power Fist
- Double Heavy Flamers
- Drop Pod

Ironclad Dreadnought : 180pts
- Seismic Hammer & Power Fist
- Double Heavy Flamers
- Drop Pod

Ironclad Dreadnought : 180pts
- Seismic Hammer & Power Fist
- Double Heavy Flamers
- Drop Pod

StormTalon : 115pts
- Skyhammer Missile Launchers

StormTalon : 115pts
- Skyhammer Missile Launchers

StormTalon : 115pts
- Skyhammer Missile Launchers

Formation : Skyhammer Annihilation Force

Assault Squad : 100pts
- Jump Packs
- 2x Flamers
- Melta Bombs

Assault Squad : 100pts
- Jump Packs
- 2x Flamers
- Melta Bombs

Devastator Squad : 320pts
- 5x Extra Marines
- 4x Grav Cannons & Amps
- Armorium Cherub
- Drop Pod

Devastator Squad : 320pts
- 5x Extra Marines
- 4x Grav Cannons & Amps
- Armorium Cherub
- Drop Pod

Total : 2000pts

There is nothing at all deployed on the table at the start of the game. 100% null deployment. If it looks advantageous, I will let my opponent go first in order to waste a turn of his shooting. On my first turn, the Skyhammer formation hits the ground accompanied by the triple Ironclads. The Devastators combat squad, with 2 grav cannons and 3 meat shields in each unit. This lets me shoot at (and cause super-pinning) 4 different targets with 10 grav shots each that reroll everything. Also hitting infantry targets with 10 flamer templates (6 heavy 4 regular). The Assault Squads will then charge and tie up any survivors or even try to put some melta bombs on a couple vehicles.

After this alpha-strike, there are now multiple powerful close-range shooting units and dangerous assault threats in close proximity to the enemy forces. The plan is to hit them hard enough on arrival that their response to the extreme threat saturation will be crippled.

Second turn is where I plan to "break their back" under the pressure of all the threats. After another round of grav and flamers in addition to the arrival of reinforcement pods and fire support/air superiority craft, the Ironclads will start trying to get into assault and overrun their lines.

That is the general plan, but I have lots of flexibility and control in deciding which pods come in on which turn, if for instance my opponent has some deployment shenanigans of their own.

What do y'all think?

08-03-2015, 09:30 PM
You're going to have a lot of trouble with horde armies. I can see this list doing well against elite armies and vehicle-heavy armies, but it's going to hate itself in terms of horde. Orks, Tyranids, and Imperial Guard could all give this list a rough time. Lot of this is going to depend on your initial deployment.

08-04-2015, 08:12 AM
You're going to have a lot of trouble with horde armies. I can see this list doing well against elite armies and vehicle-heavy armies, but it's going to hate itself in terms of horde. Orks, Tyranids, and Imperial Guard could all give this list a rough time. Lot of this is going to depend on your initial deployment.

I have only played a handful of games with it so far but one game was against horde orks. The ironclads by themselves killed over 30 boyz turn 1. I have a lot of flame templates that I can put pretty much anywhere I want!

I'm actually thinking it will be weak against multiple Knight Titans, but I haven't gone against a list like that yet.