View Full Version : The Silent King (LeNecrons)

08-03-2015, 01:05 PM
I was just finishing up a Lychgaurd sqaud when the silent king just popped into my head. Now I know there hasent been a lot (If any of art work on him) because he is suppose to be a....well.... silent person, but it still got me wondering if any any point the necrons will get him as a model? Just a thought, dont insult me too much

08-04-2015, 06:18 AM
He went off into exile, noticed the Tyranids and came back to warn the Necrons. Seemingly got a bit lost... So IF there was ever to be a 13th Black Crusade Scenario he would probably turn up, but until then he is still quite lost

08-04-2015, 10:32 AM
I thought he joined a necron force which was fighting the blood angels, but the nids attacked during so they teamed up, then went their separate way?

Rev. Tiberius Jackhammer
08-04-2015, 07:04 PM
Yeah, he's active in the Milky Way now. Seems like release of new 40k special characters is slowing down a touch, but if any additional Necron characters are added, it'll most likely be the Silent King or that one-eyed Flayer King bloke.

Arkhan Land
08-05-2015, 12:47 PM
I wonder how powerful/point costed he would be, more/less than a c'tan?

08-05-2015, 01:18 PM
Well, being the king of all Necrons, and maybe having the knowledge to fix the control thing he broke which could control the entire necron force, i'd say he'd be quite powerful, maybe even more so than a shard

David Crossley
08-05-2015, 01:48 PM
Apparently Anrakyr the Traveller's concept art and profile was called the Silent King during testing, but they decided to make him a separate character and keep the Silent King a mystery instead prior to the previous codex dropping.

08-06-2015, 06:33 AM
I thought he joined a necron force which was fighting the blood angels, but the nids attacked during so they teamed up, then went their separate way?

He's in the novella "Word of the Silent King"
"He was taller than the rest, yet not as tall as I had imagined he might be... Framed by a cowl of shimmering light and the traceries of his intricate collar, Szarekh- heralded as the last and greatest of the Silent Kings, and undisputed overlord of the necron race - wore..."
Well, I don't want to spoil that part. ;)

08-06-2015, 07:23 AM
If he is taller than the rest of the necrons, he must be nearly as tall as a Primarch, yes? On the model standards a necron is taller than a space marine, and a primarch was only a head and shoulders taller right? So this means he one big SoB.

08-06-2015, 08:59 AM
Billyboy, that is how I took it at first. Now that I read it again, I think that The Silent King is only just a little bit bigger than the Lychguard and Overlords that were his escort. I'm thinking that the point-of-view space marine was expecting a Primarch-sized necron.

Some day when 3d scanning and 3d printing technologies are up to snuff I'd like to try to make my own Silent King. Hopefully, GW will beat me to the punch.

I just looked at some Warriors that I have compared to my son's space marines. The warriors would be taller than the space marine if he wasn't slouched down so much. The Immortals and Lychguard tower above the Space Marines, so the Silent King would indeed be "one big SOB".

Powers wise? He would need to have powers that make Necrons better across the board. There isn't any necron character with those types of powers (other than Zahndrek's ability to choose Warlord Traits every turn).

08-06-2015, 09:58 AM
Sounds like a job for ForgeWorld. They've done well with the Primarchs so far, and it would fit their more niche market. The only problem is that there are 11 more Imperial Armours till they get back to Necrons. ;)

08-06-2015, 11:16 AM
Either way, the necrons are a tall bunch, and to GW beating you to making LeSilent king, i guess it would come down to them even doing the 13th black crusade, when is the last time they actually moved the story along?

08-06-2015, 11:48 AM
It was the 13th Black Crusade, which they then reverted from because some were found to be fixing the results.

Of course, there is the rumor that in 2 years, 40K will be seeing an End Times/Age of Sigmar redeux of their own. We'll see how that fits in the salt mine.

Still, it doesn't mean he couldn't be influential on other battlefields in the meantime.

It would be interesting to see a Campaign or Imperial Armour which focuses on the Silent King facing off against a Tyranid Horde, even if it is just a small Imperial force to provide perspective.

Of course, he'd have to make the Stormlord look like a clumsy oaf.

08-06-2015, 12:07 PM
He could be in some other battles, like you said the nids, but were they not meant to be arriving the same time as the Black crusade for an all out s**t fest of a fight, im sure in the 300 years he has been back they could of found room for some influential battle, even if its just getting to a tomb world

08-07-2015, 11:31 AM
What do you think of these stats?

Szarekh, The Silent King
Jump Infantry Character
5 5 5 5 3 4 3 10 2+/3++

Warlord Trait:Ancient Memories Having been conscious for the whole time since the War In the Heavens, Szarekh retains the full measure of his tactical acumen and is able to transfer some measure of that knowledge to the necrons under his command. All friendly units with the Necron Faction and Reanimation Protocols in the army with Szarekh become initiative 4.
Wargear: Phase Shifter, Phylactery, Staff of the Triarch, Mask of the Angel

Staff of the Triarch containing a fragment of a dying star the Staff of the Triarch is a powerful melee and shooting weapon with the following profiles.
Range S AP Type
12" D - Assault 3
- D - Melee, Two-handed
Mask of the Angel - Modeled after the face of Sanguinius, the Mask of the Angel grants Szarekh a 3+ invulnerable save. In addition, all friendly units with the Necron Faction within 18" may automatically pass Leadership tests. Non-friendly units with the Blood Angels Faction within 18" of Szarekh and his unit gain the Rage special rule.
Special Rules: Independent Character, It Will Not Die, Eternal Warrior, Reanimation Protocols, Bulky
Right and Honorable Ruler Szarekh's honor in battle and hatred of the C'tan are legendary. Armies containing Szarekh can not take Deathmarks, Destroyers, Heavy Destroyers, Destroyer Lords, Flayed Ones, C'Tan Shards, Transcendent C'Tan, or Tesseract Vaults.

08-07-2015, 04:19 PM
What do you think of these stats?

Szarekh, The Silent King
Jump Infantry Character
5 5 5 5 3 4 3 10 2+/3++

Warlord Trait:Ancient Memories Having been conscious for the whole time since the War In the Heavens, Szarekh retains the full measure of his tactical acumen and is able to transfer some measure of that knowledge to the necrons under his command. All friendly units with the Necron Faction and Reanimation Protocols in the army with Szarekh become initiative 4.
Wargear: Phase Shifter, Phylactery, Staff of the Triarch, Mask of the Angel

Initiative is still too high. 3 at the most, but should still be 2. Also, Wraiths at I7? Phase Shifter is redundant with the Mask's Invul Save.

Staff of the Triarch containing a fragment of a dying star the Staff of the Triarch is a powerful melee and shooting weapon with the following profiles.
Range S AP Type
12" D - Assault 3
- D - Melee, Two-handed

Str D is too much. Keep it 5, but have it Auto-Wound/Penetrate and ID on To-Wound of 6. Penetrating Hits cause D3 Hull Points lost.

Mask of the Angel - Modeled after the face of Sanguinius, the Mask of the Angel grants Szarekh a 3+ invulnerable save. In addition, all friendly units with the Necron Faction within 18" may automatically pass Leadership tests. Non-friendly units with the Blood Angels Faction within 18" of Szarekh and his unit gain the Rage special rule.
Special Rules: Independent Character, It Will Not Die, Eternal Warrior, Reanimation Protocols, Bulky

Interesting and workable. Drop IWND, and just keep it with the Phylactory.

Right and Honorable Ruler Szarekh's honor in battle and hatred of the C'tan are legendary. Armies containing Szarekh can not take Deathmarks, Destroyers, Heavy Destroyers, Destroyer Lords, Flayed Ones, C'Tan Shards, Transcendent C'Tan, or Tesseract Vaults.

The Vault would have been his idea, or at least met with his approval. The pet C'tan I can see being forbidden alongside the Destroyers and Flayed Ones. Still, this stuff isn't really used any more and should be limited to a small, but nasty Formation.

Another thought would be a Unique Command Barge, too. I'll see if I can work it up later.

08-07-2015, 05:31 PM
It would be interesting to see a Campaign or Imperial Armour which focuses on the Silent King facing off against a Tyranid Horde, even if it is just a small Imperial force to provide perspective.

I highly doubt he'll get an IA book - Fall of Orpheus is still the most recent of its kind (as in, new and story-driven), after all. I could see a campaign book, or even a supplement though... here's hoping!

08-07-2015, 11:02 PM
I highly doubt he'll get an IA book - Fall of Orpheus is still the most recent of its kind (as in, new and story-driven), after all. I could see a campaign book, or even a supplement though... here's hoping!

So, you didn't see where I posted that they are about 11 Imperial Armours away from doing that...

Of course, the only Campaign series IS a Necron/Tyranid one (with a side order of Blood Angels, but who cares about them), so who knows if/when they will ever look at Necrons again with it.

08-08-2015, 09:22 PM
Initiative is still too high. 3 at the most, but should still be 2. Also, Wraiths at I7? Phase Shifter is redundant with the Mask's Invul Save.

Str D is too much. Keep it 5, but have it Auto-Wound/Penetrate and ID on To-Wound of 6. Penetrating Hits cause D3 Hull Points lost.

Interesting and workable. Drop IWND, and just keep it with the Phylactory.

The Vault would have been his idea, or at least met with his approval. The pet C'tan I can see being forbidden alongside the Destroyers and Flayed Ones. Still, this stuff isn't really used any more and should be limited to a small, but nasty Formation.

Another thought would be a Unique Command Barge, too. I'll see if I can work it up later.

Necron's one big weakness is initiative. But as far as Wraiths getting Initiative 7... not happening. This ability would set the Initiative to 4... which happens after other modifications (including Whipcoils), but only if they have Reanimation Protocols. In other words, the best you can do is save the points on buying Whipcoils for them in the detachment. Setting Initiative at 3 would be ok, but I really don't see why these machines don't have predictive analytics...

Strength D on a single model isn't bonkers. I do like ID/D3 Hullpoints on a 6, but I like the simplicity of just making it D.

Phylactery with Eternal Warrior is good. I just copied IWND from the Stormlord. Good change.

I also see your point about the Vault. It is a pure fluff choice.

Szarekh, The Silent King
Jump Infantry Character
5 5 5 5 3 4 3 10 2+/3++

Warlord Trait:Ancient Memories Having been conscious for the whole time since the War In the Heavens, Szarekh retains the full measure of his tactical acumen and is able to transfer some measure of that knowledge to the necrons under his command. All friendly units with the Necron Faction and Reanimation Protocols in the army with Szarekh become initiative 4.
Wargear: Resurrection Orb, Phylactery, Staff of the Triarch, Mask of the Angel

Staff of the Triarch Containing a fragment of a dying star, the Staff of the Triarch is a powerful melee and shooting weapon with the following profiles.
Range S AP Type
12" D - Assault 1
- D - Melee, Two-handed

Mask of the Angel - Modeled after the face of Sanguinius, the Mask of the Angel grants Szarekh a 3+ invulnerable save. In addition, all friendly units with the Necron Faction within 18" may automatically pass Leadership tests. Non-friendly units with the Blood Angels Faction within 18" of Szarekh and his unit gain the Rage special rule.

Special Rules: Independent Character, Eternal Warrior, Reanimation Protocols, Bulky

Right and Honorable Ruler Szarekh's honor in battle and hatred of the C'tan are legendary. Armies containing Szarekh can not take Deathmarks, Destroyers, Heavy Destroyers, Destroyer Lords, Flayed Ones, C'Tan Shards or Transcendent C'Tan.

The main question... how many points? Stormlord is just less than 200 and Zahndrekh is a bit over 150, but Sarakh is way more useful than either of those. He probably puts Mepheston to shame as well. I'm thinking 280 points maybe? It's still less than a WraithKnight.

08-09-2015, 02:41 PM
Necron's one big weakness is initiative. But as far as Wraiths getting Initiative 7... not happening. This ability would set the Initiative to 4... which happens after other modifications (including Whipcoils), but only if they have Reanimation Protocols. In other words, the best you can do is save the points on buying Whipcoils for them in the detachment. Setting Initiative at 3 would be ok, but I really don't see why these machines don't have predictive analytics...

Because close combat is not a Necron thing. Wraiths are repair machines first, and combat deathblades second. Their culture is all about shooting things down and hate using close combat, so speed is not a priority for them.

Strength D on a single model isn't bonkers. I do like ID/D3 Hullpoints on a 6, but I like the simplicity of just making it D.

How many Infantry models have access to full Str D? Sure, there are the Wraiths, but their version is severely nerfed.

08-09-2015, 03:42 PM
How many Infantry models have access to full Str D? Sure, there are the Wraiths, but their version is severely nerfed.

Only the D-scythe version is nerfed; the wraithcannon is full-frontal D limited only by its 12" range.