View Full Version : Resuscitating my Ork army

08-02-2015, 01:45 PM
Years ago during the distant age of 2010 I started my Ork army. The general consensus on painting them (according to Youtube at least) was prime with black spray primer, color flesh with a base coat of Dark Angles Green, Dry brush with Goblin Green, and hit em with Thrakka wash at the end.

I was generally pleased with the final product but the whole process took forever to get a squad of 30 boyz going. Then I came across a quick painting tutorial that promised to get the Orks "table ready" but they wouldn't exactly win any Golden Demon awards.

The process started with a White spray primer then a Gryphonne Sepia wash before any painting. The flesh is hit with Thrakka wash and the remaining armor, clothes, and weapons are hit with an appropriately colored wash.

Now I don't know if it was because I used Citadel spray primer instead of my usual Army Painter spray or the fact that it was raining outside so the humidity was higher than usual but my orks ended up with rough patches of bubbling. Trying to paint over it didn't help and parts of them just looked terrible. I don't think it would have even looked good on a Nurgle Marine.

To cover up the really egregious patches I used bitz like shoulder pads, stikkbombs, and masks. The process ended up taking more time than my original painting method. This put me off my Orks and I only recently started working on them again.

The two shoota boyz on the left (yellow shirts) are painted with the white base method and the one on the right is with my old method (red shirt). The yellow shirts are a bit muddier and I'm worried they won't stand out as well.

Thankfully I'm almost done painting all the bitz and gluing them on. I'm hoping that some highlighting will help to brighten them up before I dip them in Quickshade for a final coat.

I will take a few shots of the shoota boyz squad once I'm done. Can't wait till these guys are done so I can move on to the fun stuff like vehicles and walkers.
