View Full Version : War Stories - Age of Sigmar Edition

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
07-31-2015, 05:22 AM
So, Age of Sigmar has been out for just over a month now, and I for one have been playing a LOT of it. For me, it has actually overtaken 40k in my favourite game to play. I find that it is a lot less clunky, and there are less rule debates, it's really fun.
So here's the point, how about we share some new war stories?
I have been fighting a bitter war against Chaos it seems, almost exclusively. So far I have played against High Elves twice, Daemons of Chaos three times, Warriors of Chaos three times and Skaven four times.

I have won most of my Age of Sigmar games so far. Though not without sustaining ridiculously high casualties. My Prosecutors never make it through a game, it's quite laughable now. :D

The Skaven army I keep playing is the army belonging to my best friend, he loves his Skaven, in ye olde systeme he had roughly 8000ish points of them. I'm now trying to assemble enough forces of Order to my cause to be able to fight his entire Chaos army. (he has a few Daemons and Warriors too)
I have beaten him twice, one of the times he beat me was in a doubles game, Skaven and Nurgle Daemons vs my Stormcast and some Empire. Admittedly, he was knocked out of the fight quite early, as my strategic lightning strikes managed to pull the two allies apart and smash them individually. My teammate did virtually nothing. Which has made me dubious about Karl Franz, as he seems a bit naff to be honest.
Now here is where the bulls*** comes in. The Daemons player is a lovely guy, and an amazing friend too, but he annoyed me so much in this game, you see, he seems to be massively lucky. My Retributors were desperately trying to hack through a Plaguebearer unit to get to the Ritual site to help out my Lord-Celestant (upon his jokily named mount Fluffy) and the thing about Daemons is, if they have a banner and roll for Battleshock, on a 1 they get d6 models back. My Retributors could not kill this unit as they managed to get a total of 17 models back. He rolled a 1 three times! Grrrrrrrrr. Unfortunately the Chaos side managed to kill the General of the army (Fluffy) and the secondary General (Karl Franz) in the same turn as they were both suitably battered.
If my teammate had listened to the strategy I was coming up with, things may have been a bit different.

So guys, what are your Age of Sigmar experiences? And do you have any models to share pictures of?

07-31-2015, 07:20 AM
I just finished painting my AoS Liberators.
Hopefully, when I finish all my painting I can contribute some tales.
Enjoyed your war story!
Please post more!

Mr Mystery
07-31-2015, 12:32 PM
Heading round Bloody Enormous Si's place tomorrow for some AoS :)

Shall report back on my glorious victory accordingly!

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
07-31-2015, 01:58 PM
Awesome. I love hearing stories. I will post another story shortly!

Path Walker
07-31-2015, 02:17 PM
My favorite moment so far is some Chaos Trolls vomiting on Tyrion till he died, he then managed a 1 on the resurrection roll, Trolls rule.

AoS is easily my favorite game to play with mates right now, never had a bad game.

07-31-2015, 03:13 PM
One of my favorite things from all my battles so far... Ratling gun can shoot 4d6 shots and I rolled 23shots! I killed an entire unit of temple guard... It was great... I don't want to talk about how many times I have rolled 1 and my weapon teams have died because they are trying get more damage from their shots... Every game I have lost a unit because skaven technology is fickle... It's still hilarious... I wish my warpfire thrower still exploded.. Or ran around on fire... Those were great times... Now they just die.

Anthrax ion pusscabe
08-01-2015, 01:32 AM
I tunnelled 25 clanrats and a warp grinder onto the board and attempted a first turn charge, snake eyes on the charge role, then lost ten clanrats between thunderous musket fire and belegor iron hammer charging them, ended up with three left, then I lost a unit of rat ogres to belegor, then unleashed the fury of two warp fire throwers on belegor, still didn't kill him (though he was fairly wounded) then me and my mate had to end the game early because lunch was ready

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
08-01-2015, 03:43 AM
Wow Anthrax, that is some terrible luck!

I do like the element of Skaven tech that is so random, makes for a more hilarious victory (or loss)

Anthrax ion pusscabe
08-01-2015, 06:19 AM
It's ok I got my mate back in the next game with a sweeping advance of nine black knights and mounted vampire that did more damage then nagash and a terrorghast combined by getting really good roles, ended the game with all nine blackknights in the unit and the vampire on full health

- - - Updated - - -

Though I'm looking forward to the next game with him when I get to try a new "roman tactics" undead build of a wight king, 40 skeleton spearmen with tomb shields, 8 skeleton horse archers and 3 skeleton chariots, I should try to organise it for sometime soon

Anthrax ion pusscabe
08-03-2015, 03:22 AM
First unit of skeleton spearmen with tomb shields and re painted wight king in my skeleton only hordes colour scheme, this will be a seperate army to my vampire counts army, now to start on the horse archers

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
08-18-2015, 03:13 AM
Good work dude.

Sorry for the delayed return guys, turns out that being an Assistant Manager is a lot of work!

Right, played against Seraphon the other day, and Ripperdactyls are actually BS, a big steaming pile of BS. One 4 man unit of them inflicted 68 wounds against my Liberators, that should plain not happen.
I beat the snot out of those as quickly as I could. But I did lose. I felt like I had too many units so I didn't use a couple. Never again, max units whenever I see Ripperdactyls.
His Carnosaur did get ganked by Protectors though. They inflicted 22 wounds against it.

Anthrax ion pusscabe
08-18-2015, 03:21 AM
I'm planing to re paint the older undead I have to match the new colour scheme, but unfortunately I'm out of undercoat

08-18-2015, 07:12 AM
As far as my war stories are concerned I've fought against, skaven, undead, skaven, chaos, skaven and did I mention skaven?

Haha the little rats sure are popular around here :)

In all fairness I've been fielding skaven as some of my forces for just about all my games too, so I can't blame my opponents :)

Anthrax ion pusscabe
08-29-2015, 07:40 PM
Ok I've had another game of AOS, deployment was the biggest factor in the battle in question, the battlefield had four "ruined towers" around the middle that we decided where impassable and my friend misjudged the space needed to fit two units of dwarves through the centre and left their cannon of the flank, I managed to get three skeleton chariots all the way around the board, destroying the cannon and then charging into his units trying to reshape themselves to fit through the limited space down the centre of the board, and well dwarves don't do well when chariots are charging them from behind and a spear wall of skeleton warriors is at the front, it just became a grinding match then and skeletons chariots can deal a fair amount of damage even off the charge