View Full Version : Electronic music producers thread

Asymmetrical Xeno
07-29-2015, 03:46 PM
Can't be the only synth nerd here, surely? Post your projects, gear lists, remixes and more!

Me :
My main project is Ion Plasma Incineration - a harsh Electro-Industrial/Aggrotech sound with hard SF themes, but i've dabbled with DnB, Psytrance, EBM, Gabber and electronic-metal (no guitars).

My latest album is a tribute to HP Lovecraft's Yog Sothoth deity and is a psychadelic, dissonant industrial sound with church organs, harmoniums, 20's jazz samples and daemonic vocals : https://ionplasmaincineration.bandcamp.com/album/incantations-to-from-yog-sothoth

I also make unofficial Necron music here : https://tachyoncrisistalon.bandcamp.com/ /fanboy

What do YOU make?

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
07-30-2015, 03:04 AM
Hopefully I'll be able to post here properly soon. I'm going to use vocaloids. :D
Capitalising on popularity for the win.

Asymmetrical Xeno
07-31-2015, 10:01 AM
What software are you using? Any specific genres or ideas in mind?

I've been using FL studio since like 2002 so I stick with it myself but a lot of people seem to really love Ableton.

07-31-2015, 04:17 PM
AX I remember one of your albums, it was awesome :)

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
08-01-2015, 03:45 AM
What software are you using? Any specific genres or ideas in mind?

I've been using FL studio since like 2002 so I stick with it myself but a lot of people seem to really love Ableton.

Nothing as of yet. Too busy.

Asymmetrical Xeno
08-10-2015, 10:30 AM
Been working on my aggrotech project Saw Neptune the past week, no vocals yet but quite happy with it so far :


Think it could do with some samples as well vox..

Asymmetrical Xeno
01-05-2016, 02:16 PM
Finally getting back to my main project IPI and finished this just now :

Slow, heavy and intense stuff....allthough I am going to balance that with more drum n' bass and breakbeat heavy stuff

Asymmetrical Xeno
01-19-2016, 12:54 PM
Working on new Tachyon Crisis Talon, for anyone wanting authentic necron "angry robot music", look no further. I am the king of it :

Also put these releases out in december :
Tribute to one of my favourite SF books of all time. Instrumental soundtrack.

21 minute Dark psytrance single.

Drum n' bass EP, people keep comparing it to black sun empire. I don't mind that comparison. Already working on the next full length album of this project.

My new powernoise side project.

if you like any of it, do consider giving a little for them please!

01-19-2016, 03:42 PM
quite liking the dragon egg

Asymmetrical Xeno
01-20-2016, 04:30 PM
AWESOME article and sadly, all TRUE :

The 13 Most Insidious, Pervasive Lies of the Modern Music Industry…

Arkhan Land
01-21-2016, 01:28 AM
Damn AX I like these jams, dark oxide strain is a cool chiller.

well, I have some weird little odds and ends, really wish i had more of my electronic field oriented type stuff but ive gotten a little lazy about uploading stuff I dont play out live as much, which latelys been mostly bandish stuff

pretty basic Kraftwerk/YMO worship here, I bust this out from time to time live but less as the years go on, truly a pain in the ***, more or less its a yamaha dx7 a korg poly-6 or 61 and then one of my old roland drum machines all driven by an old floppy drive sequencer, 5 strobes and 2 fog machines

this one was done in worship of Frank Klepacki, who wrote among many others the Command and Conquer soundtrack
its 40k appropriately titled, The Wave Serpent, its actually about a japanese poem I like that relates how one day the whales will be a sea myth

heres some total noise, **** one of my groups got put out earlier this year, gotten to tour doing some cool noise fests and weird gigs, played with wolf eyes just a bit ago for any other noise-heads who did that jazz, gon play with them again in philly in march I think if anyone wants to come hangout at that gig, were gonna get mega wasted

and finally heres a piece of what is now history thank god, this goth band I toured in a ton, got to go outa country, fly to see the other coast and all the fun stuffs. the experience was something akin to that of cartoon of what being in a rocknroll band is like in nearly every way imaginable, I actually got to do an interview in high times where I quoted dune and it ended up as an highlighted quote. anyways this also was the doom of the band, it fell apart this summer right before what would have been the mexico tour my singer would have probably died on had we gone, not that im sure at this point it would have been the end of the world (he kind of fell to the bad side of life on a lot of things, thankfully hes outa my life). its only funny now cause everyone made it out and is okay now
and with that in mind heres me tickling some pearly whites via some 70s and 80s Korgs

Asymmetrical Xeno
01-22-2016, 12:56 PM
another new TCT track, from your local necron cryptek...

Asymmetrical Xeno
01-27-2016, 05:27 PM
this article is right on the money!


The news that the reunited "classic" lineup of Guns N' Roses' will headline Coachella this year, as confirmed by singer Axl Rose Tuesday morning, may be the stuff of answered prayers to many music fans. But others, like myself, see instead a sign that rock and roll is doomed.

True, I love Guns N’ Roses and even praise them for this reunion; should they go on tour as some are expecting, I will even dutifully buy tickets to their show. But I also understand that this reunion speaks to a deep-seated need in the music world. We long for this caliber of band — the all-encompassing, billboard-swallowing idol — simply because there are no more new rock stars.

This is the failing of the digital age: we are no longer creating any new rock heroes. The days of the titans are gone. Music stores are bankrupt, MTV is dead, a world tour no longer means anything when you can watch it on YouTube for free. Fans have destroyed music by trading in Buddy Rich for a drum machine on an iPhone.

The thousands of musicians around the world might be still heard and appreciated if the industry were organized around a clear path to stardom, but that path is now scattered, unclear and impossible to follow. Worse, being a musician or working in the music industry has become a completely unsustainable career choice. Many musicians, such as CJ McMahon, AEON and Carnifex in 2013, have been forced to quit. Opportunities for commercial success have dried up, while musicians are expected to play for free.

Nowadays, new bands can’t seem to get off the ground and get noticed. How many bands do you know have a GoFundMe or some other account created to do the job of what record labels used to do? While bands you love may certainly deserve your support, you’re not going to help any band break through, because there’s nothing to break through to anymore. By all means, create new music, but understand that's no guarantee of stardom.

Don’t shrug this off and call it “progress,” especially when musicians are starving. Every asshat who pulls out a cellphone and records entire songs — or worse, entire shows — and uploads them to the Internet robs musicians of not only a paycheck but their art. These people are not fans, but rather charlatans and thieves.

Asymmetrical Xeno
02-02-2016, 07:39 AM
Put out my newest album yesterday,


It's "Pay what you want", so if your a cheapskate you can get it for free :

Probably be the heaviest electronic music you will hear all year. Pure Necron carnage!

Arkhan Land
02-02-2016, 09:42 AM
this article is right on the money!


The thousands of musicians around the world might be still heard and appreciated if the industry were organized around a clear path to stardom, but that path is now scattered, unclear and impossible to follow. Worse, being a musician or working in the music industry has become a completely unsustainable career choice. Many musicians, such as CJ McMahon, AEON and Carnifex in 2013, have been forced to quit. Opportunities for commercial success have dried up, while musicians are expected to play for free.

Nowadays, new bands can’t seem to get off the ground and get noticed. How many bands do you know have a GoFundMe or some other account created to do the job of what record labels used to do? While bands you love may certainly deserve your support, you’re not going to help any band break through, because there’s nothing to break through to anymore. By all means, create new music, but understand that's no guarantee of stardom.

Don’t shrug this off and call it “progress,” especially when musicians are starving. Every asshat who pulls out a cellphone and records entire songs — or worse, entire shows — and uploads them to the Internet robs musicians of not only a paycheck but their art. These people are not fans, but rather charlatans and thieves.

This article notices some thing but ignores other elephants in the room. At the clubs I work at, attendance is up. We do have a few people who use laptops/iphones and nothing else to preform with, but they are few and far between compared to bands that actually use instruments.

as of late there are more and more independent festivals boasting incredible lineups be it for metal, "Vape Wave" or "Beach Goth"
Be it Chaos in Tejas, Varning, Hopskotch, or any other of the bigger new era festivals, the kids are into bands I assure you and to a certain extent are prepared to support them even more regularly than any era before.

The truth of the matter is that big music is dead and dying like most other mass media formats, but its being coupled with something else that this article and most other people in the "Music Industry" completely miss/dont talk about:

The Kids are Broke (again)

check it.
Right now in america the kids are broke, we are literally only now crawling out of one the most massive periods of unemployment for people 18-35, most kids dont care about msuic because they cant afford to beyond the interactions which are free or cost little to nothing. But this isnt the first time this has happened. late 70s-early 80s deppression in europe and the mid 80s deppression in europe made it fashionable for youths to go see shows at abandoned industrial zones/ and sqauts in europe, house shows and warehouse shows in the US. In my lifetime I have gotten to watch the DIY music scene blossom and grow every year while watching more and more major label bands truck it out to one of the 500-250 person rooms I do sound at as they attempt to figure out exactly how big their waning fan-base is.

My friend andy for a while operated one of the single biggest independent vinyl record labels on the east coast/US for years. Hes pretty upfront with me about stuff.
he said there is 0 market for larger label bands to really make money on anything but performance and licencing, once you are on a serious label, people dont feel like they have to pay for your music and you start to aquire the sort of fans that will go see you play once a year, name you their favorite band, and stop going to other shows altogether. Hew veiwed it as being fundamentally detrimental and that the smarter bigger labels were in fact doing the smart thing and building smaller "indy" labels that they owned that now would once again do releases in LP and Cassette format, and they did. most major bands now release their albumns on vinyl as well, and my friend Caitlin sells them all day long at the Barnes and Nobles she works at, the diy/indy label image sells way better than the big label now.

Some of my previous bands have had some bewildering success, despite the fact that almost all of our music was available online we still managed to sell out of almost all of our releases in some cases. our cassettes (which btw we make $4 profit on every one) and our lps dont contain anything that cant be found online, in some cases in HQ for free in a totally legal donwloadable way but we still sold out of them, why?
because we exist in a culture totally attached to the idea of the material release, the memento, the physical proof of ones actions.

in the smartphone download world that doesnt happen sometimes because the people making music are located so far from you that you will never see them live. which is another thing.

Live performance is the second part of this puzzle the industry only has but so figured out. Its where you make money in terms of actually getting paid to preform and in merchandising where people buy stuff directly from you in a situation that they might not otherwise be inclined to. but its all entirely worthless without... people to show up but thats a whole-nother discussion which differs greatly for older established bands and for younger undiscovered bands

Asymmetrical Xeno
04-07-2016, 06:59 AM
Am just going to use htis thread to post and promote good electronic music :


awesome free net-label that specialises in psytrance, goa and related electronic genres. Theres even some good Psybreaks stuff (that genre seems hard to find too)

Rather liking their latest release :

DL here : http://www.ektoplazm.com/files/Lectro%20Spektral%20Daze%20-%20Full%20Fractal%20Vision%20-%202016%20-%20MP3.zip

Fantastic acid goa trance with nice analog sounding soundings.

- - - Updated - - -

meanwhile Aliens productions have put out a fabulous various artists compilation :



A fantastic mix of IDM, dark-electro, experimental electronics, ambient and more. Amazing cinematic atmospheres. Each track is really unique and diverse and seems to be at the cutting edge of modern electronic music. Will no doubt be one of my favourites of the year. My favourite is probably RecFrag's Neon waterfall - great mix of electronics and ethnic sounds and the almost powernoise beat gives it a nice crunch!

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Cyberpunk futurepop rockers THYX releases a new album, full of pink floyd influences, retro synths, modern production and mindblowing song-writing :


so much amazing electronic music coming out and so few people caring! such a sad state!

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MEMMAKER are back with a kickass new album "Let there be Lasers", I mean how can you go wrong with an album title like that? You cant, it's a nice mashup of DnB, industrial techno, trance and powernoise.

this ones got a nice mix o the aforementioned styles, with a great DnB backbone :


While this ones more Aggrotech-ish :



Asymmetrical Xeno
04-11-2016, 01:42 PM
Soundcloud picks :

"Adult fiction" by Marc Heal

Awesome to see ex-cubanate legend go back to music, while I loved cubanate, I'm glad theres no guitars in this stuff. Reminds me a bit of Gary numan which is always a good thing.

"Digital" by :Neurocide:

Kickass drum n' bass with a fast futuristic cinematic drive to it! Really nice.

"She's The Latest model" by Mangadrive

Got a great old-school EBM/80's vibe to this one.

Asymmetrical Xeno
04-12-2016, 04:38 PM
Made this industrial dubstep track on monday :

recorded noises from the clanky old bus I was on, which I used for noise, percussion and used the announcer voice thingy for samples. Enjoy.

04-15-2016, 04:26 AM

Asymmetrical Xeno
04-15-2016, 09:22 AM
thats some gorgeous pixel art, id love go live looking admech style! would be so apt lol

Asymmetrical Xeno
04-16-2016, 05:35 AM
Awesome female darkwave electronica, Demona Bast :


Great powernoise from Blush Response :


04-18-2016, 02:05 AM
thats some gorgeous pixel art, id love go live looking admech style! would be so apt lol

Yeah, when I saw it I thought you'd appreciate that.