View Full Version : What's the biggest battle yo'uve ever been apart of?

Lord Azaghul
03-11-2010, 05:30 PM
For me it was a huge 32,000 8 player game about 2 months ago. It as an apoc game to end our campaign.

03-11-2010, 05:34 PM
I've done an apocalypse - 16000pts a side... turn 1 took nearly a day on its own... now we never play more than 6-8000 each...

03-11-2010, 05:35 PM
Over 5000 tanks/warmachines/monstrous creature battle @ the local Bunker.

Probably the last time I'll do that too. Kinda crazy and a bit too manic for my tastes.

03-11-2010, 08:42 PM
40,000 points per side (rather appropriate). We had roughly 10 players per team, 4000pts per player, with some extra to make up for any missing players.

I built a 4' tall Imperitor class Titan out of foamcore for my 4000 pts. Never finished it, but in one salvo of vortex grenades it killed several 'nid gargantuan creatures, Angron and bodyguard, and others.

03-12-2010, 12:25 AM
i played a huge game at my local gw. it was an apocalyptic planetstrike game with about 10 players on each side each with 1850 pt armies. it was pretty insane, we played for 4 hours and only got to turn 3. There was even a space hulk game going on and who ever won that game could drop 10 firestorm templates every time he won. our guy won twice so we destroyed almost every bastion on the table and we just barely won. it was pretty awesome

03-12-2010, 01:59 AM
My biggest was a 32,000 pt a side game. 3 players on one side (Orks, Choas and Necrons) vs 2 players (Blood angels and tyranids).

Took 2 1/2 days, plus half a day dedicated to setup.

03-12-2010, 02:02 AM
about 10+ people fielding whatever they could find and the stroe dropped in 3 Lr 's for who could waaaagh the loudest :P 1st game my gks played in but i didnt have the codex so I leased them to an opponent and they took out a warboss, boyz mob and more :)

apocs too crowded for me though possibly 1-4 players could work but most of the time it dosnt :(

03-12-2010, 04:50 AM
20+ player 100,000pts seige of the emperors palace to end our 30K campaign. Ill post some of the pics if i can find them

03-12-2010, 05:47 AM
16,000 pts a side, my BA & GKs vs Eldar, Chaos, Nids & Crons had some 3 v 1 action going on needless to say I wasn't too bothered by having comms jammed :)

We played for a weekend got to turn 3 and had a draw - never again, well untill I get my shiney new BA toy painted :)

03-12-2010, 08:47 AM
19,000 points per team:


I think about 16,000 points per team:


1 vs 1 'single player' Apocalypse Game:


Tyranid Invasion, about 30,000 points on the Tyranid Side. Sadly, less than that for Defenders:



03-12-2010, 10:53 AM
20,000 points aside - me with Ultramarines + mate with IG + titans vs my nephew + 2 mates with tyranids. No real winners justa whole lot of faun and carnage.:)

03-12-2010, 10:55 AM
On the day Apocalypse came out, my FLGS held a large battle with about 42,000 points per side.

Herald of Nurgle
03-12-2010, 01:35 PM
Taken part in a 50,000 point game last April. Trying to get another one this April too.

Most recent 'big' apoc game was me bringing down 10k points of Chaos/Eldar against four other guys. Boy that was hi-larious (had stuff in reserve for more people to come down lol)

03-12-2010, 05:31 PM
When Apoc came out we hosted a 40000-50,000 point per side battle. It was great fun and totally Stressful at the same time!


03-12-2010, 06:30 PM
46K, before Apoc.

03-12-2010, 08:23 PM
Before Apoc, 12,000 total. Yesterday, 40,000, which was the largest I've participated in. I had 8,000 (6500 of Blood Angels and 1500 of IG)

03-12-2010, 09:28 PM
At the SoCal GW Battle Bunker, we just hosted our largest game, which was 54,000 points per side and 9 tables. We genrally hold games in the 30-40 point per side range.

If you are in SoCal, please come join us!


03-14-2010, 03:40 AM
From memory I think our groups biggest battle pre-Apocalypse was 70k per side. It didn't really go too well. Post-Apocalypse our biggest group battle i think was 80k per side, though my brothers and i fought one with 90k per side at home. I found them a bit unfulfilling in some ways. No pictures so no proof either.:p

03-14-2010, 10:55 AM
Problem with these huge games is they take all day.

My local Game Club have put limits on time*, or even a MAXimum number of models you can bring. And if you're "AFGame" your teammate(s) can roll for you - AND IT WILL STICK success OR failure! Crybabies go home. Apocalypse is no place for crying.

*No time to discuss the My Little Pony during your Movement Phase. <CRACKS WHIP!>
*This is Apocalypse! Not time to brag about how you wtfpwned some n00b in [Insert Game Here]
*We're all hungry too. Lunch is after Turn Three. Shutup and play!

Add a few whip crackers and games go faster. 50,000 point per team games get completed to endgame results in a few hours if you keep everyone's attention.

We also found games are more enjoyable if there's some sort of Theme. Our best games have been:
Tyranid Invasion (Tyranids vs [Anyone OR Like-Armies of] Defenders)
Battle for Black Reach (Marines vs Orks)
Imperials vs Chaos (Marines, Imperial Guard, Inquisition vs Chaos Marines And Daemons)

Of course, there will be that one random player who brings Necrons to a Battle for MacCragge themed game. After you point and laugh at him, allow him to play the store army or somehow incorporate Necrons as remote controlled Marines....

03-14-2010, 03:45 PM
The biggist game a was part of was - of course - a apocalypse battle of the North Guard in Hamburg. I fought with a friend of mine on one of 3 tables each of us command 10 K of points. It was too much cause we played 2,5 day an only managed to complete turn 3 and a draw. On the other tables the games rushed faster cause the were titan-killer heavy - lots of titans an super-heavy. It was, overall, not a easy game but fun anyway.

I think 5 K per Person is enough to make the game flow and never let the titan-killer weapons dominate, they destroy tactica and fun too.

03-17-2010, 08:19 AM
I don't really know the points, but it would have been 11 years ago when I actually work for GW, it was one of the saturday afternoon games, as the youngest staff member it was my job to run the bloody thing, hang over and all, it started well with about 16 players and sort of escalated to nearer 30 or so crammed around a treble table.

Geez I earnt my wages that day, after the game was finished we locked up and the boss bought me a pint, Hair o' the dog :)

The West Coast Knight
03-17-2010, 08:39 AM
Somewhere around 200,000 per side Canadian GW HQ Day before Games Day Canada with all the store managers and Canadian Grey Knight volunteers.
It was awesome!
I had worked for months to get my 12k worth of Dark Angels done for the game.

03-19-2010, 02:45 AM
50 000 points each side. Was awesome. Nothing could argue with my 18 lone wolves, especially with a whole tank company at my side ;)