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View Full Version : Opinion?

James Maddox
07-27-2015, 03:39 PM
Ok have not really painted much since back in 2nd edition days but decided to I needed a hobby other than drinking. Just looking for opinions or advice on the few things I have dedicated to Big papa Nurg. My first post on here so if you going to tear me apart at least make it funny.15235

07-28-2015, 06:41 AM
Hardly likely to tear you apart; these are really solid. :)

If I was going to offer any advice, maybe use some blood effect on the Plaguebearer's innards? You could use GW's Blood for The Blood God, but that might be too red. Perhaps just mix a little yellowy-orange with some clear varnish (I use Klear floor polish, as recommended by Forge World), to give the impression of putrid insides?

You could also use some of GW's Typhus Corrosion technical paint on the vehicles. If you watered it down a little, and basically went over the big armour plates, it'd nicely mucky those up. Maybe use some pigment on the exposed metal; MiG do a great one called 'Old Rust', which is much darker orange colour than the rust pigment FW produce. It'd blend in very nicely with your chosen green tones.

I don't know, I think your work here's good. Maybe some nicely weathered bases for the Plaguebearers, but otherwise, it's looking pretty sound. :)

07-28-2015, 11:11 AM
The contrasting shade's nice.

The biggest areas that could use improvement are cleaning (some of the GS doesn't really smooth in to what it's on so looks like it's just on top; looks like you might have re-primed some kits w/o dealing with the paint beneath) and contrast (mid-tones are nice, highlights feel nonexistent).

Other than that, pretty solid :)

07-28-2015, 03:19 PM
I like it nice clean colour schemes :)